/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC] Updated Information This VMware Validated Design Architecture and Design document is updated with each release of the product or when necessary. ���]��&�9�\t����Z��`�|�e���e��&,H�م:�slv� HNv�"0F�A����hk��*��ClBN*~v��Z� (>rx��æɫ�uH�#��h�ŌX��H.Nܙ�.uQ��m�Rnaq&�k4�A1:K7�-xA�-T��C�F�B�6bD\-� �3,Esl2�c�i4�� 3 0 obj FlashStack Virtual Server Infrastructure Design Guide for VMware vSphere 6.0 U2. 4 0 obj VMware Validated Designs create reference architectures, deployment walkthroughs, deployment guides, operations guides…and more. Reference architectures . 2898 The remaining documents are updated in groups until the entire set is compliant with the Bill of Materials of the VMware Validated Design release. Reference architectures . endobj Key Design Considerations . To check for more recent editions of stream Let’s highlight these below. << /Length 9 0 R Reference Architecture Model for CRD v2.5. /Length 23 0 R Describe available design alternatives. �1L��@SH=jvi�#�X�W6)�;�R�� s�䥝a�޾�G �A���A.B��8�ם�ҁI�P��Ed��"onwlt�:���i��ʤ�+����,�i�C��Հ�u�g��n��M�X�!q0���: �yG6�w�˃�߰M���h�+��ƫ�O�H�6�7y�N�u��Q� �a-�+�~��Z�fk�&$�JƯ�B���=Z����~Y�ٚ�ݻ�ddv�훔 VMware Validated Design™ Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 3.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. In the last year since VMware announced the VMware Validated Designs at VMworld 2015, they’ve delivered on two iterations of the VMware Validated Design for SDDC. endobj Each scenario explains how to implement a common use case. Reference Architecture Guide-The VMware Validated Design Reference Architecture Guide contains a validated model of the Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) and provides a detailed design of each management component of the SDDC stack. To check for more recent editions of this document, see Additional Resources on VMware Technology Network, Introduction to VMware Validated Designs and Core Documentation for Standard SDDC, Documentation on Workload Domains with VMware NSX-T, Technical Notes on VMware Validated Design, What's New in VMware Validated Design 6.1, Versions of VMware Cloud Foundation in VMware Validated Design, Documentation for VMware Validated Design 6.x, Guided Documentation Map for VMware Validated Design 5.1.x and Earlier, Documentation for VMware Validated Design 5.1.1 and Earlier, Documentation for VMware Cloud Foundation 3.x, VMware Validated Design 6.1 Release Notes, Architecture and Design for the Management Domain, Deployment of the Management Domain in the First Region, Architecture and Design for a Virtual Infrastructure Workload Domain, Deployment of a Virtual Infrastructure Workload Domain, Architecture and Design for a vSphere with Tanzu Workload Domain, Deployment of a vSphere with Tanzu Workload Domain, Architecture and Design for a Red Hat OpenShift Workload Domain, Deployment of a Red hat OpenShift Workload Domain, Architecture and Design for Cloud Operations and Automation, Deployment of Cloud Operations and Automation, Architecture and Design for Backup and Restore, VMware Validated Design Documentation Structure and Audience, VMware Validated Design SDDC Architectures, Deployment for Multiple Availability Zones, Architecture and Design for Consolidated SDDC, Planning and Preparation for Consolidated SDDC, Architecture and Design for VMware NSX-T Workload Domains, Deployment of VMware NSX-T Workload Domains, Architecture and Design for VMware NSX-T for Workload Domains with Multiple Availability Zones, Deployment of VMware NSX-T for Workload Domains with Multiple Availability Zones, Architecture and Design for VMware Enterprise PKS with VMware NSX-T Workload Domains, Deployment of VMware Enterprise PKS with VMware NSX-T Workload Domains, Security and Compliance Configuration for ISO 27001, Security and Compliance Configuration for NIST 800-53, Security and Compliance Configuration for PCI, Architecture and Design for Extending VMware Validated Design to VMware Cloud on AWS, Deploying VMware Validated Design Using OSPF Dynamic Routing, Extending VMware Validated Design with Multiple Regions, Scaling Up and Scaling Out VMware Validated Design, Deployment of VMware vRealize Suite 2019 on VMware Cloud Foundation 3.10, VMware Cloud Foundation 3.9.1 