I've seen them in both Twycross and Jersey Zoo, magnificent animals. ps. An excellent article, thank you and voted up. Genetic diversity was found to be lower in Bornean orangutans (P. pygmaeus) than in Sumatran ones (P. abelii), despite the fact … I've always considered orangutans to be the most gentle of all the apes, but maybe they do have a darker side to them after all. How far do the males travel in a lifetime? Martin Kloess from San Francisco on August 21, 2012: This was an interesting report. Now, let’s be clear. Orangutans are unique animals and it's nice to see a shout out to them. He says there have been cases where gorillas attacked and … Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on February 13, 2015: Years ago, I went to Sarawak to visit the Orangutans. One scientist who spent time there has described an attempted sexual attack on a female colleague by a male orangutan named Apollo Bob. We have a tendency to refer to everything from bees to chimps as "animals" while keeping ourselves separate. I love all animals but n ever did the research on these. © copyright 2003-2020 Study.com. Killer whales have been around about 11 million years. Is this the way that gentle giants conduct themselves? The woman was saved only when another human chased off the attacker with a stick. The Sumatran orangutan genome was sequenced in January 2011. Subsequently, the Bornean species had its genome sequenced. level 2. Owl's don't even attack humans until provoked. It shows that that orangutan has become dependent on human beings,” Jamartin said. There are two species of orangutans: one lives on the island of Borneo, the other on Sumatra. suziecat7 from Asheville, NC on August 21, 2012: Great Hub about an amazing animal. Try googling on the following search terms: Wow, Larry I'd never heard of that. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal Indeed, it seems that many of these forces and factors just simply work against the orangutan. 5. peachy from Home Sweet Home on April 22, 2015: I live to watch sir david videos, he may be old but his speech is clear and precise about wild animals. Gorillas and orangutans certainly could mate with humans but there would be no chance of producing offspring. But a worse case was recounted by Galdikas herself. A lthough there have been many allegations of orangutan-human hybrids over the years, Jacobus Bontius (1592-1631) appears to be the earliest author to refer to such an animal. ... No one will ever accept what you did, Jerry. I did, and apparently according to wikipedia at least, it was likely that 'rape was almost certainly the fate of Julia Roberts, when she was grabbed by the orangutan, but there is currently no solid evidence to support these claims. The A.V. Besarien from South Florida on April 21, 2015: Wonderful hub! I recall visiting the zoo, once, and I saw a solitary orangutan that looked very sad. 2. Great hub! It’s very rare, but gorilla attacks can happen. Congratulations on HotD! He was trained at Leiden University and is now remembered as a pioneer of tropical medicine and eastern zoology. we still have them at the SF zoo. Contacts of mine in Kalimantan have told me that this wasn’t the only time an orangutan has raped a woman; it happens every couple of years to women who work at the orangutan center. 204. James Kenny (author) from Birmingham, England on August 05, 2013: Thank you very much Elizabeth, and thank you for the fan mail too. I love orangutans because they are so completely different from other apes. All rights reserved. Its thought they aid with vocalisation, but more importantly they make the males appear larger. It certainly goes to show that perhaps things aren't as clear cut as we think. Why are orangutans an endangered species? Perhaps, in the past when orangutans lived in fertile lowland areas with abundant food, they were far more social and gregarious. These were put to bed when, in 1996, a … Borneo orangutan. She said orangutans have been a faddish pet among people in Taiwan. "Attacks by orangutans on humans are virtually unheard of; contrast this to the chimpanzee whose aggression towards each other and humans is well documented.". I know most naturalists are against introducing alien species into new environments, but surely, it's better than letting them become extinct. Typically there are a few factors that might cause a gorilla to attack. Indeed, one particular male in northern Sumatra was documented as having travelled more than 20 miles away from his mother in just one year. I remember seeing a big male through a glass panel in the enclosure. Peter coxhead (talk) 18:01, 2 March 2012 (UTC) It says Male orangutans have been known to display sexual attraction to human women to the point of rape. So it’s likely, that a large portion of males may travel more at least 100 miles away from their mothers. Ian Redmond of Ape Alliance worked with Fossey in Rwanda for three years in … I went to San Diego Zoo years ago and they had a brilliant orangutan there, he was very funny and really played to the crowd (I know he would have been better off in the wild but it was a huge zoo and he was in an enormous space). “He says he did not know orangutans