The open-access social movement has facilitated this exploitation [2], preferring to advance its ideology at the expense of good science. International (Fake) Journal. Dermatology is one such field where researchers are taking action to identify predatory journals [12] and warn others about them [13]. "Science Publishing Group" is a nice name. That doesn't mean that any journal that asks for money to publish an article is a predatory journal. 2. Instructions: first, find the journal’s publisher – it is usually written at the bottom of the journal’s webpage or in the “About” section.Then simply enter the publisher’s name or its URL in the search box above. Scienceline Publications ScienceSolve Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) SciencePG is one of the most brazen predatory publishers. ), eagerly accepting pay raises each year as they work to collectivize one industry and another, further diminishing the tax base. sense. Before the advent of open-access journals, scholarly publishing was largely governed by a sustained implementation of the “gentlemen’s agreement,” which, according to Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Online is “an agreement which is not enforceable at law, and which is only binding as a matter of honour” [5,6]. 2 OMICS International is a true example of predatory publisher. Science Publishing Group is another scam Open Access journal publisher or academic vanity press. Stop Predatory Journals About Contribute Hijacked Journals Metrics Publishers Welcome to Predatory Publishing. I think there’s another group of folks who maybe are trying to pad their CVs. I think similar findings could be seen for other medical fields as well. Last year's list included 23 publishers, and this year's has over 225, evidence of the rapid growth in the number of predatory journals and ... Science Publishing Group 199. Yesterday they sent me a form-letter invitation to … The honor system no longer guarantees that publishing ethics will be followed, so to be successful, academic journals must have safeguards built in that ensure integrity. Predatory Publishing. Efforts to define and demarcate ‘predatory’ publishing continue. inventor Satoshi Nakamoto…, In the PDF version, the first headline is “Introductiom”, with “m”…. Instead, we will continue to have a mix of scholarly publishing models, including various types of open-access and subscription publishing models. ScienceDomain International 202. This leads to a loss of scientific quality and destroys trust in science.” We ventured into the supply of books to the nationalized libraries and publishing in 2005. The publisher is Science Publishing Group [9] and it publishes, by my most recent count, 476 scholarly journals. Given the status quo, much work needs to be done to achieve this. Data correspond to usage on the plateform after 2015. Science Publishing Group is another scam Open Access journal publisher or academic vanity press. Michael Clarke Clarke Publishing Group. And so are the first two authors, VIP Kim Kardashian and missing Bitcoin Science Publishing Group ist ein Verlag für wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen mit Anschrift in New York, Vereinigte Staaten. Science Publishing Group 1 Rockefeller Plaza, 10th and 11th Floors, New York, NY 10020 U.S.A. Tel: (001)347-983-5186 Predatory journals, publishers and conferences are on the rise and becoming increasingly sophisticated. Here I would like to repeat my warning to all researchers that they not send any papers to this dangerous, pretend publisher. Publications measure your success - If the pressure is high, and evaluation focus on numbers, rather than quality - you promote: "questionable science". The publisher may make this false claim because potential customers may be more likely to assume a New York-based publisher is more legitimate than a Pakistan-based one. This characteristic of gold (author-pays) open-access has opened the door to crookedness in science, and it's not just the publishers that lack integrity. Still, the gentlemen's agreement functioned, for a long time, to promote quality, honesty, and scientific integrity in scholarly publishing. This page provides the url for Jeffrey Beall's … A threat to science. “I have also been surprised at how disconnected OA advocates are from the views of the wider research community—a tendency exacerbated by their habit of gathering together in their echo chamber of choice (conference hall, social media etc.) Academics are getting reeled in by scam journals | … Predatory open-access publishers threaten to erase the line that divides science from nonscience. Such communities enable effective and meaningful communication among peers, and such journals should be models for all scholarly fields. For many years, I’ve used the article “Mathematical proof of the law of karma” [11] as an example in lectures I’ve given, an article that always draws laughter from the audience. We will only update links and add notes to this list. A predatory journal is one that will accept virtually any article as long as they are paid to publish that article. “The assumption was that all that was required was to “convert” colleagues”. This guide features information resources useful for identifying major journals in all fields and details about them for those wanting to identify key journals or find publication details for known journal titles. Science Publishing Group Science Q Publishing Group Science Record Journals Science Research Association (SCIREA) Science Research Library (SRL) Science Sights Science Signpost Publishing Inc. (SSPub) Science Target Science Web Publishing (Scienceweb Publishing) ScienceDomain International also here. An