Site Protection and Recovery, Using Hosts with Multiple Physical NICs with VMware Cloud Foundation 3.x, Deployment of VMware NSX-T Workload Domains with Multiple Availability Zones for VMware Cloud Foundation, Deployment of VMware NSX-T Edge Nodes on Bare-Metal Hardware for VMware Cloud Foundation 3.10, Deployment of VMware NSX-T Edge Nodes on Bare-Metal Hardware for VMware Cloud Foundation 4.0.x, Software-Defined Data Center hands-on labs, Introduction to VMware Validated Designs and deployment preparation workbook, Scenarios for using the system according to an IT use case, such as workload provisioning and intelligent monitoring. Uf;4�t��yALZ�}۽B�����r�oӤ�����M۱��Q���}���2�o���S���(�x%!��-A��}��A�% ��.��V-Q/��r��H��������. It is our pleasure to share the updated architecture reference poster for the VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 5.1. Note: ... App Volumes Logical Architecture. The documentation of VMware Validated Design consists of succeeding deliverables for all stages of the SDDC life cycle. VMware Validated Design for Cloud Providers (for Cloud Director 9.7) - Reference Architecture. Describe available design alternatives. Core and Pod Architecture– This section illustrate… The VMware Validated Design documentation is published in several iterations. Reference Architecture Model for CRD v2.5. This strategy allows the design, deployment, and integration to be validated and documented. This poster depicts many portions of the fundamental architecture for both quick reference and discussion. Cisco Validated Designs (CVDs) provide the foundation for systems design. ... ongoing savings. The VMware Validated Designs provide comprehensive and extensively-tested blueprints to build and operate a Software-Defined Data Center.. With the VMware Validated Designs, VMware delivers holistic data center-level designs to deploy and configure the complete VMware SDDC in a wide range of scenarios with detailed guidance on how to operate … xڭ�MO1��&������-�1^L�z"��*�n��oW1z� ��Mg&=. At the release date, the core documents that introduce VMware Validated Design and provide guidance on the SDDC design, planning, and deployment become available live. VMware Validated Design for Cloud Providers (for Cloud Director 9.7) - Reference Architecture VMware Validated Designs for Cloud Providers are blueprints for building and operating cloud infrastructure for a wide range of cloud provider use-cases. Find a Validated Design or reference architecture that meets your requirements. %PDF-1.5 This guide is intended to serve as a design reference for VMware Cloud and provides a general framework for successfully planning, building, and operating an implementation. Provide design decisions to reflect the main design issues and the rationale behind a chosen solution path. /First 26 See SDDC Architectures. The Certified Reference Design (CRD) for VMware Cloud Providers is a pre-validated set of software components that simplify the deployment of a VMware Cloud Director® based multitenant cloud in a predictable and efficient manner. Key Design Considerations . /Contents[ 11 0 R] VMware Validated Design is a family of solutions for data center designs that span compute, storage, networking, and management, serving as a blueprint for your Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) implementation. Decision. This poster depicts many portions of the fundamental architecture for both quick reference and discussion. In this update of the Reference Architecture, the foundation document has changed from the Certified Reference Design which we used for the last version, to the new VMware Validated Design for Cloud Providers.To get the most from this poster you should read the full Scale and Performance Guide. 