could get pregnant from humans,” he added. Thanks for stopping by. Very sad; I would be sad too! Like people walking into them or skiing into them or some crap like that. One scientist who spent time there has described an attempted sexual attack on a female colleague by a male orangutan named Apollo Bob. Extinction within the next decade or two is a real possibility. Rippy said now, he and his neighbor that helped him after the attack have to have rabies shots. Since then though, humans have steadily destroyed the forests to make way for agriculture, those fertile and abundant areas soon disappeared along with the social orang-utan, that it’s if they existed in the first place. I never realized their habitat was so limited. But there is one ape I might be able to take: the bonobo It is now almost certain that they will become extinct in the wild state within the next decade. Orangutans use same medicinal plants as people to treat muscle pain for the 'first time ever' Apes observed use similar plant based treatment to one used by the local indigenous population . For a moment we exchanged a glance, and I read sadness in his eyes. 4. Become a Study.com member to unlock this "An orangutan tried to have sex with actress Julia Roberts but was prevented by a film crew" These people have to get their priorities straight. This was a captive-raised orangutan, rehabilitated and released into the wild. Close. Chantek the orangutan is a very special creature. By M. Poopyhead (not … Extinction- will they survive? Its their job to film, not act. Often when we refer to the animal kingdom, we think of it as some separate or even inferior concept. Angels are on the way to you this afternoon. Thank you very much. While Michelle Desilets, director of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, told VICE back in 2007: 'They [the farm workers] would come in especially for [her]. Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on August 23, 2012: Perhaps these wonderful animals need their own island in order to proliferate WITHOUT humanity. This is the million dollar question when it comes to orangutans. Thanks again Suzie. Orangutans are members of the ape family. Their life expectancy in the wild? All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. There were all these kids banging on the glass- which they can't help, but what bothered me was that the parents were doing it too. Of all the primates human males have the largest penis in terms of size and as a % of their body size. They are very intelligent mammals who have much in common with humans. It’s possible that back in prehistory the orangutan was far more gregarious than they are at present, and indeed captive-bred individuals that have been released back into the wild tend to be more gregarious than their wild contemporaries. “It attacked me because it was sick,” he said. Orangutans have killed humans. Even the pictures are wonderful!! Attacks by orangutans on humans are virtually unheard of; contrast this to the chimpanzee whose aggression towards each other and humans is well documented. kathleenkat from Bellingham, WA on September 30, 2012: Interesting bit about orangutans. Although aggression — especially the lethal kind — is not common among female orangutans, researchers have observed a young female orangutan attack and fatally injure an … Those are all super-strong animals with big canines, and there are documented accounts of those animals mauling humans, and we’ve established that I couldn’t even take an ostrich before. We have to be hopeful and do what we can. Nice to meet you! And I was not surprised to read that they are quite solitary, I thnk they act shy. But at least here, in this article, we can acknowledge that we know a lot more about orangutans than we did half a century ago. They should be well protected in their own natural habitat, failing which a time may come they will be extinct. People handle injured owls all the time. Perhaps this remarkable change in colour is somehow adaptive in some way, or is the bright orange fur some sort of signalling device for when these normally solitary primates come into contact with other individuals. It may well be that, if we are lucky we can save maybe one of two wild populations, with the rest living out their lives in a captive environment. We humans sometimes often like to think of ourselves as something special, somehow separate from the rest of life. While this is not chimp-like aggression for the sake of territoriality, food, or social position, it certainly is violence from the perspective of their victims. haha). The unraveling of the Davises' near-perfect life began on a hot day in August 1998. At that time orangutans were widespread and abundant. this website was sooooo useful defo use it agaiiiin woooohooooo, but it doesn't answer if Orangutans attack humans. Contacts of mine in Kalimantan have told me that this wasn’t the only time an orangutan has raped a woman; it happens every couple of years to women who work at the orangutan center. Thanks Lesley, I had similar experience when I was at Twycross Zoo. It seems a rather odd thing to do because, in fact, we share more than 90 percent of our DNA with