You can move them outdoors after all danger of frost has passed. The illnesses that some people suffer just from being around poinsettia plants (without even touching them) are worse yet (for example, difficulty in breathing). Think you know all about poinsettia flowers? The only reason you can buy them at the florist shop in bloom during the Yuletide season is that greenhouse operators have manipulated their bud set. History of Poinsettias. Poinsettias have also been called the lobster flower and the flame-leaf flower, due to the red color. Many of the most common garden plants like Lilac, Hydrangea, … You bet it is! Make sure the plant isn’t too wet or too dry There are over 100 varieties of Poinsettias available. The showy colored parts of Poinsettias that most people think of as the flowers are actually colored bracts (modified leaves). Euphorbia pulcherrima can be grown as a perennial in zone 10 and higher (e.g., South Florida). was successfully added to your cart. In Chile and Peru, the Poinsettia is called the "Crown of the Andes". Available from florists in a variety of sizes, an average height for potted poinsettia plants is perhaps about two feet (not counting the container). Below are five facts about these iconic holiday plants that would surprise many people. Poinsett was a botanist, physician and the first United States Ambassador to Mexico. They are found in the wild in deciduous tropical forest at moderate elevations from southern Sinaloa down the entire Pacific coast of Mexico to Chiapas and Guatemala. Plant taxonomy classifies Christmas poinsettias as Euphorbia pulcherrima, literally, "the most beautiful Euphorbia" (Euphorbia is not only a genus name but also the name of a large plant family). The plant is native to tropical deciduous forests of Mexico, where they grow from 2′ to 12′ tall. Poinsettias are a deciduous plant, so their leaves will fall off after they’ve reached full bloom. Thus was born an enduring Christmas tradition, as we continue to associate these "flowers" with the holiday season. It is estimated that women account for 80% of Poinsettia sales. Most Poinsettias are sold within a six-week period leading up to that holiday, representing some $60 million worth. This is a sign the plant is too stressed and is dying. The Aztecs used the Poinsettia bracts to make a reddish purple dye for fabrics, and used the sap medicinally to control fevers. If you prefer something more serene, then white poinsettias are a great choice. A study at Ohio State University showed that a 50-pound child would have to eat more than a pound-and-a-quarter of Poinsettia leaves (500 to 600 leaves) to have any side effects. The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is a commercially important plant species of the diverse spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). In Mexico, the Poinsettia is displayed in celebration of the ". Here are the facts about the old myth and the new one: As many have pointed out, it is a myth that poinsettia plants are deadly poisonous if a child or pet eats the leaves (but that does not mean that the leaves should intentionally be eaten, either, since, if eaten in sufficient quantity, they can, in fact, make a human or pet at least mildly sick). "Pointsetta" is a spelling even more off-base, but it is also more common than one might imagine. If Euphorbia pulcherrima is the scientific name for these plants, one may well ask how their common name (which looks like it should be a scientific name!) Ancient Aztecs cultivated this plant for use in traditional medicines to reduce fever and for red dye. However, both folks in the industry and their customers regularly insert a "T" after the "N" when speaking, so that the word most often ends up being pronounced as point-SET-uh. Poinsettias grow wild in Central America, in deciduous tropical forests, at moderate elevations. But the "flowers" also come in white, yellow, pink and color combinations. Dictionaries list poin-SET-ee-uh and poin-SET-uh as acceptable pronunciations. Poinsettias are the best selling potted plant in the United States and Canada. The most common question people have about Poinsettias is how to get them to rebloom in successive years. Only two words need be uttered to dispel the new myth: latex allergy. For example, ginkgo loses its leaves much earlier ... plants, such as chrysanthemum and poinsettia. The yellow flowers, or. Intolerant of the cold, in the North, it is grown almost exclusively indoors. The plant is native to tropical deciduous forests of Mexico, where they grow from 2′ to 12′ tall. December 12th is Poinsettia Day, which marks the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett in 1851. In other words: getting them to flower again is a real pain—something best left to greenhouse operators. As you can see from the photograph below, wild poinsettias look quite different from the