1034 These designs are thoroughly tested for scale and interoperability and are refreshed regularly. VMware Validated Designs for Cloud Providers are blueprints for building and operating cloud infrastructure for a wide range of cloud provider use cases. This poster depicts many portions of the fundamental architecture for both quick reference and discussion. It is my pleasure to share the architecture reference poster for the VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 4.0. They are based on common use cases or engineering system priorities. Based on the VMware Validated Design reference architecture, the guide includes step-by-step instructions for commonly performed tasks. ... See the VMware Compatibility Guide. The design guide also covers topology and consideration s for VxRail and/or VCF (V Mware Cloud Foundation) stack integration with NSX-T. We discussed these design choices in VMworld sessions Next-Generation Reference Design with NSX-T: Part 1 and Part 2. If you’d like to print the poster and hang it on your office wall, the PDF size is 51in x 31in. The architecture, the detailed design, and the deployment guides provide instructions about configuring a dual-region SDDC. Cisco Validated Designs (CVDs) provide the foundation for systems design. Note: ... App Volumes Logical Architecture. Are you architecting an integrated digital workspace using Workspace ONE and/or VMware Horizon? VMware Validated Design™ Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 2.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. This Horizon 7 Enterprise Edition reference architecture presents high-level design and low-level configuration for the key features and integration points of Horizon 7 Enterprise Edition to form cohesive services to address typical business use cases . To check for more recent editions of this document, see If you’d like to print the poster and hang it on your office wall, the PDF size is 51in x 31in. A pod was formed in … Each guide incorporates a broad set of technologies, features, and applications to address your needs. The Scenarios documentation for VMware Validated Design for IT Automating IT provides implementation steps for a set of scenarios. Architecture Guide – including: Architecture Overview; Detailed Design; Planning and Preparation Guide; Deployment Guide; Operational Guidance; Hello, 3.0. From vCenter Servers and load-balanced Platform Services Controllers, to cross-region and cross-vCenter NSX, through cloud operations and automation with the vRealize Suite, this section touches it all. Provide design decisions to reflect the main design issues and the rationale behind a chosen solution path. Vmware Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design™ Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 2.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. 23 0 obj *�3)��ll�C�F�5����c�tl�����lE�'�^ݞ��+��S��뛓���è�p$�M~�3�xo�% je��� ����x�u�cB ��@������� ��(Da�� ����%\�h0��t����I Vmware Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design™ Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 2.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. ... Pod and Block Design for This Reference Architecture. It is our pleasure to share the updated architecture reference poster for the VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 5.1. Logical Components Architecture– This section illustrates the logical architecture and the how the solutions are deployed and integrated across a full-stack, dual-region Software-Defined Data Center. /ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC] This table provides the update history of the Architecture and Design document. After you deploy the SDDC, VMware Validated Design provides several types of post-deployment guidance: You can also use technical notes to adjust your system to a certain network and data center setup. ��(DL����Y���Gxj^R<3f{M4b�����a��/�k~�A{�_/����g1�of���ؾ��NXqh*;���E�� ?av�@����1SZ(Y����'��݁;3��y���N����vj�C��C�}&¾#7�Η�O��(%��#���@@Ǣ���ԕw�ҩ&����U�;�Pd��f�� /Group<> Results in Quicker Time to Value With a quicker deployment of your SDDC you will ensure faster fulfillment of your business needs. The vmware workspace one and vmware horizon reference architecture guide provides a framework and guidance for architecting using workspace one and horizon, ... 2020 in this document, we showcase vmware best practices and design guidelines for the epic operational and analytical databases on vmware … The following documents extend the portfolio of VMware Cloud Foundation. 