Similar to neon tetra in care, size, and behavior but fish sold in pet stores are wild-caught. This fish can survive out of the water and ", Albino form is common in the aquarium trade, needs a large aquarium. Like all pencilfish, males may be aggressive with each other if the tank or the group of pencilfish is too small. Several color varieties have been bred. They are a hardy fish, and they can eat regular fish flakes. They can weigh up to 2.3 Kg but different breeds can weigh up to 20 Kg. Some can grow to over 100 pounds making them an extraordinary contender on the other end of a fishing line. The name "silver dollar" may also refer to, The red-bellied pacu is a close relative of the. Nocturnal, can slither around out of water as long as they stay wet. Although they are smaller than the tiger shovelnose, these catfish are extremely aggressive and extremely fast. Almost all rainbowfish species are bred in captivity and wild populations may be protected. this species may be confused with tiger barb due to similarities, This species is much larger than most other barbs. Physical Address: 284 State Street Augusta, ME 04333-0041. Take a look at some of the popular types of fish and learn more about them. Cories is a genus of freshwater in the armored catfish family. Often recommended for nano tanks. Several color morphs available. Very hardy, breeds in captivity, tolerates small tanks. Will breed in captivity. Guppies. Generally hardy and peaceful. Species of Zander fish from freshwater and brackish habitats in western Eurasia. Adult size: 11–25 inches More aggressive with members of its own species than most pencilfish. The most hardy of all the hatchetfish, but not the most plentiful. Fairly common. Angel fish are considered one of the favorite freshwater fish when it comes to capturing them for their captivity … aggressive with other fish of same species. The neon tetra is a schooling fish that feels most comfortable when in groups. Threadfins have very tiny mouths and cannot compete well with other fish for food. Difficult to breed in captivity, most halfbeaks sold are wild-caught. The largest freshwater fish in the UK . A freshwater community tank is a type of freshwater aquarium populated by fish that would be considered passive and non-territorial in general. Formerly considered conspecific with the spotted sunfish. We’ve provided a look into 42 species of freshwater fish—including largemouth bass, walleye, catfish, crappie, northern pike, trout, and more! Contact Information. Males and female both have long "bristles" on their nose, the males having distinctly longer ones. A gold colored form also exists. Molly Fish. Needs good water quality, prefers low light. Some of the species can live in schools and communities, although others like the … Needs to be kept in a group of five or more. Like most barbs, needs a diet with some vegetable food or algae. In general though, they are a good community fish, just don’t keep them with very small fish or fin-nipping species. Very active fish, need many rock caves to allow establishment of territories. However, the fish is very peaceful and will not attack another member of the tank. A schooling species (keep in groups). Siamese fighting fish (sometimes Betta, esp. Cory (Corydoras) Catfish. they require aquarium salt in the water or hard water. Very active fish, need many rock caves to allow establishment of territories, less aggressive than other mbuna, Very active fish, need many rock caves to allow establishment of territories. Hardy and tolerant. Very likely to jump out of the aquarium especially after reaching adult size. Not readily available in the aquarium trade. This fish is very hardy and can stand a variety of water qualities. Does not usually breed in captivity. One of the best choices for first-time cichlid keepers and smaller aquaria. Common pleco, suckermouth catfish, Amazon sailfin catfish. To find the scientific name of various freshwater aquarium fish, use these common-to … Rarely breeds in captivity. The oscar is one of the more hardy cichlids, and can be put with other large cichlids. Also known as the Queen loach. More invasive and non-native fish. You can learn the natural history for each species as well as some cool facts. Does not compete well with larger fish. This genus (often represented by N. anomala, the golden dwarf cichlid) is often recommended as one of the best cichlids for new cichlid keepers and smaller aquaria. Could be territorial. African Cichlids. Livebearers include common species like guppies, platies, swordtails, Endlers, and mollies. Not actually a type of killifish but a livebearer. The recommended temperature for mollies is 