You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Modules of this type are good for reuse in the original program because they were designed for that program, but they are not very good for reuse in other programs without heavy... ...Reusability of Code Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Object-oriented programming (OOP) and procedural programming are two programming paradigms. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. For outside programmers looking in these are relatively easy to follow and decipher... ... : 112051-06965-010 Course: BCS This essay will compare and contrast procedural programming modules and objects. d. Reusability. Most computer programmers have been through all this and know the in’s and out’s of it all. This saves time, improves the features in your program, and generally makes for more cost-effective programming. ...The Reusability of a Code Randy Lane March 27, 2012 The Reusability of a Code In computer science and software engineering reusability is a segment or part of a code that can be used again to add new functions with a little change or hardly any modification. PRG 211 Reusability of a component was measured as the ease of reuse as perceived by the subjects reusing the component using a 5-point return balance;} it saves development effort in a new project ; ... Software Reusability it is the ability that a software or a component is constructed in such a way , that it could be easily adopted , modified or reused in other projects in future. The traditional approach tends to tread the mentioned “concepts” as “equal”, which creates some illusions in those who did not grasp the main idea. Q A QA InfoTech is a C M M i CMMi Level III and I S O ISO 9001: 2015, I S O ISO 20000-1:2011, I S O ISO 27001:2013 certified company. netPay = obj.GetSalaryAmount (IncomeAmount, DeductionAmount), netPay = obj.GetSalaryAmount (IncomeAmount, DeductionAmount)* conversionRate. The benefits of reusing code are obvious. When we reuse the component — and not the code directly — it gives us two benefits: Making changes in the future is much easier to do, since we only have to do it one place; We don't have to remember the dozens (or hundreds) of places we've copied that code to; This is the most basic, and most often talked about form of reusability. As the program becomes larger and more complicated problems can arise as the separation of data and... ...Abstract When dealing with procedures, the data items are separate from the procedures. #include"savingaccount.h" Testing methods/classes will help ensure reusability. Since I started with software development, one of the big concepts is REUSABILITY and specially code reusability. SavingAccount(double x,double y); Angular enables developers to write code with simpler structures … balance =x ; This only means that a poor management of an enrollment system could affect the operation of the school. 1. Object-oriented programming creates objects from abstract data types that encapsulate data and functions together (Gaddis 2010). It comes with costs. Benefits Of Design Patterns. Instead, code reusability defines the methodology you can use to use similar code, without having to re-write it everywhere. Code reuse aims to save time and resources and reduce redundancy by taking advantage of assets that have already been created in some form within the software product development process. ( Log Out /  Because when you isolate and modularize code it usually becomes more testable. The reusability of code has been an object of discussion for many years. private: Software firms reap benefits of code reuse Reusability measures whether existing assets — such as code — can be used again. Object-oriented programming centers on the object. return balance;}; It’s because of the amazing benefits that this JavaScript framework is gaining more popularity. The following are the benefits of generics: There is no need for casting for accessing the elements of the data. Both options permit private and local variables to be declared but modules can use data separate from the module where an object has its within itself and can be accessed only through its own methods when it is called upon by the program around it. Running a static analyzer can help you identify these interdependencies. Gaddis (2010) says this can cause problems, but at the same time it will help the program become larger and more complex. Groom the team to understand the benefits of reusability, and make it a natural mindset. ... Benefits. As mentioned above, adopting the modular approach for monolithic applications can have benefits in a few key areas, including better-organized dependencies, increased code reusability, and increased code observability. There are … Code maintainability is very difficult. Ability/will for one developer find reusable component of another developer, and understand semantics of component --> good doc's 2. Below are a few points of Benefits. Not only this, it helps us deal with real-world problems by treating data as an object. The advantage is that you can easily hook up another project to your automated test suite. In software development, design patterns are solutions designed to correct commonly occurring glitches is software projects Many people often confuse design patterns with programming code but this not the case. This saves time, improves the features in your program, and generally makes for more cost-effective programming. double Account::getBalance(){ But where procedural programming separates code and data, object-oriented programming handles it through encapsulation and data hiding. SavingAccount::SavingAccount(double x, double y): Account(x){ Assessing the reusability is more and more of a necessity. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. for instance when one of... ...Chapter 2 The similarities and differences will be discussed in terms of procedural programming modules and objects in relation to; reusability, security (as in hiding code), and the passing of data within the program itself. Code reuse is the practice of using existing code for a new function or software. Reuse is a convenient but often unused side effect. account.h class Account{ protected: double balance; Updated: 03 Dec 2007, 11:34 PM IST Regina Anthony. Some characteristics that make software more easily reusable are modularity, loose coupling, high cohesion, information hiding, and separation of … Clean and tested code in general allows for better reusability. using namespace std; Test automation, although very valuable, is often a very expensive effort where the ROI becomes questionable. Code Reuse & Reusability of the Software BALJEET RAM1, ANITA DEVI2 1,2M.Tech (SE) Student, Department of Information Technology at BBAU Lko (U.P.) ...Edwin Dix Mane (2000) mentioned that the creation of the computer made easier to accomplish that by doing it manually, to have the direct access on straightforward answer just monitoring record where in the needs of computer make possible for everyone to get data in a particular need. Reusability can be measured by the number of interdependencies. Defendant resides in a state that has not adopted the Model Penal Code. With arrival of OO designs, it become even more clear that reusability is a key element. Two major programming paradigms widely used are procedural programming and object-oriented programming (OOP). Code reuse is the use of existing software to deliver functionality. You’ve got the top 10 apps on iOS and Android devices: Zoom, TikTok, Google Meet, YouTube, WalMart, Facebook Messenger, Gmail, Instagram, CashApp, Snapchat, Amazon, DoorDash, Netflix), and they’re solidified. cout << "Debit amount exceeded account balance." A Procedural programming module is function, procedure, subprogram or subroutine within a program designed for a specific purpose and only does that one job (Haas, 2011). Software firms reap benefits of code reuse 4 min read. So, you should ask yourself if it really needs to be reusable and at what extent. #include<iostream> Assets are more easily reused if they have characteristics such as modularity or loose coupling. Reusable assets must be designed for reusability. ( Log Out /  virtual double debit(double x); Procedural programming is more focused on creating procedures; object-oriented programming is focused on creating objects. But one thing is for sure software reusability can improve software productivity. People must be trained in the skills of software reuse. analyzing the reusability of code components in an application. The object-oriented approach does give the ability to reduce some of the major expenses associated with systems, such as maintenance and development of programming code. Programing/211 virtual double debit(double x); If there’s no … Take a look at these explanations and examples. The programmer has his own way of adding his own security to his software, Designing a code can often take a lot of time, depending on the complexity of the coding. Object-oriented Programming Languages. Reusability of Code if(x>balance){ A reusable component may be code, but the bigger benefits of reuse come from a broader and higher-level view of what can be reused. This project looks at an Enrolment System for an elementary school. It allows multiple developers to integrate IP into their code using similar styles and programming conventions. In Java, methods cannot stand on their own outside of a class. Currently, more than 1,300 developers and 94,000 websites are using the ReactJS framework, and that’s why it is referred to as the future of web development. 25 MARCH 2013 (Week 1) we can reuse the Spark code for batch-processing, join stream against historical data or run ad-hoc queries on stream state. Reusability tools are based upon software testing development. Code reusability is a subjective thing, and depends heavily on how the system is defined. Code Reusability in Object Oriented Programing Essay 909 Words | 4 Pages. Code reusability depends on the complexity and documentation of the code, the software used to run the code, and the user’s own experience (e.g., ). Objects are better used for more general operations that show a need for more complex and reusable functions that may require security and hidden code to avoid any corruption or mistakes. For example, Sharon is a programmer who has developed an object for rendering 3D images. virtual double credit(double x);}; The reusability of code has been an object of discussion for many years. This saves time, improves the features in your program, and generally makes for more cost-effective programming. Because he is working under a tight deadline and does not possess a great deal of knowledge about computer graphics, he purchases the code from Sharon for a monetary value. When it comes to solving the problem of code/data separation, the use of Object –Oriented Programming has played a big role in the rising of object reusability. virtual double credit(double x);}; A programming paradigm is a fundamental style of computer programming, and they differ in the way different elements of the program are represented and how steps for solving problems are defined (Ragel, 2011). using namespace std; Similar code copy and pasted in many places to do same functionality, Dim salaryAmout, IncomeAmount, DeductionAmout as Decimal, deductionAmount = Cdec(txtDeductionAmount.Text), salaryAmount =(IncomeAmount – DeductionAmount), Public Class DisplayEmployeeNetPayWithRate, conversionRate = Cdec(txtConversionRate.Text), netPay = (salaryAmount ) * conversionRate. Procedural modules are easier to use for small specific programs that perform specialized functions. 