1. Launch the Navigator; Contact Cisco. For information on the document types, see VMware Validated Design Documentation Structure and Audience. To check for more recent editions of this document, see What is VMware Validated Designs? Title Solution Hypervisor/OS; FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere 7.0, Cisco UCS C125 M5, and NetApp ONTAP 9.7: Platform: VMware: FlexPod Datacenter for SAP Solution using FibreChannel SAN with Cisco UCS Manager 4.0 and NetApp ONTAP 9.7 Design Guide The Scenarios documentation for VMware Validated Design for IT Automating IT provides implementation steps for a set of scenarios. VMware Validated Design is a family of solutions for data center designs that span compute, storage, networking, and management, serving as a blueprint for your Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) implementation. Revision Description 24 AUG 2020 At VMware… This table provides the update history of the Architecture and Design document. <> The documentation of VMware Validated Design implements a sequence which reflects the stages for implementing and maintaining an SDDC. 9 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode >> technical white paper – september 2016 vmware workspace one reference architecture: validated integration design The VMware Workspace ONE Reference Architecture: Validated Integration Design white paper provides a reference architecture for implementing the Workspace ONE product. This Horizon 7 Enterprise Edition reference architecture presents high-level design and low-level configuration for the key features and integration points of Horizon 7 Enterprise Edition to form cohesive services to address typical business use cases . Updated Information This VMware Validated Design Architecture and Design document is updated with each release of the product or when necessary. � M���� ��5}Q��P�cE���cv;�����Q�6����t _o��!� 11 0 obj ���a������~�� ~�᧏h��c:ovH�����|q�2yk����#�G�p�Y�m%t,`9Vd! It has 1:1 relationship with the vCloud Director instance. an assortment of reference architectures categorized by major application or use. Audience b 5r�R2����O��Z�(Ad%�E��- ��dDyY�E4� n�SY���M-��C�\c���.���J1��l�B�+���iCd�����,R�����7�G���}`��,tl�T�etR �+��"!>"m�A�8"&Z}魔4�jI]*��N�(��< ��X*���/V��������:�̏ ��1�J㜱��mŽP��ƶ �D��������w*�!���;�V�4�Q{�_k ��*�l��p��zʉ��EU��4�%&�`.��#����[�oÚ�׻��E�n$ (��5���SA+�g��? See VMware Validated Design 6.1 Release Notes. Bringing a carefully validated architecture … x�uY�n�}���c+H��/yK�0��� �R�R�-�Z����{YUl{bٖx���F�q����o�y�\�|K- Vmware Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design™ Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 2.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. Zv��FYS���~�H�M�W���|e%�b��51w $r���v'�]-棩4���;��R`��"�׆X �ϔd��ZL�3��X� ѐ]��Z�O� xڍVm��6��_���P����� �K�(�A���_��˖�k�\�_����rG�M���^%M. ��g�g�e���*���ԅe��M��Y��f�R.p�hSV?��@�U&2$��:!V�Yv&Fu���2a����t�f�zx Reference Architecture Guide-The VMware Validated Design Reference Architecture Guide contains a validated model of the Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) and provides a detailed design of each management component of the SDDC stack. 306 /MediaBox [ 0 0 594 792 ] endobj �5�g/XX�8}���K�. SDDC8423 - VMware Validated Design for SDDC – Operations Architecture Technical Deepdive SDDC8946 - Deep Dive into Deploying the vRealize Cloud Management Platform the VMware Validated Designs Way! Deliver the Right Architecture for the Software-Defined Data Center. << /Length 21 0 R VMware Validated Design for Cloud Providers (for Cloud Director 9.7) - Reference Architecture. endstream Are you architecting an integrated digital workspace using Workspace ONE and/or VMware Horizon? VMware vCloud Director Object Storage Extension – Reference Design 12 | VMware Validated Designs for Cloud Providers Architecture 3.1 Overview vCloud Director Object Storage Extension is running externally to vCloud Director and integrates with it as UI extension. This reference architecture provides invaluable guidance to address your unique business needs and use cases, including design tools and methodology, decision processes, detailed architecture, and best practices for integrating the components for each product. Title Solution Hypervisor/OS; FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere 7.0, Cisco UCS C125 M5, and NetApp ONTAP 9.7: Platform: VMware: FlexPod Datacenter for SAP Solution using FibreChannel SAN with Cisco UCS Manager 4.0 and NetApp ONTAP 9.7 Design Guide ot:����\V�G�'�S}��E���ą_)�I�)��|{�Y�����:ֲRք�q�)c7�"9�֕s�\��OXo�=����� t�h���a��4{�,g� The documentation of VMware Validated Design consists of succeeding deliverables for all stages of the SDDC life cycle. Vmware Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design™ Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 2.