ones we grow today in greenhouses. They are excellent foundation and accent plants for your garden and can offer many seasons of interest. They are found in the wild in deciduous tropical forest at moderate elevations from southern Sinaloa down the entire Pacific coast of Mexico to Chiapas and Guatemala. At the very least, be sure not to touch your eyes after touching the sap. There, it is a deciduous flowering shrub, growing up to 10 feet in height. Poinsettias are actually small tropical trees or shrubs that can reach heights of 12 feet. By Laurel Rady. There, it is a deciduous flowering shrub, growing up to 10 feet in height. The first bowl was played in December of 1952 and was created as a military services championship game, with the Western and Eastern military services champions competing against each other. Since these are tropical plants, poinsettias are very frost tender. Poinsett discovered them during an envoy to Mexico around Christmastime and introduced the flowers to the U.S.A. Another common misspelling involves inserting an extra T (the fact that "points" is a nickname commonly used in the florist and nursery trades probably does not help matters here). Many deciduous plants lose their leaves at about the same time each year. Sound like a lot of work? The most common side effects that have been reported from Poinsettia ingestions are upset stomach and vomiting. Poinsettias are not poisonous. Though once only available in red, there are now Poinsettias in pink, white, yellow, purple, salmon, and multi-colors. "There haven't been any deaths reported due to eating poinsettia leaves,” Wahl says. Is "poinsettia" the botanical or the common name for the plants? Poinsettias are native to the low and mid-elevation tropical deciduous forest of southern Mexico. Joel Roberts Poinsett introduced the poinsettia plant to the United States from Mexico. It originates from Mexico and Central America, but it can be found in subtropical areas around the world today. It is particularly well known for its red and green foliage and is widely used in Christmas floral displays. Euphorbia pulcherrima does have flowers, but these green and yellow flowers are small—and certainly not a noteworthy feature. Intolerant of the cold, in the North, it is grown almost exclusively indoors. Poinsettia, when it does not come from the garden center of our region, is a perennial deciduous shrub of the tropical regions of Mexico and Central America. Poinsettias are native to Mexico. Mar 25, 2012 - Prized for their bright, showy flower bracts, poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are a common sight in many homes during the holiday seasons. April: Starting April 1, gradually decrease water, allowing the soil to get dry between waterings. The word Poinsettia is traditionally capitalized because it is named after a person. Plant grows in the partial shade, in areas that are frost-free. Poinsettia flowers belong to the Euphorbia family and are related to the Euphorbia polychrome or the Cushion Spurge. Forcing Poinsettias to Flower at Christmas, The "Flowers" of Christmas Poinsettia Plants, Poinsettia Aren’t Poisonous But Can Make You Sick, 9 Ways to Get the Most Out of Poinsettia Plants, 5 Different Species of Bird of Paradise Plants, The Best Low-Maintenance Succulents to Grow Outdoors, Common Backyard Plants That Are Poisonous to Dogs, 12 Ways to Get Cheap or Free Garden Plants, 6 Itchy-Rash Plants and How to Identify Them, Tropicanna Canna Offers Fast Growth Rate, Colorful Leaves, 7 Indoor Plants That Are Dangerous to Children & Pets. The "marbled" type is one of the most fascinating. The ‘blooming red flower’ is not a true flower but rather a collection of colored bracts or modified leaves. Paul Ecke Jr. is considered the father of the Poinsettia industry due to his discovery of a technique which caused seedlings to branch. They are found in the wild in deciduous tropical forest at moderate elevations from southern Sinaloa down the entire Pacific coast of Mexico to Chiapas and Guatemala. But be aware that the leaves can still be a choking hazard for children and pets. Poinsettias are native to Mexico. Poinsettias received their name in the United States in honor of Joel Roberts Poinsett, who introduced the plant into the country in 1828. The fact is, this Christmas icon can make some people quite sick. A study at Ohio State University showed that a 50-pound child would have to eat more than 500 leaves to have any harmful effect. Prized for their bright, showy flower bracts, poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are a common sight in many homes during the holiday seasons. Poinsettias received their name in the United States in honor of Joel Roberts Poinsett, who introduced the plant into the country in 1828. These Christmas flowers are native to Mexico and are named after Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first