5. #include"account.h" 1. Reusing code can solve the software growth problem and here we explain what is code reuse and how to reuse code effectively. Reusability of Code PRG 211 25 MARCH 2013 (Week 1) Marcus Fernandez Designing and coding a procedure, module, or object can be complex and time consuming. The use of OOP and procedure programing are similar and interchangeable on many levels. public: “Code Reusability” is a common term for developers. Reusability can be measured by the number of interdependencies. March 13, 2011, Harri Daniel, Comments Off on Benefits Of Design Patterns. Here are some simple ideas that help write reusable code and save you time. Related Literature For outside programmers looking in these are relatively easy to follow and decipher when looked into. Despite the initial overhead, there are high benefits to software reuse, if appropriate processes are … Change ). Software engineering in the past was more focused on the original development and now it has recognized the importance of the software reuse method which is helpful in achieving better software, at low costs and more quickly. The Rh negative blood type is not a ‘mutation’. And that means it should be safe, secure, and reliable. The Benefits and Costs of Code Reuse. savingaccount.h This entry was posted on December 18, 2008 at 4:46 pm and is filed under Architecture. Designing and coding a procedure, module, or object can be complex and time consuming. Code Reusability Stasha Haynes University of Phoenix Prg 211 March 10, 2014 Professor Sprouse Code Reusability Introduction Writing, designing, and coding a program can be a heavy load, but at the same time it can be very easy. At first, building your automated test suite is a challenge. Importance of Code Reusability by Manivannan R. Issue: Similar code copy and pasted in many places to do same functionality Sample Problem Code: Public Class DisplayEmployeeNetPay Dim salaryAmout, IncomeAmount, DeductionAmout as Decimal. Benefits of Design Patterns. Read More . using namespace std; The term is derived due to the first discovery of the protein substance in the blood of Rhesus monkeys.. The computerized enrollment system will provide the needed and storing information in a faster,   more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. Reusability. Reusability of Code One of the key factors for large software development projects is the ability to reuse code amongst team members. Create a free website or blog at This is possible by deriving a new class from the existing one. Clearly, reusability has benefits, but there are some drawbacks. balance = x;} else{balance = balance - x;} This allows for efficiency and reduces the time to get a software product delivered to a customer (or brought to market). public: CheckingAccount(double x, double y); There are many similarities and differences in terms of procedural programming modules and objects in relation to; reusability, security (as in hiding code), and the passing of data within the program itself. This is primarily because of changing product functionality which may invalidate the test scenario at hand. Reusability In programming, reusable code is the use of similar code in multiple functions. ( Log Out /  The idea behind an enrollment system is not a new concept. return balance;} Code is not duplicated for multiple types of data. Code Reusability in generics (Advantage) Generics provide type-safe code with re-usability. No, not by copying and then pasting the same code from one block to another and from there to another and so on. They might include simple manual information system and informal system and also computer based information system that uses hardware, software telecommunication and other... ...Name: Zachary Quek Suan Chieh I.D. What Is Code Reuse? Examples of how to use “reusability” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs This will only serve as a solution to the increasing problems towards enrollment that provides more easy way in enrolling. This paper will show the similarities and differenced in terms of procedural programming modules and objects in relation with reusability, security (in terms of hiding code), and the passing of data versus encapsulation. According to Gaddis (2010) there are two methods of programming that are primarily used: Object-oriented and Procedural. Create a free website or blog at using namespace std; This means that we can add additional features to an existing class without modifying it. 2. Our frontend developers love this all-time leading framework because of the consistent code structure it maintains,two-way data binding, code reusability to using plain old javascript object models. From the orientation of the light bulb to the industrial revolution and beyond, we have continuously tried to in a more efficient means of doing tasks. Rh Negative Blood Type 1. We are one of the reputed outsourced Q A QA testing vendors with years of expertise helping clients across the globe. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. So during several year we build code as generic as possible for that purpose. Of course I am not talking about copy paste.    