the great apes. However, all is not yet lost for our gentle sisters and brothers of the forest. I agree Deb, I think that goes for all of the great apes, as it seems that there is little chance of them surviving alongside us. Club Deadspin It was more socialized to humans than it was other orangutans. I always remember visiting a zoo and an orangutan came up to the wire and put his hand out asking for some of my icelolly - I felt so sorry for him. Sexual interest in human females Male orangutans have been known to rape human women. Movie Master from United Kingdom on August 22, 2012: One of my favourite animals, it saddens me to know they are endangered, it's tragic. Human Anatomy & Physiology: Help and Review, Middle School Life Science: Help and Review, UExcel Anatomy & Physiology: Study Guide & Test Prep, CSET Science Subtest II Life Sciences (217): Practice & Study Guide, AP Environmental Science: Help and Review, Praxis Chemistry (5245): Practice & Study Guide, STAAR Science - Grade 8: Test Prep & Practice, NES General Science (311): Practice & Study Guide, UExcel Science of Nutrition: Study Guide & Test Prep, Middle School Earth Science: Help and Review, NYSTCE Biology (006): Practice and Study Guide, Biological and Biomedical Might be interesting to study the incidents of macular degeneration and skin cancer in orangutans as opposed to other primates. Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on April 21, 2015: You filled in so much I did not know about these amazing creatures. In a comparatively short space of time, vast swathes of their habitat in Borneo and Sumatra have been catastrophically destroyed. Elizabeth Parker from Las Vegas, NV on August 04, 2013: Wow - this is incredible information and the video you provided was simply amazing. I had been avoiding palm oil in food because I had been told we were destroying their habitat but I hadn't read anything about them. [35] An orangutan tried to have sex with Actress Julia Roberts but was prevented by a film crew. A spokeswoman for the Borneo Tourism Board said it is the first time an orangutan has physically assaulted a tourist on one of their jungle treks. Whether that’s the case or not, it’s clear that in the wild, orcas seem to have a pretty universal rule: don’t attack humans. Excellent hub! A massive international effort of cooperation among modern, conservation focused zoos is preserving the gene-pool in the hope that in the future, when enough people finally learn to care about these things beyond simple sentimentality, they can be re-introduced into salvaged or recreated habitats. Many people are working very hard to save the species and its habitat, but as is always the case with conservation there are many forces and factors that hinder any sort of protection and recovery. It's my understanding that adult male orangutans sometimes rape unescorted women who are walking through the forest. In a 2007 Golf Digest interview, professional golfer Boo Weekley revealed that, in an attempt to win $50, he fought an orangutan at a county fair when he was 16. Moe was … St. James Davis after chimp attack Getty Images. According to experts, they may travel as much as several hundred miles from their mother’s home range. The cook of noted primatologist Birutė Galdikas was raped by an orangutan. S He’s not just the only orangutan that has ever learned to communicate with humans, using sign language. Studies have shown that females born in the late 1960’s in parts of northern Sumatra are still fit, healthy and bearing offspring. Then there is the story of Oliver the "humanzee", whose vaguely human-like looks and behavior sparked rumors that he was a human-chimp hybrid. So hopeful they do not become one of the extinct creatures that can only be viewed on line or in books. Jools Hogg from North-East UK on August 22, 2012: James, interesting hub. This is the first observed time a female-female conflict in orangutans has turned lethal, and the way the it went down changes what we thought we knew about orangutan behavior. I really enjoying learning more about Orangutans. Yes, unfortunately their extinction with our lifetime is a very real possibility. In captivity, orangutans routinely live well into their 60's. James Kenny (author) from Birmingham, England on August 22, 2012: Hi Jools, I remember seeing a chimp who was like that in Twycross Zoo, he seemed to love the attention, but I couldn't help but think that he would be much better off in the wild, couldn't help but feel sad for him. Larry Fields from Northern California on August 23, 2012: "I even looked for any references of orangutans attacking humans and found nothing.". There were loads of kids pointing at him, banging on the glass etc. In his eyes and on his face I saw sadness, it was one of the most moving experiences I've ever had. I’m not dumb enough to think I could beat up a gorilla, or an orangutan, or even a chimpanzee. In fact, the only documented Orca attacks that have resulted in fatalities have … Thanks for a very interesting and informative article. All of the great apes (except us) are critically endangered, but none more so than the two orangutan subspecies. A An orangutan tried to have sex with