U.S Ambassador to Mexico and a U.S Congressman. What is the correct pronunciation for "poinsettia? Christmas is about a lot of things but for me Christmas is about plants: Poinsettias, Christmas trees, mistletoe and holly.Poinsettias are easy. HISTORY OF POINSETTIA. They are typically treated as annual houseplants, but are actually deciduous tropical shrubs that thrive outdoors within U.S. They are typically treated as annual houseplants, but are actually deciduous tropical shrubs that thrive outdoors within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 to 11. Poinsettias are native to Mexico. Indigenous to Central America, it was described as a new species in 1834. You might want to keep your pets from snacking on poinsettia leaves. So unless you like to itch, avoid the sap, in case you are one of those prone to develop this rash. The milky sap (the "latex," if you will) that oozes from the branches can result in contact dermatitis in some people. You can even make a wreath full of white ones and insert a few contrasting rend poinsettias. But because this fact is so widely known now, people have let down their guard and allowed a new myth to take hold, as a reaction: namely, the myth that no health issues whatsoever surround the annual displaying of poinsettia plants. You might be surprised to learn just how many people get sick due to exposure to poinsettias. Poinsettias are mildly toxic to dogs but the dangers are hardly ever serious or fatal. Enormously popular holiday gifts, they are treated by most of their recipients as houseplants. 10 Interesting Facts About Poinsettias No flower says Christmas like the beautiful poinsettia. Grow them in well-drained soil and in a sunny spot that receives a fair amount of shade in the afternoon—water needs are moderate to high. Poinsettias are the most popular Christmas plant. If you want to treat poinsettia flowers as annuals, you can grow them outside for a bit of extra greenery. It is an indoor plant that you can grow throughout the year, allowing it to provide a splash of color within the household. Luckily, succeeding in growing poinsettia does not need to be a hard task, even if you are a novice gardener. Eating the leaves can cause vomiting and diarrhea. ". History of Poinsettias. (Of course, the plant wasn't called "Poinsettia" yet, as it was named after him years later). Botanically, the plant is known as Euphorbia pulcherrima. Hit enter to search or ESC to close. An NCAA college football bowl game in San Diego is named the Poinsettia Bowl. Poinsettias are native to Mexico. Many plants in the Euphorbiaceae family ooze a … The red Poinsettia still dominates over other color options. We can thank the derivation of the plant's name from Ambassador "Poinsett" for the numerous misspellings that abound. Although these traditional beauties aren’t difficult to maintain, watering poinsettia plants can be tricky. All the way from the deciduous tropical forests of Mexico, people bring this bright color plant to their home for holidays. He sent cuttings of the plant he had discovered in Southern Mexico to his home in Charleston, South Carolina. David Beaulieu is a garden writer with nearly 20 years experience writing about landscaping and over 10 years experience working in nurseries. Poinsettia is more than just a Christmas flower. The leaves are reportedly not very tasty, so it's highly unlikely that kids or even pets would be able to eat that many! The girl was, however, reassured that to use a modern expression, "it's the thought that counts.". Such misspellings have spawned mispronunciations (or is it the other way around?). The Ecke family had a secret technique that caused every seedling to branch, resulting in a fuller plant. Poinsettia is a type of small tropical tree that belongs to the spurge family. In 1991, a university graduate student published an article that described a method for causing Poinsettias to branch. They are found in deciduous tropical forests at moderate elevations the entire Pacific coast of Mexico to Chiapas and Guatemala. The legend regarding Euphorbia pulcherrima begins long ago with a peasant girl in Mexico, faced with a problem on Holy Night: she lacked the means to contribute a gift in the Christ Child ceremony at the church, as all the other children would be doing. Some readers with latex allergy have shared their personal stories about health problems stemming from contact with these colorful plants. Can poinsettias be harmful to your health? ... Deciduous trees, shrubs drop leaves in cold temperatures. Despite rumors to the contrary, Poinsettias are not poisonous. is derived. Be careful that the stem does not begin to shrivel. They have names like 'Premium Picasso', 'Monet Twilight', 'Shimmer', and 'Surprise'. Euphorbia pulcherrima is a sub-tropical plant, native to Mexico. By Bob Morris Gardening. Taking this advice, she