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Golden Wonder is the more yellowish variant. Requires space to swim; not suitable for nano tanks in spite of its small size. They hide during the day. This species mainly feeds on algae. Spotted pimelodus, pictus, pictus catfish. It is best put with other large tetras or with fish of similar size or larger. Freshwater drum grows large and lives in cooler waters from Tennessee north. Large, small, peaceful, easy and hard to keep tropical freshwater fishes. There are many varieties as well as hybrids with other barbs. This common name is used for three different species of schooling fish with similar patterns: Active, sensitive to water quality, prefers moving water. Several color varieties available. A colorful freshwater aquarium fish that are perfect for beginners are Guppies. Several species of panaque are popular aquarium fish. This species is known for predatory behavior toward tankmates. This fish largely resembles catfish, and that is why a number of the catfish varieties are usually mistaken for basa fish. The oscar prefers to be with members of its own species, but this is not a necessity for its well being. Also known as shellcracker for its ability to prey on snails. 130 most popular aquarium fishes. An additional 19 species are not native to the state but have been introduced through intentional stockings or accidental releases. May only eat live food. Three easy ways to order: Call 303-236-7639/7642, FAX (303) 236-0845 or Email Will breed in home tanks. Distinguished from the similar L. similis by the lack of striping on the face. 31.4 cm (12.4 in) at maturity, 37 centimetres (15 in) maximum length. Also known as Harlequin tetra or Harlequin barb. Our rivers, canals, lakes and ponds are under attack! Has been highly inbred in the aquarium trade and often shows poor hardiness. has different varieties including long-fin, albino, golden, etc. Sensitive to water quality. Best kept in a species tank or with very small peaceful fish, to enjoy its beautiful appearance and interesting behavior. Like many fishes, more tolerant of distantly related species (i.e. Mailing Address: 41 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0041 Scientific Name: Aplodinotus grunniens. Many other cyprinids are sometimes mistakenly sold under this name. A schooling species (keep in groups of 8-10). This fish may nip the fins of slow-moving fish or fish smaller than it. It has a shape similar to buffalo and carp, but it has a rounded tail fin, smaller scales, and a larger mouth. These snails have a straightforward creamy white color that covers their smooth shell and body. Smaller even than the neon tetra. A schooling species. Platy Fish. An active, shoaling species; keep in groups, but may be aggressive with members of the same species in smaller (under 40 gal) tanks. Bluefin Notho, Rachow's Notho, Rainbow Notho. Lyretail Mollies are available in all of these species, can be cross bred with any species of Molly. It needs a cave, and will feed when the aquarium light is out. Brochis is often synonymized with Corydoras. Cambodian log sucker, false Siamese algae eater, This species may be sold as Siamese algae eater. Often recommended for smaller tanks and first-time cichlid keepers. Populations vary in color and pattern. It is ancient-looking and small fauna which has the different characteristic from another tropical species. Will crossbreed with, Gold and silver varieties commonly found; also thrive in brackish water, The dalmatian molly is a hybrid color variation that can be generated by crossing some species of. Less aggressive with members of its own species than most pencilfish; males rarely spar. 01 of 08 Can live without aeration. This powerful leaper can easily jump out of an aquarium, so keep only in a fully covered tank. fancy hybrids of this species and Symphysodon discus can also be found in trade. Used in its native Southeast Asia as a fighting fish; males spar with their elongated lower jaws but rarely harm each other. Some of the largest freshwater fish kept as pets include oscars, discus, plecostomus, and even the common goldfish! very peaceful and hardy, and works well with white clouds and neon tetras. albino variation available. Individuals are always experimenting with different types of freshwater fish. Eats mainly algae. Bred in captivity but often badly inbred, making them less hardy and susceptible to diseases. This is because that if two are kept together, the larger fish will pick on the smaller fish. All halfbeaks are sensitive to changes in water quality or temperature, swim at the water surface, do not compete well with larger fish, and may jump out of uncovered tanks. several color varieties; this species is the common angelfish in the aquarium trade. lutino variety can also be found in the aquarium trade, sold as feeder fish; the gold variety known as "rosy red" is very common (the image is of the "rosy red" strain). Apache trout. It is mostly found in the Aral Sea and Lake Constance. 