analysis of 311 journal invitations in 2014–2015 revealed that 79% were from predatory journals, mostly from OMICS Publishing Group, SciDoc Publishers, and Jacobs Publishing . Blog More than 175,000 scientific articles have been produced by five of the largest “ Its hundreds of journals have thousands of published articles, and it continues to expand and launch new journals. “We have also seen OA advocates become addicted to cheerleading and the shouting of slogans,…”. Science Publishing Group is an independent international publisher of 320+ open access, online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. Current usage metrics show cumulative count of Article Views (full-text article views including HTML views, PDF and ePub downloads, according to the available data) and Abstracts Views on Vision4Press platform. Please see Science Publishing Group 1 Rockefeller Plaza, 10th and 11th Floors, New York, NY 10020 U.S.A. Tel: (001)347-983-5186 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-ND (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Academic librarians have poisoned scholarly communication, using their often state-funded positions to ennoble themselves (and advance their careers) as combatants fighting the good fight against subscription journals (who can argue against free access? If the journal does not have a publisher use the Standalone Journals list. The tacit agreement was made between researchers and publishers, with each agreeing to act in good faith and with integrity. In case people reading the above article wonder how the Science Publishing Group comes into this discussion, they’re part of the pay-for-play market in … Authors 1. Predatory journals, publishers and conferences are on the rise and becoming increasingly sophisticated. 2018, Key words: Ethics / Journals / Life sciences / Mathematics / Medicine / Misconduct / Open access / Physics / Psychology / Publication / Publisher / Predatory / Predatory publishers / Quality / Research / Responsibility / Scholarly publishing / Science / Social media. It’s published in SPG’s American Journal of Applied Mathematics, a journal with an intentionally misleading title, as Pakistan is nowhere near America. the websites of good journals for email adresses, and you do want your Many of the articles it publishes are nonsense. The publisher may make this false claim because potential customers may be more likely to assume a New York-based publisher is more legitimate than a Pakistan-based one. The explosion in open access predatory publishing has increased the noise in the scientific world. Yet the publisher is growing and thriving. anything as long as you pay their fees. On the label predatory publishing July 10, 2018, The Economist, “…the ‘predatory’ label has proven broadly misleading. Due to constant problems with Weebly service, we decided to move to an independent server. Scholarly publishing is vulnerable to exploitation both by publishers and by those seeking gratuitous academic credit. It claims to be based on Fashion Avenue in New York City, but it is really based in Pakistan [10]. Predatory authorship increases the number of authors. The publishers know that medical researchers often have foundation and government grants, funds that can be used to pay the author fees in their pay-to-publish journals, so they target bio-medical sciences researchers with incessant spam emails. As an academic librarian, I see scholarly open-access publishing as something that is being forced on researchers rather than something that's being offered as a solution. Retired, Universityof Colorado, Global Science Publishing Group Global Science Research Journals Global Scientific, Inc. … I … So Lupine Publishers is another predatory publisher, It is common these days that new publishers (usually publishing online open access journals) use the names, which are similar to the famous publications. But I also think there’s another category of people who are publishing really what’s “fake science.” Here is another fun example: Kim Kardashian, Satoshi Nakamoto, Tomas Pluskal This guide is designed to help you determine whether or not a particular journal is predatory. One of many (usually Chinese or Indian) fake publishers, that will publish The publisher is Science Publishing Group [9] and it publishes, by my most recent count, 476 scholarly journals. The current usage metrics is available 48-96 hours after online publication and is updated daily on week days. I have been monitoring this publisher for several years and remember when it first launched in late 2012 with 52 new journals. Nova publishes a wide array of books and journals from authors around the globe, focusing on Medicine and Health, Science and Technology and the Social Sciences and Humanities. In October 2016, we dived deep into the open-access (OA) movement – a These are actively promoted by the major biomedical and scientific journals. I got spammed again by SciencePG (“Science Publishing Group”). In a 2016 interview, he raised some significant issues about open-access and its advocates [16] : “….OA advocates have tended to approach open access more as if it were a religion than a pragmatic response to the possibilities the network provides to improve both the research process and scholarly communication (which should surely be the ultimate goal of open access)”. By Alan H. Chambers May. Wanion: Refinement of RPCs. Jun 19, 2018. It is common these days that new publishers (usually publishing online open access journals) use the names, which are similar to the famous publications. Drug Des Int Prop Int J 1(3)- 2018. We publish over 1,500 new titles per year by leading researchers each year, and have a