actress Julia Roberts but was prevented by a film crew. Christopher Antony Meade from Gillingham Kent. They aren't going to eat you (lol), just try to run/fly away although they have talons it isn't hard to carry one to the vet at all. James Kenny (author) from Birmingham, England on September 06, 2012: James Kenny (author) from Birmingham, England on August 23, 2012: Hehehe, you're right Sunshine, they're not exactly the cutest and cuddliest animals around, but for me anyway, there probably one of the most fascinating animals on the planet. I've also heard about Bengal tigers being released into the wild in South Africa, because apparently South Africa offers better protection for them than India. Thanks for that. Male orangutans in particular have shown a lust for the ladies; there have even been reported instances of interspecies rape. Thanks for nice article on Orangutan. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. ... "An orangutan tried to have sex with actress Julia Roberts but was prevented by a film crew" If we're not destroying their habitat, we're eating them or selling them illegally as pets. 1. Below, I will outline ten interesting and key facts that we definitely know about wild orangutans, as well as some of the most interesting and perplexing mysteries that still surround these so called 'men of the forest.'. Thanks so much for the enjoyable read. Have there been any female attacks on humans, or any researchers seen any of them using a rock or a stick as a dildo? Well, whilst their fur blazes bright orange in direct sunlight, once they retreat into cover, their tan skin absorbs the light, so you don’t see their sparse hair, but rather their dark skin, so effectively, they become black. So why are orangutans orange when their chimp and gorilla cousins are black? The reason would appear to be both biological and cultural. If an orangutan feels that it is being threatened or that a human is invading its environment or habitat, it will... See full answer below. The zoo keeper told me his mate got relocated because they were not able to get pregnant. Ian Redmond of Ape Alliance worked with Fossey in Rwanda for three years in the 1970s, and still works with gorillas. Hmmm...interesting, I think its certainly possible, I have heard of dolphins apparently attempting to rape women in the water. A An orangutan tried to have sex with Actress Julia Roberts but was prevented by a film crew. Compared to them, we are a relatively new species on the planet. Personally, I'd be willing to give it a go with orangutans- anything to ensure that they have somewhere to live in the wild. Wonderful animals. Only human infants spend a longer amount of time with their mothers than orangutans. Orangutans, I think, are very human-like. Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on August 23, 2012: Very interesting James! The Orangutan Foundation estimates that between 700 and 1,000 orangutans are kept … Thanks again. the only enemies of an orangutan are humans....we don't hunt these animals but by habitata destruction thanks.we are the only enimies of the orangutan. Thanks for popping by. I must say though, they are not a cute animal. 1. Have they always been solitary? If you’re going to have a tiff with your husband and storm out of the car, don’t do it when you’re in the tiger enclosure at Beijing Wildlife Park. There have been some truly insane animal attacks on humans caught on camera over the last few years. Thanks Mhatter, we've still got them too here in the UK (in zoos). I even looked for any references of orangutans attacking humans and found nothing. This was a captive-raised orangutan, rehabilitated and released into the wild. An out-of-control, 200-pound pet chimpanzee that had recently been given Xanax apparently went berserk and mauled a woman in Connecticut, leaving her in critical condition. Posted by u/[deleted] 9 years ago. “We … People and orangutans have been in contact ever since modern humans made their home in the wet tropics some 70,000 years ago. A mature orangutan will bite a human hand hard enough to cause pain to see if the human is frightened or will jerk the hand away, both of which manoeuvres mean flunking the test. It makes me feel sick. answer! I wonder if orange hair was better suited to blocking harmful UV light ( just like amber blue-blocking sunglass lenses) which is damaging to tissues and eyesight. "But based on our experience, she could have been asking for food from Syahrul. Why are they orange? Disturbing stuff. Glad I stopped by to read this. As seen with Lucy, several great apes have developed romantic predilections toward human beings. One scientist who spent time there has described an attempted sexual attack on a female colleague by a male orangutan named Apollo Bob. I've seen orangutans in a zoo before and while it was incredible to see them, I'd rather see them in the forest. According to this: Tiger Attacks Woman. Anyway, it was a life changing experience, and made me realise just how similar we are. United Kingdom on August 21, 2012: There must be a case for establishing new wild populations of endangered animals, like Orang Utans, in areas less prone to pressure from humans. Male