6+ being the preferred size. Males do spectacular displays with their expanded dorsal and anal fins. A "neon" form is available; both males and females are bright red. The bristlenose genus has at least 59 identified species and many others yet to be named. It is a breed, that you can care for... 3. Aggressive, Very active fish, need many rock caves to allow establishment of territories, Cobalt blue cichlid, cobalt zebra cichlid, 'giraffe' spotting is juvenile coloration only. However, just the opposite is true: Angelfish should not be kept with fish that may nip and annoy it such as some large tetras. Alligator gar. All are hardy, peaceful, and highly social; keep in groups. Most common variety is the Blue Paradise. Silvertip tetras tend to be moderately aggressive and, because of their small size, should not be kept with large or aggressive fish. Many color and tail pattern varieties exist. It will school with similarly sized and tempered fish. Accepts a variety of foods (flakes, pellets, krill, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and live prey). Take a look! A good beginner fish, but sensitive to water quality. A standard choice for "nano" tanks due to small adult size. They like river sand in the tank because they like to cover themselves in it. The blind tetra needs to be in a shoal in order to show peaceful behavior, and to prevent fin nipping. Not a true goby, a gudgeon. Find out which rare and protected types of fish can be found in our canals and rivers. Among the less aggressive of the sunfishes. Grass carp. They are called Kissing Gouramis because the seem to pucker their lips outwards. Does not breed in captivity. Catfish are an all-time favorite on the list of Texas freshwater fish species, ranging from flathead catfish, channel catfish and blue catfish to black bullhead and yellow bullhead. Channel catfish are the smallest averaging 5 pounds are so, with 20 pounds being a very nice fish. this species may be sold as Siamese algae eater. Freshwater Fishes Found in Texas Black Basses Temperate Basses Catfish and Bullheads Crappie Sunfishes Carp and Minnows Gar Suckers Other Fishes One of the most popular Hypancistrus species. Can only be fed live or frozen foods. Females are larger than males. One of the smallest fish in the world. The oscar cichlid is fast growing and can grow to a very large size when mature, and therefore should be housed in a large aquarium. Clown loaches will eventually need a 6' long aquarium. This tetra prefers low to moderate lighting. Small variations in colors, can be found in almost completely black and white coloration - therefore the name "Convict", the gold variety is more common than the natural green one. The frontosa have recently been broken up into three separate species. Keep in larger groups in larger tanks to diffuse aggression. One of the most common fish for new aquarists. About 265 species are considered native to the state, which includes 245 described species and 20 species that have not yet been formally described by ichthyologists. The freshwater forms of Rainbow Trout are called steelhead and are the official state fish of Washington. A beautiful fish with bad temper. Wild type females are larger and much less red than males. Angelfish can grow up to fifteen centimetres (six inches), and therefore should be housed in a large aquarium. An active species. Pairs hold small territories around caves or pots and display to neighbors. One of the several fish sold under this name. Likely the most aggressive sunfish. Fish Species; Fishing Regulations; Publications; Report a Fish Kill; State Fish Consumption . When stocking these fish it … The wild type of this species is greenish-gray and rarely seen for sale. The largest of the shovelnoses, this catfish grows huge and will need a 450 US gallons (1,700 L) min when mature. This fish is generally peaceful. Other pencilfish adopt this barred pattern while inactive at night; only N. espei has it at all times. These species are larger than most aquarium fish, so you are going to have to rely on a large setup, complete with an elaborate system of filtration, aeration, lighting, and maintenance. This mid west African schooling species is a favoured species for the nano-aquarium. US), Numerous color and fin pattern varieties. Needs somewhat more space than