I. A temperature of from 100 C. to 200 C. may be used, the time 9f cure de creasing as the temperature is increased. may be somewhat viscous due to ,dissolved resin and especial care should be taken to avoid'too vigorous reaction and loss of material by foaming over. This was com-- posed of. The process of with formaldehyde and an alkaline making an insoluble and infusible resin which comprises reacting on a soluble and fusible ketone-aldehyde resinv activate I 'asoluble and fusible ketone-aldehyde resin with f0 maldehyde and caustic alkali. The number-average molecular weight of the developed resins was in the range of 450-1150. Further, the washed. On the other hand the ketonic resins will resist caustic alkali in definitely and even on boiling the resin in strong caustic soda little orno destructive. This paper details the synthesis of ketonic resin from cyclohexanone and its compatibility. of styryl isobutyl ketone to epimeric diketones, C 26 H 32 O 2, and a The material is again carefully dried and ground when it is ready to be molded under heatand-pressure to form a hard-dense substantially infu'sible article. example a resin which I term soluble ace tone resin may be soluble in acetone or alcohol or in mixtures of these solvents but not necessarily soluble in benzol or toluol. The ketonic resin can be used as a substitute of phenolic resins which are prepared from more hazardous materials monomers such as phenolic and aldehyde compounds. Unimide resin are dimer fatty acid based polyamide resin, It is mainly known as Alcohol or co-solvent soluble Polyamide resin. In referrin to resins as soluble it should be understoo that the degree of solubility in certain organic solvents constitutes the meaning in which the term is used. In a similar manner the activating agent may be incorporated with either of the resinifying substances. At this point the reaction was'stopped byaddition of dilute sulphuric acid until the mixture showed a slightly acid reaction. v, I have ound-that-this+resin does not have any undesirable action on' thesteel molds *commonly employediin preparing plastic articjles. As caustic soda or caustic potash is sometimes objectionable owing to a stro alkaline reaction sodium sulphite may used in some cases. ketone resins often consist of a simple solution of the resin in mineral spirits (white spirit). i, One feature of the ketnoic resin per se is that it exhibits a remarkable degree of resistance to strong alkalies such as caustic alkali. Very few patents are available regarding oligomerization, sole manufacturer of the self-condensation product of cyclo-, hexanone and alkylated cyclohexanone. For. ", ' While I have gone into considerabledetail indisclosing the'processes illustrative of my invention it should be understood that I do not limit myself to any of the precise details set forth, various modifications being possible which fall within the scope of my mvention or the equivalency of the claims here inafter appended. To investigate the effects of operating parameters on physico–chemical properties, reaction time was varied between 7 and 20 h, catalyst loading was varied between 0.05–0.4, and temperature was varied in the range of 90–160 °C. About Us. Varnishes: Authenticity and permanence, Klein, J. F. M., Petrus, A. M. J. S., and Thoma. all the differentmethodswhich may be utilized for/eflecting such transformation. tent was determined by using the Karl Fischer instrument. 3. y. Basic catalytic self-condensation of cyclohexanone in the liquid phase was conducted in a batch reactor by using sodium hydroxide as catalyst (CNaOH values from 1.6 to 30.0 mmol/kg). The rate of disappearing of cyclohexanone strongly depends on the amount of water in the reacting medium. Ketone-aldehyde resins, also known as cyclohexanone or ketonic resins, are condensation products of cyclohexanone and an aldehyde such as formaldehyde or isobutyraldehyde. The resin can be used as a substitute of more hazardous materials such as phenolic and aldehyde compounds. A good quality resin was obtained when the reaction was performed in a closed reactor. Chem., 34, 444–450. v. The filler may be treated with an alcoholic or acetone solution of the soluble 'resin xlr'red and the material obtained ground to a powder "then treatedwith a slution containing formaldehyde or parafOrm and caustic soda, sodium sulphi-te or sodium carbonate. Ketonic resins are basically light color products and less toxic in comparison to phenolic and aldehyde resins [4. The process of making an insoluble and infusible resin which comprises reacting on a 10 soluble and fusible ketone-aldehyde resin vviltlh aqueous formaldehyde and caustic alka 5. Pyrolysis of trimer 4 produces 1 and 2b, an epimer of 2a. The preexponential factors and the activation energies of the kinetic constants are given. Paper-like product and method of making the same. triketone, C 39 H 48 O 3. From the literature, survey, it has been observed that there is no information, available regarding the preparation and analysis of a ke, resin. sition of raw materials and operating parameters. This is of very great advantage in molding operations as it enables the time of curing to be reduced over that required for many other mOlding. However, the literature did not mention anything, about the polymerization reaction (greater than dimer) and, polymer properties like hydroxyl value, softening point, acid, cess for the preparation of 2-(1-cyclohexenyl)-cycloh. In the process of making ketone-aldehyde resin the steps which comprise agitating an aqueous solution of an aldehyde and (a 'ket-one in-the presence of an activating agent whereby a resin ⦠Originality/value Established in the year 1989, Polyols and Polymers Pvt.Ltd. The estimated activation energy of D formation was 132.6 kJ/mol. dispersions, and production of surface-coating binders, US Patent The hydroxyl value of the liquid products was less than 90 mg KOH/g of sample and the product is not suitable for coating applications due to the presence of significant amount of dimer, trimer and unconverted monomer. E-mail: Downloaded by [Birla Institute of Technology and Science] at 21:25 30 March 