picked some roadside weeds on the way to church to make a bouquet. The Paul Ecke Ranch in California grows over 70% of all Poinsettias purchased in the United States and about 50% of the world-wide sales of Poinsettias. These "are short-day plants." Since Poinsettia plants are from the tropics, they prefer surroundings that simulate that type of … This technique allowed the Poinsettia industry to flourish. Our local poinsettia growers buy cuttings… They are typically treated as annual houseplants, but are actually deciduous tropical shrubs that thrive outdoors within U.S. Poinsett was a botanist, physician and the first United States Ambassador to Mexico. Well, the common name derives from the fact that Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first U.S. They are also found in the interior of Mexico in the hot, seasonally dry forests of Gurerro and Oxaca. The showy colored parts of poinsettias that most people think of as the flowers are actually colored bracts (modified leaves). 0 . As you can see from the photograph below, wild poinsettias look quite different from the ones we grow today in greenhouses. The salient point about their status as sub-tropical plants is that, when transporting them in cold weather (say, from a florist shop to your home), they need to be wrapped for protection. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board. Deciduous shrubs are typically multi-stemmed plants that lose their leaves in fall and winter. There are more toxic holiday plants for dogs - here is a list. These brightly coloured flowers are sure to brighten up any home through all our dark our December days. 'Prestige Red'--one of many poinsettias patented by Ecke--ranks among the best-selling hybrids. December 12th is Poinsettia Day, which marks the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett in 1851. If it survives until January, it will start shedding all of its leaves because poinsettias are deciduous and lose their leaves over winter. Yeah, we are talking about the poinsettias. They are also found in the interior of Mexico in the hot, seasonally dry forests of Gurerro and Oxaca. There are more than 100 varieties of poinsettias available today. Poinsettias are not frost-tolerant. The plants are raised in greenhouses (it is big business), to be sold as potted flowers for the holidays. California is the top U.S. Poinsettia-producing state. Poinsettias contribute over $250 million to the U.S. economy at the retail level. Wild poinsettias grow as small trees or tall flowering shrubs. No flower says Christmas like the beautiful poinsettia. Poinsettias are part of the Euphorbiaceae or Spurge family. The truth is, a kid would have to eat about 500 poinsettia leaves to get sick. Poinsettias come in colors like the traditional red, white, pink, burgundy, marbled and speckled. Imagine seeing a whole forest of poinsettias! In nature, Poinsettias are perennial flowering shrubs that were once considered weeds. Poinsettia has a variety of names: a scientific, Euphorbia pulcherrima, a scholar, Euphorbia the elegant, as well as many market and commons, including Christmas Star, Christmas Flower, Painted Leaf, Lobster Plant and Mexican Flameleaf. It derives its common English name from Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first United States Minister to Mexico, who is credited with introducing the plant to the US in the 1820s. This dwarf deciduous … When mention is made of poinsettia plants, most people think of the color, red. Montezuma, the last of the Aztec Kings, had Poinsettias delivered to him by caravan to what is now Mexico City, because Poinsettias could not be grown in the high altitude. Long-day plants form flowers only when day length exceeds a critical minimum, usually more than 12 hours. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Learn a few facts about this traditional Christmas plant. January to March: Keep watering the poinsettia whenever the surface is dry. Poinsettias are native to Mexico and were found in the wild — in deciduous tropical forest at moderate elevations from southern Sinaloa, down the entire Pacific coast of Mexico to Chiapas and Guatemala. Poinsettia grows in deciduous tropical forests and seasonally dry forests in the wild. The Paul Ecke Ranch in California grows over 70% of all Poinsettias purchased in the United States and does about 50% of the world-wide sales of Poinsettias. Poinsettias are small shrubs that grow wild in the deciduous tropical forests of Mexico, but to most of us, they bring color to the home during the winter holidays. Deciduous plants have leaves that drop once a year. But when she arrived at the church, and it was time for her to present her gift, the bouquet of weeds was transformed into something much more colorful: red Christmas poinsettias! Plus poinsettia leaves have an awful taste. Learn a few facts about this traditional Christmas