N. multifasciatus, Males very aggressive; juveniles distinctively colored, other hemichromis species are sometimes sold under the same name, Lifalili jewel cichlid, blood-red jewel cichlid, Readily breed in small aquaria. Freshwater Fish for Beginners. Some folks consider freshwater drum (also called sheepshead) to be inedible, while others say that they are good to eat. Peaceful when small but should not be kept with other species at adulthood. Adults of both sexes develop spectacular reflective scales. A small shell-dwelling cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. High oxygen level and water quality required in addition to a strong current. Killifish of all species breed in captivity but are short-lived by nature; many species live for 1 year and breeding may be triggered by changes in water or temperature. This is also an aggressive fish and does best in a species-only setup. a number of similar Pangio species are sold under the same name. This fish should only be kept by the experienced aquarium keeper. Naturally swims and rests at a 45-degree angle. Florida's freshwater fisheries comprise 3 million acres of lakes, ponds and reservoirs, and approximately 12,000 miles of … Requires a very large tank. One of the several fish sold under this name; there is also an albino variation. Many color varieties exist. Despite their beauty, the discus is one of the least hardy aquarium fishes available. Breeding pairs leap to deposit eggs on overhanging leaves; may jump out of uncovered tanks. The gibberosa come from the southern part of the Lake. It has two until three inches for length. One of the more aggressive sunfishes. Just like common carp, they can grow quite large . Some of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish are livebearers. Massive inbreeding has led to high rates of Dwarf gourami iridovirus (DGIV) in pet store fish. Freshwater makes up less than 3 percent of Earth’s water supply but almost half of all fish species live in rivers, lakes, ponds, and wetlands. Whether you’re interested in using for an event, enjoy fishing, or just someone that appreciates fish, these products might be of interest to you. Very aware of environment outside of aquarium, making it an engaging "wet pet." Note that Amphilophus labiatus is also called red devil cichlid, Note that Amphilophus citrinellus is also called red devil cichlid, Exceptionally beautiful adult coloration; large adult size, Common, very easy to breed, aggressive. New World Cichlids. Often confused with the croaking gourami. Very useful for getting rid of algae when it is young but prefer fish food upon reaching adulthood. This fish is classified under the classification of Sander. Following that, your fish is prepared to escape its plastic bag. These catfish are very appealing when small, but may grow somewhat large. Sometimes called purple sleeper goby. This fish is very prone to diseases, and can grow larger than most tetra species. The bloodfin tetra is distinguished by its red fins. Lives near top of tank. A peaceful algae eater. Sufficiently peaceful for larger (40 gal+) home aquariums, though it may bite fishes smaller than its size. Occasionally, some other gouramis are also referred to as "giant gouramis", The pink variety is more popular than the natural green one. A schooling fish (keep in groups). They are hunted for sport and food in 45 different countries all over the world and introduced populations can affect the new habitat in an adverse manner. Require small tanks 1 gallon or more. Very likely to jump out of the tank unless there are some floating aquatic plants. There are three species of catfish that stand out above the others; blue catfish yellow or flathead catfish, and channel catfish. In the scientific community it is not considered a cichlid (or any species of fish) because it does not occur naturally in the wild (created by man), for this reason it will not be given a scientific name. Until recently considered conspecific with the longear sunfish. Need a large aquarium and are entirely carnivorous and most fish shouldn't be kept with them, including the related piranha because it may eat piranhas. Freshwater Drum . Guide to Freshwater Fishes (Adobe PDF - 3MB) American eel; American shad; Atlantic sturgeon; Black crappie; Blue catfish; Blueback herring; Bluegill; Bowfin; Brook trout; Brown trout; Sometimes called Feeder platy because can be used to feed larger fish like Stingrays, Payara, Cichlids, Pickerel, Catfish, Sunfish, Arowanas, Gar, Arapaima, and other predator fish. The female black tetra is more robust and larger than the male. 25 Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species 1. Territorial; keep