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. VMware Validated Design supports three SDDC implementations - Standard SDDC, ROBO SDDC, and Consolidated SDDC. Guide : VMware Validated Design Reference Architecture Guide : Purpose : Provide complete details about the configuration of each layer and of the components that are a part of the layer. endobj (���^$3A�h��Ͽ��R��I+'��������U*8�V� Virtual Infrastructure Layer The virtual infrastructure layer sits on top of the physical layer components. �r2���y���\lq����ӴA�g��ٷb� ��-��������1W�sވ�p�D��J'��sK��:[�v����'�ʜS��;�ذ�bR����չ�b�ց[ �� _�"!��5. /Annots[ 8 0 R] The architecture, the detailed design, and the deployment guides provide instructions about configuring a dual-region SDDC. 2. This poster depicts many portions of the fundamental architecture for both quick reference and discussion. In the current release, /Group<> >> The vmware workspace one and vmware horizon reference architecture guide provides a framework and guidance for architecting using workspace one and horizon, whether using… ... All Citrix design guides. VMware Validated Design documentation can be used as an extension to the VMware Cloud Foundation documentation. Each version of the VMware Validated Design documentation uses an exact VMware Cloud Foundation version. VMware Validated Design for Cloud Providers (for Cloud Director 9.7) - Reference Architecture VMware Validated Designs for Cloud Providers are blueprints for building and operating cloud infrastructure for a wide range of cloud provider use-cases. /Filter /FlateDecode >> �9R��]�iJq!� ��8�w$����4R�E�P���Q�Թ6 VMware Validated Design™ for Micro-Segmentation Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Micro-Segmentation 3.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. endobj VMware Validated Design™ Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 2.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. It is our pleasure to share the updated architecture reference poster for the VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 5.0.x. The VMware Workspace ONE Reference Architecture: Validated Integration Design white paper provides a reference architecture for implementing the Workspace ONE product. << /Type /ObjStm Yi7��!� VMware Validated Design™ for Micro-Segmentation Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Micro-Segmentation 3.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. /N 4 Use the following documents, available for the latest or earlier release of VMware Validated Design, to design and implement a validated SDDC. )�.� ��-R@� ����"�C��2�X�sQh"��&�G���#d��5��8�3`����-�vR޵�7!je�`��,�P5h�.�IW k�"5h�$��c@�)�F�\,U��u��R�E��fR�A�wX;�nӲ�Y����;�(e3� 0�o� This strategy allows the design, deployment, and integration to be validated and documented. The VMware Workspace ONE and VMware Horizon Reference Architecture guide provides a framework and guidance for architecting using Workspace ONE and Horizon, ... and integration to be validated and documented. For information on Standard SDDC, Consolidated SDDC, and ROBO SDDC architectures, see VMware Validated Design SDDC Architectures. In this update of the Reference Architecture, the foundation document has changed from the Certified Reference Design which we used for the last version, to the new VMware Validated Design for Cloud Providers.To get the most from this poster you should read the full Scale and Performance Guide. The reference architecture is based on key business requirements such as enabling business mobility for employees, and identifies use cases, such as mobile knowledge workers. Revision Description 24 AUG 2020 At VMware, we value inclusion. Architecture Guide – including: Architecture Overview; Detailed Design; Planning and Preparation Guide; Deployment Guide; Operational Guidance; Hello, 3.0. Cisco Solutions for a VMware View 4.0 Environment Design Guide; Implementing Nexus 7000 in the Data Center Aggregation Layer with Servicese; Data Center Service Integration: Service Chassis Design Guide; Server Farm Security in the Business Ready Data Center Architecture v2.1; Data Center Infrastructure Design Guide v2.5 endobj ��\��B�h��L���'�7�R{P��n&��g�XC�*�f����Q�D�c��9�%Z���q䭣��d=��&g��ݥu�;���'�BpM�����ï?uf�NؾՁk�A���x$މϬXb��p\����h�^R F���I�-�r�zY.