orangutans travel much greater distances during their lifetime than the females. James Kenny (author) from Birmingham, England on August 21, 2012: I'm not sure about orangutans, but I do know that there are some people who are looking to introduce animals like elephants and lions into North America to replace their relatives that became extinct some 10,000 years ago. Hope I didn't bore you too much with that hahaha. Male orangutans have been known to rape human women. Very few mammals can match the parental devotion shown by orangutans. A male gorilla has an errect penis of 1.5", an orangutan around 2" and a chimp around 2.5" (3.5" for a bonobo pygmy chimp). Over the years, we humans have gradually come to understand the wild habits of chimpanzees, gorillas and the other ape, the acrobatic gibbon, but the life of the orangutan, even to this day remains somewhat of a mystery even to the most passionate and devoted of experts. This orangutan may have been fooled by this trick, but the facts are, orangutans are no fools. Have there been any female attacks on humans, or any researchers seen any of them using a rock or a stick as a dildo? The cook of noted primatologist Birutė Galdikas was raped by an orangutan. Gorilla attacks on humans follow a similar pattern: the gorilla has to be provoked first. Thanks for popping by. The cook of noted primatologist Birutė Galdikas was raped by an orangutan. Here are some of the most shocking that can be found on the internet… #15. It was very interesting. The orangutan is watching for a reaction to see if the human being has some fortitude and believes in his heart that the ape will not harm him. [36] 3. If they were to go extinct entirely, it would be the biggest wildlife tragedy of all, because how we could possibly understand ourselves, if we never managed to fully understand our closest relatives. Services, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Awesome hub jkenny. TIL Orangutans have been known to rape human females. I hope he was able to detect the sense of empathy I felt for him. 'You could choose a human … Fightback: A tribe of orangutans ambushed a palm oil plantation worker and knocked him unconscious The revenge on humans came when a man named only as Kurnadi was working in … Thanks so much Suzie! Bontius, also known as Jacob de Bondt, was a Dutch physician and naturalist. I did not know about the orange hair thing, though I suppose I thought it was just a hair color thing (they are all gingers? He turned his head for a moment and looked me right in the eye. Orangutans have killed humans. Create your account. Orangutan Land Trust | Sustainable solutions for the long-term survival of the orangutan in the wild, Orangutan Foundation, Conservation, Research, Education, Rehabilitation, Orangutan Foundation International - Research, Conservation, Education. It was more socialized to humans than it was other orangutans. It could well be that they live as long as 70, but truthfully we cannot say for certain. Thanks for popping by Jools. Anyway, this big male retreated to the far corner to hunker down, but not before risking a glance back at the overexcited kids. A rare “genetic predisposition” If many experts believe the man could not have impregnated the female orangutan, some specialists claim a rare genetic predisposition could explain the unexplainable. This aggression can manifest itself even in chimps that have been lovingly cared for by humans in captivity. James Kenny (author) from Birmingham, England on October 21, 2012: I agree whowas, there is always hope, not just for orangutans, but for gorillas, chimps and bonobos too. So adorable! They are classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN, or International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List of Threatened Species. I just hope that somehow they can survive in the wild. Are humans more closely related to chimpanzees or... How long do orangutans live in captivity? Adult male orangutans develop cheek-pads when they normally reach 30 years old. If an orangutan feels that it is being threatened or that a human is invading its environment or habitat, it will... Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. How do orangutans take care of their young? But it is controversial as you say, because most naturalists are worried about any further ecological disruption- but we'll see. Cut it out. James Kenny (author) from Birmingham, England on September 30, 2012: Hi Kathleen I had a similar experience at a zoo with a big male who was in an enclosure behind glass. Thanks for bringing the plight and the delight of these astonishing creatures to our attention once more. Following humans and chimpanzees, the Sumatran orangutan became the third species of great ape to have its genome sequenced. Although popularly seen as one of the most deadly of the ocean’s creatures, the fact is that killer whale, or more correctly Orcas, have been implicated in very few attacks on humans.. One of them wanted to snatch my purse. We are more closely related to chimps and gorillas than lions are to tigers, and they can still breed with each other. Voted up and awesome!
2020 has an orangutan ever attacked a human