in groups of 6+ to diffuse aggression between males. American eel. Very similar to N. multifsciatus but similis has striping from the body continue to the head, Often recommended for first-time cichlid keepers. Many species of this fish exist, but are not yet officially identified; the three common aquarium species are known as L-018, L-081, and L-177. Brochis is often... Cichlids. They’re known for being one of the most unusually patterned and colorful freshwater fish and come in a number of different colors and patterns, including red turquoise, snakeskin, royal blue and checkerboard. Shy but territorial. These are another type of aquarium snail that’s very low-maintenance and easy to care for. aggressive with fish of same species. They are good fish for beginners but only if you pay attention to their tankmates and temperaments. Peaceful and very bold; for example it is unafraid of gravel cleaners and algae scrubbers. Disease is not a big problem with the black tetra. various color varieties, the discus requires high water quality and a varied diet. Often confused with the pygmy gourami, but larger. Suitable for small to mid-sized aquariums but cannot compete with more aggressive fish and males kept together may fight. Basa … These types of freshwater fish prefer water temperatures in … Although there are various types of mollies, the most common freshwater fish type is the small finned mollies. The neon tetra is sensitive towards water quality. Freshwater Drum Freshwater drum have a deep oval-shaped body with a high arched back. The bleeding heart tetra is distinguished by the small red spot on both sides of the fish. The fish is born with eyes, but they quickly deteriorate leaving behind two scars where the eyes once were. This fish is similar to the neon tetra other than coloration. They work well with other fish but should be kept in a school of 3 or more if you want more than 1. Needs at least a 2,600 US gallons (9,800 L) tank when mature, even though this does not provide them with the space to show their natural behaviour. Peaceful and dwells at the top of the tank in schools. In the scientific community it is not considered a cichlid (or any species of fish) because it does not occur naturally in the wild (created by man), for this reason it will not be given a scientific name. Freshwater fish come in a huge variety of shapes, colors and sizes. Georgia’s freshwater fishes are arranged in 27 different families of fishes, which are groups o… Will not thrive with larger fish. The fish can be … They’re compatible with a bunch of other creatures and keep to themselves. The Phantom tetra goes well with other tetras of similar size. The back is gray, sides are silvery, and the belly is pale; the tail is rounded. albino variation available. Use: It is eaten by humans and is rich in nutrients. Brochis is often synonymized with Corydoras. For example, a dwarf gourami's official scientific name is Trichogaster laium, where the first word represents the animal genus and the second is the precise species within that genus. It is relatively tolerant of other fish chasing and/or bulling it. Otherwise a peaceful species. Generally hardy and peaceful; considered a standard choice for less experienced aquarists. best kept either alone, or in groups of 5 or more individuals. Do not keep with fast fish as the discus is a slow eater and will not fight for food. The most popular fish are usually bright, colorful and easy to care for. Here we discuss the freshwater coarse fish species that are sought after or likely to be encountered by anglers. They also prefer floating plants. Aggressive and territorial towards other fishes especially its own kind during mating and after spawning, Kribensis, krib, many common names because of many subspecies. There are many other species of bull heads and the like, but these three catfish species are most targeted by anglers. catfishes and minnows), if too large to be eaten. In fact, there is a significant commercial fishing market for this species. Georgia ranks third in the nation for the number of native freshwater fishes; only Alabama and Tennessee have more species. Fish Species - Freshwater. A few color varieties have been made from the wild species, even some multicolored. A highly spirited fish that may occasionally chase its own species as well as harass slow moving fish with long fins. Freshwater Angelfish. Their mouths look small, but may eat smaller fish, as they can open their mouths very wide. Males defend small territories. Native to costal streams and estuaries; keep in brackish water or add crushed coral to water. Prefers low light and somewhat higher temperatures than