Quote. I use G&L Legacys (S-S-S) for about 60-70% of the classic rock, blues and country that I play. If they haven't I'll go with the HSS in the charcoal with the rosewood board and get an SSS with a maple board later on next year. The HSS Stratocaster is very similar to the SSS version, with the exception of a Fender humbucker replacing the single-coil bridge pickup. Will shall see lol I will let you all know what happens. If you favor MLC NAND flash memory, you can consider Toshiba’s classic SSD Q200 EX M.2 SATA for your laptop computers. Basically, is there any big difference between the SSS and HSS besides different pickups? This means a big difference in sound when the first position of the pickup selector is engaged. Any help would be greatly appreciated. So, ideally, have your SSS Strat and add a HSS Strat to it. SSD (Solid State Drive) Solid state drives use flash memory to deliver superior performance and durability. The Strat neck pickup is my go … Re: SSS vs. HSS vs. HSH vs. SSH vs. HH vs. HS vs. SH A pair of good humbuckers like a '59N/Custom bridge combination, along with coil taps for both should be quite versatile for most styles. I prefer SSS but that's just me being very old-school. I have a HSS Squier Bullet Strat in my guitar collection and it’s absolutely worth every single penny. I occasionally play with some raw distortion. A fast SSD can reduce loading times and improve system responsiveness, while a slow HDD can add minutes of wait time to every gaming session. Messages 2,921. First, let’s first discuss what kinds of things you might want to back up. so I was stuck between going with 2 SSD or a hdd and a SSD. TripHazard. Single coils have a clearer clean tone but are quackier and have more feedback (recommended for blues and strumming type music). What exactly are you asking? When I was considering a new professional, I actually preferred the HSS on the new ones. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. Get the HSS. I play mostly classic rock and blues. I figured I should get a SSS Strat since the S-1 switch can give a humbucker sound regardless whether there's a humbucker pickup in the bridge position. Go to. Both are from well-respected brands, are reliable products, and won't run away with your wallet. I’m talking about the daily, weekly, monthly, whatever frequency backups (either manual drag-and-drop or a backup package created by backup software). I think I'm on my way to moving to HSH for my next strat, with mods to get extra pu combos. I miss the SSS bridge for fuzz , but I really don’t use that often at all. But for desktop computers, you may want to consider a better choice of M.2 SSD: Toshiba’s RC100 NVMe SSD. This is my first stratocaster, and am confused on what to buy. Go SSS. Anything to be aware of with that approach? Custom HSS Strat Wire Harness . The only difference between the HSS and SSS is the pickup. It's a great guitar. Re: Which do you prefer, SSS or HSS Strats? Thanks again guys! Well i was thinking about changing my strat hss to an sss since i have a les paul now (HH). This is more of a review of Andrew Robertson PAF humbucker pickups than an overall comparison of SSS vs HSS. I got an aged green SSS guard and bought a V60LP for $50 used and was off and running. Guy Named Sue Censored. HSS = Humbucker/single coil/single coil SSS = all single coils I'm not into heavy metal or punk or stupid stuff where you can't even hear the notes, I … The SSS is going to be a more classic sound (like Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour of Pink Floyd, blues players like Stevie Ray Vaughan) while the HSS is more of a modern rock sound. Hello, I own a ThinkPad X250¹, and it can take both an M.2 2242 SATA SSD and a 2.5" HDD or SATA drive that's 7.0mm high (e.g., the standard height for 2.5" SSDs, these days). Give Gift; Back to Top; Post by ttmax on May 17, 2020 19:40:19 GMT. I like the flexibility the HSS gives me. The HSS should give you more tone options. It'll be my first guitar and I mainly want to play alternative rock. I have found for rock sounds, or silence from hum, the HSS is the winner all around. You can always go to SSS, but not the other way around. You have to spend time to learn to play it! I’m not talking about computer data we use daily. It's a compromised beast not quite an SSS strat imo Either get both, or if it has to be one only - test out both and decide which one sounds best to you . I picked SG in your poll cos a HSS delivers neither full Strat tones nor anything close to an SG. If you are looking for a more distorted heavy sound, go for the HSS. When I want humbucker tones, I switch to a Les Paul, 335 or other 2HB guitar. I usually prefer SSS for a strat. I was a bit unsure at first but I'll have no problem buying another for my other guitars. Messages 7,215. In terms of protocol, M.2 SSDs can be divided into two types: SATA and NVMe. Jason_77 Member. This harness is of solid quality, very easy to install, and at a great price. HSS means Humbucker, Single Coil, Single Coil. I've never owned the HSS, but I've had 3 of the SSS over the years, and they are great guitars; you can't go wrong with either. This HSS version is not yet tested, but I don’t foresee a problem.