plant. Regarding the toxicity of Euphorbia pulcherrima, one could say, "A new myth has grown up in the process of dispelling an old myth." Seven hundred years ago, the Aztecs called the plant Cuetlaxochitl, and used the red bracts for dye. N ative to Mexico, Poinsettias are found in wild, deciduous tropical forests at moderate elevations, from Southern Sinaloa down the entire Pacific Coast of Mexico to Chiapas and Guatemala. In Spain the Poinsettia has a different holiday attribution. Why couldn't the ambassador have been named, "Smith?". It is known there as "Flor de Pascua", meaning "Easter flower". The poinsettia occurs naturally in northwest areas of Mexico and can be found growing wild in deciduous tropical forests along the western coast of Central America as far south as Guatemala. People seem intent on spelling the name "poinsetta," for example (dropping the I near the end of the word). Ambassador to Mexico, introduced the first specimens to North America (1828). In the ground, they can reach 10 feet tall. When laymen speak of the "flowers" on poinsettia plants, what they are referring to are petal-like leaves known as "bracts." As of August 2012, the Ecke Ranch, which was family-owned and operated for nearly 100 years, announced that it had been acquired by the Dutch-based Agribio Group. The colors of the bracts are created through "photoperiodism", meaning that they require darkness (12 hours at a time for at least five days in a row) to change color. Joel Roberts Poinsett, a physician, botanist, and the first United States Ambassador to Mexico, spotted a wild Poinsettia growing in a deciduous, tropical Mexican forest in the 1820's. The colorful bracts form around (and just below) these inconsequential flowers. Seven hundred years ago, the Aztecs called the plant Cuetlaxochitl, and used the red bracts for dye. Here is a picture I took of one in El Salvador in front of a synagogue. Even though poinsettias are not difficult to maintain but watering them can be little tricky. With the secret out and available to everyone, competition flourished, especially from Europe, resulting in a decrease of Ecke's share of the market. Dec 27, 2016 - Prized for their bright, showy flower bracts, poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are a common sight in many homes during the holiday seasons. Flowering is dictated by a number of daylight hours available. Plant root showing … Poinsettias are often disappointing in their second year, but this is the best way to try and get a good display from them in their second year. In Mexico the poinsettia is a perennial shrub that will grow 10-15 feet tall. The plants are raised in greenhouses (it is big business), to be sold as potted flowers for the holidays. In extreme cases, anaphylaxis can result. The harm, in these cases, comes not from eating the leaves, but rather from touching the plant or even simply from being around Euphorbia pulcherrima. Updated by Erica D. Seltzer and MaryAnne Spinner, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners,,,,,,,, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In other words, the more foliage the plant has, the longer it will last. Prune back the plants hard in April, to about 10cm (4in), and keep at a temperature of 13°C; In early May, repot them, growing them in a light, cool place over summer. Poinsettias have also been called the lobster flower and the flame-leaf flower, due to the red color. They exist in the hot, dry forests of the Mexican interior and can also grow in temperate coastal climates, such as the beach communities of Southern California. They will grow outdoors in temperate coastal climates, such as Southern California beach communities. Poinsettias are shrubs or small trees, … If you wish to replicate this "forcing" and get your plant to bloom again, you will need "about 10 weeks with 12 hours or less of sunlight per day." Poinsettias are another great Christmas tradition. But frankly, they are not anything special without the colors that nurseries artificially induce them to put on at Christmas. On the other hand, once Poinsettias finish that process, the plants require abundant light during the day for the brightest color. In Nahuatl , the language of the Aztecs, the Poinsettia was called, Today the plant is known in Mexico and Guatemala as ""La. Not a are poinsettias deciduous feature of colored bracts ( modified leaves 100 varieties of poinsettias that most people think as... N'T been any deaths reported due to the red color Euphorbiaceae ) small—and certainly a. Color plant to the contrary, poinsettias are part of the plant is known as euphorbia pulcherrima and! Grow as small trees or tall flowering shrubs as Southern California beach communities inconsequential flowers its and. That would surprise many people ) garden ever be found in the,! 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