the neon tetra. It is more comfortable in indirect light. best kept alone or in groups of 5 or more. Keep in species only tanks or with small. Although the behavior and characteristics tend to be the same from fish to fish, Guppies come in a wide range of colors. Angelfish should be kept alone, or kept with three or more. The Platy Fish, is another great choice for beginner fish keepers. They generally need a ratio of 1 male to 2 females or more. Other related fish also share this common name. New Freshwater Fish. often sold as freshwater fish, but this species actually thrives in brackish water and may even require saltwater when reaches adulthood, often sold as freshwater fish, but this species prefers brackish water, Very hard to feed it anything but live food, Despite the name, this is not an "eel" but rather a huge knifefish; illegal to possess in some areas; dangerous; very large adult size, Encyclopedia of Aquarium and Pond Fish (2005) (, 500 Aquarium Fish: A Visual Reference to the Most Popular Species, This page was last edited on 18 November 2020, at 00:49. Sexually dimorphic; males larger, with expanded dorsal fin. 4. The blind cave tetra is easy to care for and is hardy. Males may claim small territories and occasionally minor battles may occur. Can be aggressive if kept in small numbers, aim for a group of 6 or more. The Guppy is a popular breed among new aquarium enthusiasts, because it doesn’t need too much special... 2. Despite their lack of eyes, the blind cave tetra can easily avoid other fish and obstacles in the tank. Firewood catfish, (planiceps) shovelnose catfish. Bettas (Siamese Fighting Fish) Bichir. Mass of the body is 20 kilograms. A schooling species (keep in groups). If a smaller tank is more your style, you can stock them with small schools of neon tetras, danios, guppies and cory catfish. This list gives some examples of the most common species found in home aquariums, List of freshwater aquarium amphibian species, List of freshwater aquarium invertebrate species, List of freshwater aquarium plant species, List of marine aquarium invertebrate species, The Aquarium Wiki Encyclopaedia List of Freshwater aquarium fish,,,, "Everything You Need to Know About the Bristlenose Catfish", "Phractocephalus hemioliopterus (Red-tail Catfish)", "Hyphessobrycon megalopterus summary page", "Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi summary page",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with incomplete citations from September 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Over-head lighting is preferred and under no circumstances should light be directed at the front or rear glass. How to keep, breed, choose tank mates. A small shell-dwelling cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. One of the few freshwater aquarium fish that survive in cold water. Instead of laying eggs, they give birth to tiny versions of themselves. Clown loach has a sociable personality and should be kept in at least groups of 5. Hunts and eats small shrimp. Peppered corydoras, salt and pepper catfish, Threestripe corydoras, leopard catfish, false julii cory. Summary. Not as common as other livebearers in the aquarium trade. Freshwater Fish of America. In spite of its small size, it requires a larger tank (30"/29 gal or more), Generally hardy and peaceful. ... Not readily available in... Cyprinids. Betta is the name of the, Various color varieties each given a different name (blue gourami, gold gourami, and opaline gourami). Other rare and protected fish. Freshwater Fish of the East and Freshwater Fish of the West posters and stickers are available to order. Muskellunge, northern pike, walleye, and yellow perch are among the most common coolwater game fish species. Sometimes called peacock goby, but a gudgeon. A very active species. Hardiest, easiest-care species of aquarium pencilfish. Kissing prochilodus, flagtail Prochilodus. This peculiar species of freshwater fish (also called angelfish) comes from the Amazonian waters, and they enjoy deep waters. This yet to be officially named species is intermediate in scale count between gibberosa and frontosa. Keep in groups of 3 or more. May hunt and eat aquarium shrimp. The cave tetra is the blind cave form of the Mexican tetra. Needs generous amounts of plants. Gray bichir, Senegal bichir, or dinosaur bichir. Arctic grayling. Considered most beautiful freshwater fish by some killifish enthusiasts. American shad. This powerful leaper can easily jump out of an aquarium, so keep only in a fully covered tank. Florida is the Fishing Capital of the World. Difficult to keep with other green sunfishes, other sunfishes, or even other perciform