�0,@Ɏ%��9� �(2e�f�Eʻ6�4�=b��t-��ݑ�RgS��eͥ{��H�*�������+p�� f' This was a quick look at the VMware Validated Designs (VVD) in general and the NSX design elements within the SDDC stack design in the VVD. This poster depicts many portions of the fundamental architecture for both quick reference and discussion, including NSX-T use in workload domains. Since there is no shortage of reference material covering the business aspects of solution design, this guide will not touch upon those areas but will instead focus on the technical details of design. VMware Validated Design provides a set of prescriptive documents that explain how to plan, deploy, and configure a Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC). @kA���{��mv%e%6CZ���3K�� 2���+���Ԋ�`���Q�E�6ia�K=���_�Hi��S��'ޟ�X- �_e8#Ng�V�;h��5�+�b|3T?��׎_�e�q�F�HjE���]�M�zJ���c�z]4�P$���PYͺ!2��@�=,70�՚�&��!���� -�ɍ�j���2��^��ο���k��\����w���-Z�����N"&�m���b�y��7��^����x��r�;?�߽ݘr8ݛ�ߘc:�^?=��7S>9�|�_C�7�_��������������p�t9=ݘxx�{{|~2;}�1�pR�O������\������uW�x�-���8�������"�E�2�����G���P-���J;�Z��i�W��hM��D�����A��b�t8RO��׺�V6�.�n��aGx����� /Contents[ 4 0 R] To check for more recent editions of this document, see �n�Px�����o"T�������|=9`"�5�H��������]�,*i��E߳k*!�ﭠ�1�ǶZ�C*PL]� s2�P��z8�U&��0�L�?e�P���H�Z�k� FlashStack Virtual Server Infrastructure Design Guide for VMware vSphere 6.0 U2. VMware Validated Designs for Cloud Providers are blueprints for building and operating cloud infrastructure for a wide range of cloud provider use cases. These designs are thoroughly tested for scale and interoperability and are refreshed regularly. please visit the pages below for more information in each application area. �t���(bb~C��ղoZ�y�� �0̖�m���a���\�ߑ U9�}�aJb���CY��:���j=�^�!X�Y�K�^�}0x�Eb�ue_��%��+�x��ҋź �G]B́l�� H��4`gbP����^��EoC� BN� stream Reference Architecture-Based Design for Implementation of Citrix XenDesktop on Cisco Unified Computing System, Citrix XenServer, and NetApp Storage – Cisco Validated Design, which consists of 138 pages and covers the Infrastructure Components, the Architecture, the Solution Validation, the Test Setup and Configuration, Test Results and Scalability Considerations and Guidelines. /Filter /FlateDecode >> In the last year since VMware announced the VMware Validated Designs at VMworld 2015, they’ve delivered on two iterations of the VMware Validated Design for SDDC. stream The vmware workspace one and vmware horizon reference architecture guide provides a framework and guidance for architecting using workspace one and horizon, whether using… please visit the pages below for more information in each application area. 21 0 obj 22 0 obj Each guide incorporates a broad set of technologies, features, and applications to address your needs. <> SDDC9025 - VVD 101: Build Your Cloud the Right Way, First Time To check for more recent editions of this document, see @B����K��ԥ��ح�Ga;�\�}G�^r��� !�SC�(�YR���P8 Vv`�k{��6��ʀw0F9)��.�h�b����"Z|����D�%�ty���N�����N��А)�k�������oX#$��#�fJ��L�x��ٳc���ת8�)�Ҧ���6� n����r�o㞄w�P���;�Ѓk�j�!u�*'ͅ���'�$��B� �`\;�=̠U7��h���ЄЩ}�NE+^c�ȳXك+� They are based on common use cases or engineering system priorities. To check for more recent editions of this document, see �������<>$��Y�k�6��fQ�I[��a��f�逯�>�|8mb��v�ʋ�����x�RQ�$��G���d\���R�����ulN�����y�dXr�E��\8T �Ak�*S͏��G��g%��y����Q?��zJ���O�O�R��2b:E����B�(��-'uN�u���&� an assortment of reference architectures categorized by major application or use. 10 0 obj VMware Compliance Kits are comprehensive guidance enabling compliance-oriented customers to meet their regulatory requirements across the entire suite of products in the VMware Validated Design. �4�R��i��}��jan������ VMware Validated Design provides a set of prescriptive documents that explain how to plan, deploy, and configure a Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC). /CropBox [ 0 0 594 792 ] It is our pleasure to share the updated architecture reference poster for the VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 5.0.x. The Certified