2015, cyclohexanone over ion-exchange resin catalysts. If the water concentration is greater than 0.3 mol/L, the rate is r = k1CA2/(1 + k2Cw2), where r is expressed in mol/(min gdryresin) and CA and Cw are the molar concentrations of cyclohexanone and water, respectively. A decreasing trend is also observed in the case of, acid value and iodine value with an increase of ketone-to-, alkali weight ratio. It was then 'found to be 'in'fusible showing that even at 100 C. in t the presence of the caustic soda t'he'vre- 1 action progressedto dorm an intusible product. Therefore, it had to be considered in the kinetic model. ... Few studies are available in the literature on development of ketonic resins for paint and coating applications. action takes place. It was calculated using the following expression. Preparation of aqueous ketone resin or ketone=aldehyde resin The apparent activation energy was in the range from 30 to 41 kJ mol⁻¹. In other cases a resin which is fusible but inot readily soluble may he :ground in =a ball -mill with the filler to secure a thorough 'commingling. In general, methyl-cyclohexanone resins are softer and more plastic in, of ketones catalyzed by aluminum oxide. A this point two procedures are possible, (1) allow{ the reaction mixture to cool and the resin: to separate completely from the aqueous layer above, draw oil the aqueous layer or the resin solution thereby effecting a separation or (2) pour the reaction mixture into a considerable volume of water or add Water to the former thereby precipitating the resin in a soft plastic state in which form it may be kneaded in hot water to wash out alkali. -The reaction is a vigorous one and if al-' lowed to rogress spontaneously to full extent would explosions. The mixture was agitated and cooled to prevent the reaction becoming too violent. We have proven our capability by supplying turnkey ⦠The-mold ed articles obtained without further transformation of the resin :are of 5 course softened by heat (and formany purposes articles-are required which are resistant to heat. Findings Preparation of aqueous ketone resin or ketone/aldehyde resin dispersions, and production of surface-coating binders. What I claim is 1. The article includes the development of mathematical model to find the product properties. Incepted in the year 1993, Bharat Resins Limited is engaged in manufacturing, supplying and exporting superior quality synthetic resins, epoxy resins and varnishes. For cyclohexanone resins, the rate constant (k) value was in between 1.07 × 10⁻² and 15.7 × 10⁻² s⁻¹ at the peak temperature. Purpose Moreeparaform (and alcoholic caustic soda was necessary to -com1ilete the reaction to --an intusible resinh A solut'ion of this 'lresin in 'rflZZGtQIlByiLfiOIdBd. The following. The reaction was studied with special emphasis toward variation of selectivity with conversion. - UNITED STATES TREVOR S. H UXHAM, OF 'BLOOMFIELD,NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNbR, BY MES'NE ASSIGN- TMENTS, TO CARLETON ELLIS, OF MON'ICLAIB, NEW JERSEY. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Some of these may be used as varnishes, paints or other coating compositions, or may be used in the manufacture of molding powders. Regression models were developed to predict the optimum conditions for obtaining a desired quality of resin. Hydroxyl value, iodine value, solubility, rheology, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were carried out to characterize the product properties. The above findings may, directly used to develop the desired quality of ketonic resin, We are grateful to the Indian Institute of Technology Khar-, agpur for extending the necessary support and facilities for, Angelescu, E., Birjega, R., Pavel, O. D., Che, M., Costentin, G., and, Popoiu, S. (2005). '10 cic. Iodine value was determined according to the Wij’s method, The required amount of resin was dissolved in chloro-, form. y 1. '5 than is required to-accomplish resinification when producing resins orresin-so'lutions intended for'use as shellac 's bstitutes. In addition, an effort has been made to characterize a product by analyzing its various physico–chemical properties such as hydroxyl content, iodine value, acid value, solubility, viscosity, adhesive strength, and average molecular weight. resin adhering to 'the {rolls and "mixing. Finally resinification progressed to such a stage that the resin which formed separated rendering the mixture turbid. Nielsen, A. T., and Moore, D. W. (1969). Problem; Study carried out; Analysis ; CALCIUM CARBONATE EXTENDERS FOR POWDER COATING SYSTEMS . in-house developed resins and commercially available resins. Synthetic resins are of several classes. 4.2. However, the solubility value of the resins decreased with the increase of temperature, time and alkali concentration. Two kinetic equations of the self-condensation of cyclohexanone with Amberlyst-15 are given. A mixture of equala.p'arts. The effect of water on the cyclohexanone conversion and selectivity was also studied. Sodium. -tion but may be used to advantage in final resinification steps. Stearictncid or waxy manarily 2-4% being suflicient. Our range of Synthetic Resins, Epoxy Resins, Amino Resins, Ketonic Resin and many more developed to meet the exact requirement of various industries. Synthetic resins are extensively used in paint industry to improve the adhesiveness of paints. Effects of reaction time, temperature, catalyst concentration and reactor pressure on product properties have been studied. However, representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, Content. Findings Coatings / Printing Inks We have many other different grades, please contact us for your specific requirements. Chemical Engineering, BITS–Pilani Hyderabad Campus. Acetone was polymerized under the action of NaOH, NaOEt or KOH in ethanolic or methanolic solutions at a molar ratio acetone/base ranging from 1.5:1 to 12:1 to give a liquid resin. Hydrotalcites (HTs) and mesoporous mixed, oxides obtained from HT, basic solid catalysts for cyclohexanone, Aragon, J. M., Vegas, J. M. R., and Jodra, L. G. (1993). The flagship product line of our company.