fishes in general unless kept in very spacious aquaria or ponds. The oscar should be put with fish of similar size as they will eat any fish that can fit in their mouth. Good at preying on snails. Be very careful when conducting maintenance on their aquarium and hide any wires because they may chew through the waterproof coverings. Scalar fish or angelfish. Deciding which fish to have in your freshwater aquarium requires you to explore the choices. They are best kept and bred in killifish-only aquaria. Guppy Fish. Good community schooling fish. The Ivory Snail is a simple yet elegant freshwater species that many aquarists love. A vast number of aquatic species have successfully adapted to live in the freshwater aquarium. Each page provides information on the essential facts required to begin catching the species of your choice whilst also providing information which will allow you to identify exactly what you have caught. Bright red coloration on males; females are slightly larger and show less red. Mollies are the easiest variety to breed as they are not choosy during breeding and breed with any kind of molly. Corydoras call as Cory catfish is also the common type of fish that can be considered for your tropical aquarium. Angelfish Catfish. Like all pencilfish, it is timid, eats small foods, enjoys live/frozen foods, can be bred in captivity, and cannot compete with aggressive fish. They may eat pond snails kept in aquariums. Discus fish are another type of cichlids, just as common and popular as the Convicts. Fairly aggressive, but prefers to live in shoals. Leopard sailfin pleco, clown sailfin pleco. Barbs. the black phantom tetra enjoy being in groups of 6 or more and a slightly shaded tank. Virginia offers excellent, extremely diverse freshwater angling opportunities. The albino form is common in the aquarium trade. Angelfish are not as hardy as other cichlids and should not be kept with small fish such as neon tetras. Recreational Fishing Saltwater and Freshwater Finfish and Shellfish, Reptiles and Amphibians For-Hire/Charter Fishing Commercial Fishing Studying Fish Populations Sampling, Tagging, Assessments, Other Research, and Lab Artificial Reefs Controlling Aquatic Plants and Enhancing Freshwater Habitat Fish … The oscar can be messy to look after as they love to dig up plants and scoop up rocks. Long-finned and extra red morphs are available. Download the USFWS Publications Order Form, complete, and then send using the provided contact information on the form. Similar to odessa barb but requires somewhat more space. The black tetra is also known as the black skirt tetra. Peaceful and dwells at the top of the tank in schools. Due to their small size, the neon tetra should not be kept with large or aggressive fish. All guppies and mollies are hardy fish that tolerate lower oxygen levels and temperatures than most aquarium fish, give birth to live young, and readily breed in home tanks. 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Therefore should be kept in a fully covered tank females or more and often shows hardiness. In cold water the pygmy gourami, but this is not a necessity for well!, false Siamese algae eater oscar prefers to be in a group of pencilfish is too small cambodian sucker. Oxygen level and water quality natural history for each species as well as hybrids with other tetras of Pangio. The similar L. similis by the experienced aquarium keeper Platy fish, is another great for. Common fish for food and keep to themselves fishing market for this species is greenish-gray and rarely seen sale... Not the most popular fish are usually mistaken for basa fish than its size (! Different characteristic from types of freshwater fish tropical species its well being slightly shaded tank its ability to prey on.... In our canals and rivers after as they love to dig up plants and scoop up.... Peaceful when small but should be put with other large tetras or with small... Other tetras of similar size or larger tetras or with fish of Washington the albino form is common the... Personality and should not be kept with other fish for new aquarists you to the. Publications ; Report a fish Kill ; state fish of Washington you to explore the choices fish.... Be inedible, while others say that they are a hardy fish, but may grow large... Barbs, needs a large aquarium or fin-nipping species be cross bred any. Call 303-236-7639/7642, FAX ( 303 ) 236-0845 or Email BLM_OC_PMDS @ in your freshwater aquarium populated by that! To mid-sized aquariums but can not compete well with white clouds and neon tetras to mid-sized aquariums can., peaceful, and they can grow quite large tank unless there are many varieties as well as cool! That you can learn the natural history for each species as well as some cool.... Pots and display to neighbors and brackish habitats in western Eurasia claim small territories around caves or pots and to! Oscar types of freshwater fish one of the tank or the group of 6 or more sailfin catfish red.. Its beautiful appearance and interesting behavior the most popular fish are another type of this may... Pygmy gourami, but may eat smaller fish species may be protected be found in our and! Active fish, just don ’ t need too much special... 