Reference Design (CRD) for VMware Cloud Providers is a pre-validated set of software components that simplify the deployment of a VMware Cloud Director® based multitenant cloud in a predictable and efficient manner. We wanted a way to provide a quick architecture reference as you get started with the design. The reference architecture is based on key business requirements such as enabling business mobility for employees, and identifies use cases, such as mobile knowledge workers. endobj Based on the VMware Validated Design reference architecture, the guide includes step-by-step instructions for commonly performed tasks. VMware vCloud Director Object Storage Extension – Reference Design 12 | VMware Validated Designs for Cloud Providers Architecture 3.1 Overview vCloud Director Object Storage Extension is running externally to vCloud Director and integrates with it as UI extension. The poster has six major sections. Guide : VMware Validated Design Reference Architecture Guide : Purpose : Provide complete details about the configuration of each layer and of the components that are a part of the layer. The vmware workspace one and vmware horizon reference architecture guide provides a framework and guidance for architecting using workspace one and horizon, ... 2020 in this document, we showcase vmware best practices and design guidelines for the epic operational and analytical databases on vmware … VMware Validated Design™ Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 2.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. Guidance on adding workload domains with an architecture for VMware software that is additional to the list of required products. Audience This VMware Validated Design Architecture and Design document is updated with each release of the product or when necessary. /CropBox [ 0 0 594 792 ] To check for more recent editions of this document, see It has 1:1 relationship with the vCloud Director instance. /MediaBox [ 0 0 594 792 ] VMware Validated Design for Micro-Segmentation Reference Architecture Guide VMware Validated Design for Micro-Segmentation 3.0.0 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. >> >> %���� /BleedBox [ 0 0 594 792 ] We wanted a way to provide a quick architecture reference as you get started with the design. SDDC8423 - VMware Validated Design for SDDC – Operations Architecture Technical Deepdive SDDC8946 - Deep Dive into Deploying the vRealize Cloud Management Platform the VMware Validated Designs Way! All our documentation also comes in PDF, which you can access by selecting the PDF download icon while reading a page or viewing a search result. >> This reference architecture provides invaluable guidance to address your unique business needs and use cases, including design tools and methodology, decision processes, detailed architecture, and best practices for integrating the components for each product. /BleedBox [ 0 0 594 792 ] It is my pleasure to share the architecture reference poster for the VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined Data Center 4.0. endstream Cisco Desktop Virtualization Solutions with VMware Horizon View provide server-hosted virtual desktops with better security at a lower cost. The design guide also covers topology and consideration s for VxRail and/or VCF (V Mware Cloud Foundation) stack integration with NSX-T. We discussed these design choices in VMworld sessions Next-Generation Reference Design with NSX-T: Part 1 and Part 2. 5"��)���� ��r��6 For hands-on experience with the SDDC, try the Software-Defined Data Center hands-on labs. To check for more recent editions of this document, see SDDC9025 - VVD 101: Build Your Cloud the Right Way, First Time In the current release, This poster depicts many portions of the fundamental architecture for both quick reference and discussion, including NSX-T use in workload domains. .��/��{Q/B-w�EydžJ��&��-M���j�U �����3=z�^�����|3Q�W���ќ��+s�.F8z~|]mq�t�:��-����سs�:���Lz=}y_e�Y�,_ͻ��g�J���k.~ڸtG}>�-]����͝y:}5��G�z6��;��F�]ͷoM�k�z:�?��^>���e�Ѓ�|����Ҭ���0�|�b��üH�]>\���g�K��V��_b�L�$�f=��cT�U��g�*�0 ��އA�r��_�0��h�w��J���6��r /Annots[ 14 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R] Each scenario explains how to implement a common use case.
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