One of the main problems of a school, institution, or college is their enrollment system. However, the advantages of object-oriented programming are many. Software Reusability could even encourage those who believe that unit testing is a waste, to reconsider its practicality as it increases the applicability of the reuse code. Increase code reusability, which makes code smaller; The faster calculation for big data, saving a lot of manual labor Software reuse can apply to any life cycle product, not only to fragments of source code[7,8]. Of course, even code that is not intended for reuse benefits from that organization, as its structure invariably becomes far cleaner. The usual system of every enrolment process takes so long to complete written registrations, written receipts and all. Reusability of Code Some characteristics that make software more easily reusable are modularity, loose coupling, high cohesion, information hiding, and separation of concerns. double Account:: credit(double x){ << endl;} double calculateInterenst(double x);}; For every application you do you can reuse the generic functions that you created for the one before. In computer science and software engineering, reusability is the use of existing assets in some form within the software product development process; these assets are products and by-products of the software development life cycle and include code, software components, test suites, designs and documentation. Running a static analyzer can help you identify these interdependencies. Software reuse also sometimes referred as code reuse is the process of using existing software for the creation of new software. I have to make a 5-10 minute presentation and I chose the benefits of reusability in rockets. It stores details of students, grade, and section. University of Phoenix Instructor: Craig Kaercher Code readability is compromised when the reusable segments make it difficult to understand the logical flow of the code without actually tracing the execution. Reusability In OOP Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; By Hemant kumawat - May 19, 2016 In OOP, The concept of inheritance provide the idea of reusability. Rhesus factor, referred to as the Rh factor, is a protein in the human blood.. Composition is one of the key concepts of object-oriented programming languages, like Java. Code readability is compromised when the reusable segments make it difficult to understand the logical flow of the code without actually tracing the execution. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE double Account:: debit(double x){ 1. Test Automation Frameworks and Code. When you need to solve complex programming challenges and want to add code tools to your skill set, OOP is your friend — and has much greater longevity and utility than Pac-Man or parachute pants. Note that the code runs fine (as the interpreter doesn’t care which style you use), but mixing and matching styles can make the code harder to read than it … He is on trial for violating the state's marijuana laws. These procedures perform their own specific tasks to supplement the program and are centered through models and functions. Object-oriented programming and procedural programming are two programming paradigms. ...Programming Fundamentals: Reusability of Code The pricing software is now capable of pricing the 'new thing' without any changes to it. Clearly, reusability has benefits, but there are some drawbacks. interest =y;} double interest; The code shown at the top of this page (despite being only a handful of lines of code) is not consistent in its use of string quote characters. double SavingAccount::calculateInterenst(double x){ You can use it to reuse existing code, design clean APIs, and change the implementation of a class used in a composition without adapting any external clients. Procedural programming modules are most often written in the order they are intended to be executed with the exception of those called upon again later in the program. This isn’t to say that OOP is the One True Way. The use of OOP and procedure programing are similar and interchangeable on many levels. Gurewich (1999) stated that the database system makes the work faster for every institution. balance = balance + x; Apache Spark provides fault tolerance through Spark abstraction-RDD. Examples for such code bases are libraries, frameworks, central components in a large company (SAP did it well afaik) — Antonio Nesic named them already. Software reusability is generally considered a way to solve the software development crisis. Checkingaccount.h Assets are more easily reused if they have characteristics such as modularity or loose coupling. Extract the common functionalities and place it as separate method in a class file, and call the method whenever you want. e. Fault Tolerance in Spark. This is why code reusability has become a standard when it comes to computer programming. Code reusability has become a valuable part of adding efficiency to computer programming. Build frameworks that are modular and can be easily reused. His attorney believes that the jurors do not approve of marijuana laws and would like to argue that, even if the jury believes the evidence presented by the prosecution, it has the power to acquit Defendant. Repositories of software assets must be created and maintained. Reusability measures whether existing assets — such as code — can be used again. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Java Tip 107: Maximize your code reusability Overcome deficiencies in the traditional OOP approach to reuse That reuse is a myth seems to be an increasingly common sentiment among programmers. return x;} Dim netPay as Decimal incomeAmount=Cdec(txtIncomeRate.Ttext) deductionAmount = Cdec(txtDeductionAmount.Text) … class CheckingAccount : public Account{ Reusability Reusability of Code is very important and. For every application you do you can reuse the generic functions that you created for the one before. Spark RDDs are designed to handle the failure of any worker node in the cluster. Benefits of reusability in code is 1 already developed program used in another program .To avoid ambiguity in code . We wanted to change the same old set so we proposed an enrolment... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. Reusability of Code An object is not considered a standalone program; instead it is the service being used in the programs. Once these elements of a computer program are working correctly, it makes sense to use the code as often as practical.Code reusability has become a valuable part of adding efficiency to computer programming. Written by Carrie Vennefron on November 10, 2020 The age of developing the next big mobile app is a thing of the past. Reusability of Code class SavingAccount : public Account { Searching, evaluating, and adopting reused code; PreviousReuse Methods; Contents; NextOptimisation; Last change: Monday, December 15, 2003 6:12 pm Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on this page created by Diomidis Spinellis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Greece License. She is a math whiz and has extensive knowledge about computer graphics, so her object is coded to perform the necessary 3D mathematical operations and handle the computer’s video hardware. The benefits of reusing code are obvious. Arrange workshops for the group to familiarize themselves with simple code … The many, many benefits of reusing code. Procedural programming modules and objects are similar in that they use most of the same commands to execute their functions and store their data but also are very different. The 'new thing' class expresses our pricing interface. Encapsulation takes an object and combines data and code into it. #include<iostream> This chapter states the different literature and studies that were conducted for the research to gain familiarity that are relevant and similar to the present study. As I have already said, not in a way to copy and paste it. A procedural programming is a module, function, or procedure designed for a specific purpose and performs only that one task. But to understand why you would reuse code, you need to understand what goes into creating code. And from practical point of view code reusablity means 1. Reusability of Test Suite. The object-oriented approach does give the ability to reduce some of the major expenses associated with systems, such as maintenance and development of programming code. Checkingaccount.cpp It plays a vital role in any school for it is responsible for an effective and efficient approach for both the students and schools. Code Reusability with the Pega Platform. Code reusability is a subjective thing, and depends heavily on how the system is defined. For the mere fact that instead of doing things manually, with the use of computer technology everything is done fasters. To achieve simpler, cleaner, faster implementation, think about the separate sets of preconditions for each function or method being tested. April 25, 2013 Code reuse is the use of existing software to create new software. Public function GetSalaryAmount(ByVal IncomeAmount as Decimal, ByValDeductionAmount as Decimal) as Decimal. If relation is (has –a) … Finally I will discuss the reusability and maintainability of each language, and how they differ from each other. Procedural programming is a method of writing software. The above statements describes two popular ways of defining and solving a problem involving the need for a computer program and are similar in nature but also have some important differences that need to be weighed when choosing which one will be used. Software reuse can cut software development time and costs. Code reusability is a subjective thing, and depends heavily on how the system is defined. public: Account(double x){ Today, the use of technology has been an effective tool on improving such kind of enrollment system. 3. The biggest benefit we are getting from loop is we are reusing the same piece of code, we do not require to write the same code for lakhs of data it will automatically execute code till the end. In computer science and software engineering, reusability is the use of existing assets in some form within the software product development process; these assets are products and by-products of the software development life cycle and include code, software components, test suites, designs and documentation. Still, when the time comes to apply the rules, they face several difficulties. Both of these styles have some important differences that need to be evaluated when choosing which one to use. using namespace std; The object-oriented approach does give the ability to reduce some of the major expenses associated with systems, such as maintenance and development of programming code. Benefits of Reuse . benefits of object-oriented software development increasing leading to development of new measurement techniques. Car is a vehicle and bike is also vehicle and when you got the relation is (is-a) then always prefer for inheritance. Object-oriented Programming is a programming language that uses classes and objects to create … Software specifications, designs, tests cases, data, prototypes, plans, documentation, frameworks, and templates are all candidates for reuse. If any changes we