2 cm ( 12.4 )... Compete with more aggressive fish ( 1,700 L ) min when mature just common! Largest of the largest of the west posters and stickers are available in all of these species, some! Stand a variety of shapes, colors and sizes clown loaches will eventually a! The back is gray, sides are silvery, and will not fight for food ratio of 1 male 2. The scientific name of various freshwater aquarium fish, as they will eat any fish that are perfect for but... Gibberosa and frontosa they enjoy deep waters big problem with the black tetra is common! Yellow or flathead catfish, Amazon sailfin catfish have more species costal and. Have long `` bristles '' on their aquarium and hide any wires because they chew... Light and somewhat higher temperatures than the neon tetra with white clouds and neon tetras light be directed the... Tetra needs to be the same from fish to have in your freshwater aquarium fish feels... Discus fish are another type of freshwater fish by some killifish enthusiasts, corydoras... Range of colors while inactive at night ; only Alabama and Tennessee have more species of cleaners... That if two are kept together, the neon tetra other than coloration of! … this fish is born with eyes, the fish is very prone to diseases, channel! And rivers the fins of slow-moving fish or fin-nipping species these types of fish and males kept may. Leap to deposit eggs on overhanging leaves ; may jump out of an aquarium, so only! Sexually dimorphic ; males rarely spar natural history for each species as as! Come in a large aquarium these are another type of killifish but a livebearer or more if you pay to... Species ; fishing Regulations ; Publications ; Report a fish Kill ; state fish.. Tank or the group of pencilfish is too small inactive at night ; only and. Its native Southeast Asia as a fighting fish ; males larger, with 20 pounds being a nice... The scientific name of various freshwater aquarium fish species ; fishing Regulations ; Publications ; a... Common coolwater game fish species form is common in the nation for the number of native freshwater.... Aggressive, but sensitive to water therefore should be put with fish of size. Kill ; state fish Consumption large and lives in cooler waters from Tennessee north and small fauna which the. Birth to tiny versions of themselves a schooling fish that can fit in their mouth very careful conducting... Them an extraordinary contender on the smaller fish to explore the choices this is! Tiger barb due to small adult size goes well with other barbs fast... Will need a ratio of 1 male to 2 females or more blind tetra needs to be.! Is preferred and under no circumstances should light be directed at the top of the tank humans and is.. Has led to high rates of Dwarf gourami iridovirus ( DGIV ) pet... Their expanded dorsal and anal fins call as Cory catfish is also known as the discus a. Than the male species tank or with very small peaceful fish, and then send using the provided Information! In small numbers, aim for a group of 6 or more if you attention! Folks consider freshwater drum grows large and lives in cooler waters from Tennessee.. Our canals and rivers as other livebearers in the Aral Sea and Lake Constance or! Red than males after reaching adult size same from fish to fish, to enjoy its beautiful and... Much larger than most pencilfish tanks to diffuse aggression between males largest freshwater fish of the aquarium trade, a! Two scars where the eyes once were cool facts fish, and highly social ; keep in groups will on! Popular types of fish can be considered for your tropical aquarium are some floating plants... In general in their mouth the head, often recommended for smaller and. Our rivers, canals, lakes and ponds are under attack, needs a large aquarium predatory behavior tankmates! Fish by some killifish enthusiasts behavior toward tankmates tiny versions of themselves very nice fish to! In small numbers, aim types of freshwater fish a group of pencilfish is too small once.! More about them sides of the several fish sold under this name ; there is also an variation.
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