-----EDIT 25 January 2008 Going back to the SSS version, I changed mine so that the tone control, when in series mode only, bypasses the neck pup with a capacitor when set at max treble. I'm looking for an indie rock/alternative style sound, sort of like St. Vincent or Vampire Weekend. Gold Supporting Member. That said, I have an SSS Strat, a Telecaster Custom, a 335 and 355 and Gretsch with blacktop Filter'trons and the Gretsch is my go-to guitar 98% of the time. I would like to apply for a scholarship. Or should I do HSS or SSS? The guitar will not learn to play itself. I plan on getting an American Deluxe Fender Strat and I was wondering which I should get? I have heard that if I want a Strat, then I should go for the standard SSS strat. Buy used if on a budget! Given that sound preference, should I maybe look at some different pickup set ups? Pre-Admission. Previous Thread; Next Thread; Please make a selection first; new « Prev ; 1; Next » ttmax Harley Benton Expert. If you want a good strat for a not a lot of money take a look at the Vintage V6! Unless you really love positions 1 or 2 on a strat, I say go with the HSS. Both are great. The Single sized bridge HB works well for me, I don’t use much quack either. Mark 16th Apr 2020. Are you asking in terms of safe storage?, Particularly Long term safe storage? Ok so im gonna rewire the ol' squeir bullet and im not sure what to pick, HSS wired pcik guard from gfs of the SSS 1. im not really into putting a humbucker into a strat but i dont think i should knock it solely on the way it looks. For mass storage, whether you go for a 2.5-inch SSD or an HDD, these are our top recommendations. Because there are lots of small, moving parts inside your hard drive — magnetic heads, spindles, and spinning platters — it's easy for things to go wrong and you could lose your important data. An HSS Strat makes for a wonderful addition to an SSS Strat. I got an Antique HSS recently. Yes, our old friend SATA appears again. 59Bassman Plank Cranker. Anything weird with the SSC system or anything? . Rather hold off on the purchase for a few months and get something proper! It'll be my first guitar and I mainly want to play alternative rock. The biggest difference you’ll find is tone. The only reason to go HSH is if you want to give up the most "valuable" sound that a Strat can offer because you want a Fender guitar that is essentially focused on jazz tones, or predominantly Gibson-esq tones. As for Layla, I think the original was recorded with "Brownie", a SSS Strat, and a very small Fender tube amp cranked up. I am thinking that the Godin is more versatile because it has HSS pickups, and it is of higher quality because it is made in Canada and assembled in US. These backups come in handy when disaster strikes. They're truly GREAT guitars! So if I only had one guitar, and it had to be a Strat, then it would probably have to be an HSS. But if you were into ska and funk, then the SSS would be great. Would like to hear it with overdrive and distortion too. It really depends on your tastes. While SSS means all single coils. The hss seems it would have a thicker/warmer tone than the sss (which I really like) but, I don't want it to lose its strong bite in the bridge pickup that a sss strat has. However, I am a humbucker guy and although it sounds good it can't compare to my real Humbucker guitars. Which is better - a Fender Standard Strat or a Godin Exit22? I'd say this - if you want traditional tone go SSS If you are a workingman and need every sound a man could be asked to do, you might need the HSS. Messages: 25,939. That said, your HSS config sounds terrific. Visiting SSS; Graduate (by Research) Programmes; Graduate (by Research) Frequently Asked Questions; Frequently Asked Questions. Aug 19, 2018 #13 I own two Classics, a Custom … I really just used it for games, premiere pro, and a little of video editing. I'm looking to get an electric guitar, but I can't figure out whether I should get HSS or SSS pickups. A HSS sounds 80% SSS standard strat to me. The next best option would be a MIM strat (used again). As far as I can tell, the SSS is routed only for SSS. 2.) Thinking about it more though my Strats are all maple necks and fingerboards so maybe SSS with a maple fingerboard would be a good idea anyway. They both have noiseless pickups so I'm not worried about that. When you’re weighing the choice of HDD vs SSD for gaming, it’s key to find the right storage drive for your goals and budget. You can get the sound by purchasing the gear. I prefer a humbucker of some sort in the bridge, anything else sounds thin to my ears, but a single coil in the neck or a clear humbucker is great. FIRST, You should ALWAYS be keeping a back up copy of your data files. May I find out the admissions criteria? I plan on upgrading my SSS Strat soon and will install a Obsidian Harness as part of the upgrade. 691 posts St-62cc SSS to Hss May 17, 2020 19:40:19 GMT via Tapatalk . HSS or SSS is personal taste. Humbuckers have less feedback and provide a more powerful metal and rock tone. Hi, I am intent on transforming the st-62 from sss to hss. (Not really trying to hate with Bullet strats. Great product! Neilena, Oct 2, 2019 #2. I was planning on going with dual 2tb SSD because I really dont need more than 4TB for as right now. They probably will play roughly the same, though, a humbucker is worlds different from a single coil. 08-30-2018, 04:41 AM #8. i was wondering if u guys … Option 3 - buy an SSS if you find one you love, and get an SD LIL 59, Hot Rail, or LIL JB if you change your mind. I’ve played some Strat single bridge pickups that worked well, but I didn’t have much luck. Strat bridge sounds tend to be OK. Most of the really sought after strat sounds are either the neck or position 4. It's really worth the extra money. HDD vs. SSD: What’s better? How should I go about doing so? I suppose the safest bet would be to go HSS since I have 2 SSS's (lol) already and worst case scenario I could drop a single coil in after if I don't like the HB? I am interested in postgraduate education. Fender MIM Stratocaster HSS.
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