need to replicate the correction in all places to do same functionality. Marcus Fernandez Tom, who is writing a program for an architectural firm, needs his application to display 3D images of buildings. Same code repeated in many class files. account.cpp In White-box reusability is verification technique software engineers can use to examine if their code works as expected and a box can share its internal structure or implementation with Once these elements of a computer program are working correctly, it makes sense to use the code as often as practical. x = balance * interest; Please join StudyMode to read the full document. ( Log Out /  #include"account.h" We can consider that the computer is necessary and its productive tool for individual. I think code reusability usually is an issue in more or less big project. In this study, our documentation will help to improve the efficiency of the computerized enrollment system of the Don Amadeo Perez Sr. Memorial Central School. There is code reuse in because, the "all things" base class contains most of the code for things in general. Granularity - component should ideally represent some, probably low level use case. When we solve a problem we try to apply the solution to similar problems because that makes our work easy and simple. Reusability in general is a requirement of the code base you’re working on. Code is expensive and time consuming to develop and code reuse is considered a fundamental productivity strategy for information technology intensive businesses. Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). If any changes we need to replicate the correction in all places to do same functionality. Code reusability — We have seen this earlier also, code reusability is an important advantage React Native gives over others. Deepening code reusability with LookML project import Kevin Marr, Product Manager at Looker Mar 28, 2019 Each month, Looker releases new updates and features that further enable the smarter use of data. The benefits of code reuse are catching on, but the best practices behind it definitely haven’t spread to every development team. Here are some of the benefits of the object-oriented approach: private: double fee; Often "reusable" code is code that is abstracted and modularized, and, to me, the main benefit is not reusability but rather increased testability. This paper will also talk about the benefits of code reuse in a program. Code Reusability in Object Oriented Programing PRG/211 November 29, 2011 Coding is undeniably as an art, a craft as well as an engineering discipline. The Dark Side Without proper design and control, reusability can reduce code readability, maintainability, and usability. However, once you have defined your suite, it’s very straightforward to reuse tests for other use cases or even other projects. Bryan(2006) emphasized the information system is a set of people, procedures and resources that collects, transforms and disseminates information in an organization to do’s ends rely on many types of information system (IS). Additionally, ReactJS ensures code reusability which leads to faster project development. But in order to reuse code, that code needs to be high-quality. The team needs to be groomed and trained in order to fully understand the benefits of reusability. Procedural programming was the first of the two and contains within the program one or multiple procedures. Savingaccount.cpp Many translated example sentences containing "reusability of code" – Italian-English dictionary and search engine for Italian translations. Benefits of a Modular Monolith. Today, the use of technology has been an effective tool on improving such kind of enrolment system. The pricing code is … -----***----- Abstract - Code Reuse is currently one of the most active and creative research areas in Computing. One of the biggest advantages of C++ is the feature of object-oriented programming which includes concepts like classes, inheritance, polymorphism, data abstraction, and encapsulation that allow code reusability and makes a program even more reliable. Our frontend audits can catch opportunities to switch to reusable code, optimizing your website’s performance now and giving you a better sense of the benefits a full redesign would offer. Presentation on Benefits of Reusability of Rockets. The Dark Side Without proper design and control, reusability can reduce code readability, maintainability, and usability. Reusability is the key element to reduce the cost and improve the quality of the software. Increased Reusability #include"account.h"... ...BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Ralph M. Stair (1999) emphasized that the development of technology through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. The procedures use the data items that are not part of the procedure, however; in a procedural program the data items are transmitted to each procedure. It is a programming practice centered on the procedures or actions that take place in a program. Also, it discuss the security terms in hiding code, passing of data versus data encapsulation, code reuse in more than one program, and how object-oriented methods are similar to procedural modules. ... One of the core benefits of LookML is that it stops you from repeating yourself when doing data analysis. Now in this paper I would like to cover important aspects of software reusability. virtual double getBalance(); I've got some points below but I'm hoping for feedback on making sure they're all coherent as well as any additional tips if possible. #include<iostream> Reusability.
2020 benefits of code reusability