network of expert authors, editors and advisors spanning the global academic community in pursuit of advanced research developments. Nova publishes a wide array of books and journals from authors around the globe, focusing on Medicine and Health, Science and Technology and the Social Sciences and Humanities. Science Target 201. Working to eliminate predatory journals and conferences. “The explosion in open access predatory publishing has increased the noise in the scientific world” “Predatory journals are contaminating the world of science,” says McGill’s Dr. Franco. How I became easy prey to a predatory publisher. This site was built by an independent group which wishes to remain anonymous in order to avoid the harassment suffered by the creator/maintainer of ScholarlyOA. Science is the official magazine of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which has nothing to do with two publishers you mentioned. Global Science Publishing Group provide the highest quality information, products and unequalled publishing services using scientific expertise to academia, researchers, authors in Engineering and Life Sciences. However, this one is particularly hilarious: Azadi Bulding, Second Floor, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Bentham Science recognizes that predatory publishing has become a topic of conversation in the world of academic publishing. provided by five of the largest ‘predatory open-access publishers’, including India-based Omics Publishing group and the Turkish World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, or Waset”. They have a spelling error right at the top of their home page! “It also has to be said that the strategies proposed and/or supported by OA advocates have often been cockeyed—not least the concept of the article-processing charge (APC). The criteria for determining predatory publishers are here. By contributing to the widespread of dubious, unreliable, and even fake information, predatory journals and publishers cause the scientific community a lot of damage. In a few cases, non-open access publishers whose practices match those of predatory publishers have been added to the list as well. Increasingly, the winners are the journals selling quick and easy acceptance of submitted articles at low fees [7]. Er gibt 476 wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften heraus (Stand Januar 2018). Predatory journals, fake conferences and related practices that undermine these standards increasingly plague the research enterprise, and the consequences can be profound. It harvests data from local and regional conferences and, using smarmy language, invites each presenter to convert his or her presentation into an article for one of SciencePG’s journals. The references are also just made up. Then, at the beginning of 2015, a break came. Potential predatory scholarly open‑access publishers. And the content is a typical SciGen generated Let me describe one particularly egregious predatory publisher to illustrate why predatory journals present such a serious threat. Science Publishing Group (SPG) is an open-access publisher of academic journals and books established in 2012. A recent study [14] examined 140 predatory nursing journals from 75 publishers and made these significant findings: most of the journals had out-of-scope articles, such as articles on dentistry; only 115 journals stated the author fee on their websites and it was often hard to locate; ten journals boasted of a 2–3 day peer review, while 36 advertised a three-week peer review process; many of the journals studied falsely claimed they were included in scholarly indexes; among the authors, no nursing credentials were reported in 75.4% of the 4238 articles examined among the 140 journals; the study's authors, expert nursing researchers, also examined each of the articles included in the study and found that 96.3% were rated as poor. To force open-access on researchers, numerous open access “mandates” have been implemented by universities and governments and funders [17]. Cite this article as: Jeffrey Beall (2018), Predatory journals exploit structural weaknesses in scholarly publishing. The Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is owned by the German publishing house Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, which is also the partial owner of Frontiers. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. I decided to publish a list of pseudoscientific and predatory journals and publishers. —— BEALLSLIST.NET —— BEALL'S LIST OF PREDATORY JOURNALS AND PUBLISHERS. It has an address in New York City but is actually based in Pakistan. This is an archived version of the Beall's list - a list of potential predatory publishers created by a librarian Jeffrey Beall. Any human-based enterprise will prove imperfect over time. Given that research is cumulative, the study's findings are particularly worrisome. Instructions: first, find the journal’s publisher – it is usually written at the bottom of the journal’s webpage or in the “About” section.Then simply enter the publisher’s name or its URL in the search box above. Another is nursing. Some estimate that there are over 8,000 predatory journals that publish more than 400,000 research studies every year. Editage Insights offers a wealth of free academic research and publishing resources and is a one-stop guide for authors and others involved in scholarly publishing. Beware! Tatsächlich ist der Verlag beheimatet in Pakistan.. Geschichte. PREDATORY HAS BECOME SERIOUS ISSUE IN SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY. Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers This is a list of questionable, scholarly open-access publishers. To understand why, it is important to consider the costs inherent in developing a traditional, subscription-based publication. It needs to earn respect and demonstrate that it's worthy of serving as a vehicle for communicating and preserving research knowledge. The agreement was much easier to keep when authors did not have to engage in financial transactions with commercial publishers. DDIPIJ.MS.ID.000112. This is a list of possibly predatory journals.The kernel for this list was extracted from the archive of Beall’s list at will be updated as new information or suggested edits are submitted or found by the maintainers of this site. Sciencepress Ltd. 204. This page provides the url for Jeffrey Beall's … Global Science Publishing Group Global Science Research Journals Global Scientific, Inc. Academic evaluation systems that still merely look at the number of published articles by a given scientist also help drive the corruption [8]. People are being fooled into believing SPG is a legitimate publisher or they are exploiting its automatic article acceptance to get easy academic credit, or both. Looking at this publisher’s articles and journals, it's easy to confidently classify it as a predatory publisher (at least it is for me). Lo… The criteria for determining predatory publishers are here. Conclusion: just because it was published somewhere does not mean this is The predatory publishers and journals often have lofty titles that make them seem legitimate in a list of publications on a CV. I think the movement has averted its eyes to the problems and perils of predatory journals, preferring instead to promote open-access and kill off subscription journals, despite the fact that thousands of subscription journals perform effective and highly selective peer review, add great value to published articles through copyediting, invest in publisher platforms that promote the articles, and carry on relationships with libraries that ensure articles are indexed in library discovery systems. Der Verlag nahm seine Geschäftstätigkeit im Jahr 2012 auf. journal. paper that throws around random computer buzzword and makes absolutely no Not all open-access journals are predatory, nor are all subscription journals of high quality. “I have only contempt for publishers like OMICS. where their beliefs, prejudices and misconceptions are reinforced rather than subjected to a reality check”. Predatory publishing, sometimes called write-only publishing or deceptive publishing, is an exploitive academic publishing business model that involves charging publication fees to authors without checking articles for quality and legitimacy and without providing the other editorial and publishing services that legitimate academic journals provide, whether open access or not. Denver, By Lidiane Cunha. Nature sponsored a 2019 ‘summit’ of researchers and publishers to come up with a definitive definition of ‘predatory’ publishing (Cukier et al., 2020).,,,,,, that does not peer review, nor check if the article is on topic for the Science Record Journals 200. Moreover, it is likely that many of the authors whose 4,238 articles published in the 140 journals earned academic credit or gained employment based at least partially on having their articles published in the journals [15]. Professors exploit the creativity of their subordinates. 2018 Predatory Publishing ... (For a more complete discussion of these considerations, see “Whither Science Publishing” on page 32.) Science Publishing Group preys on young researchers. The company has been criticized for predatory publishing practices. Yesterday they sent me a form-letter invitation to … Science and Nature are the most reputable journals (though they are technically … Accepted: Academic evaluation is also suffering [4], with some researchers taking advantage of the easy acceptance the predatory publishers offer to quickly publish research articles, works that earn academic credit that lead to tenure and promotion and augment CVs shown to prospective employers. Yes, that is a paper in the “Drug Designing & Intellectual Properties” Peer review is the hallmark of scientific publishing: it is a vital safeguard in protecting a high-quality system of knowledge production and in maintaining trust in science. 4open, 1, 1. contact email address on your papers. Richard Poynder is a journalist who has been covering the open-access movement since its beginning. potential predatory publishers. OA advocates may not represent the whole movement, but Poynder's comments are significant because he has chronicled the open-access movement and the development of open-access publishing more closely than anyone else. Instead, the authors financing the publication of articles in open-access journals exercise the economic clout to determine the winners. Thus, open-access is a type of colonialism, but instead of one country colonizing another, the open-access movement represents a social movement invading an industry, in this case, the scholarly publishing industry. It is perhaps inevitable that the so-called gold open-access (OA) publishing model has led to predatory publishing schemes. The scholarly publishing process—from initial submission to final publication—has many weak points subject to exploitation [1]. The publisher Science Publishing Group seems to have absolutely no morals or integrity and is a counterfeit scholarly publisher, designed to trick or serve the needs of scholarly authors around the world, and there are many like it — it is not an exception or an isolated case [10]. Despite the most far-reaching fantasies of open-access advocates, we are probably never going to see “universal open-access”. As of 2019, it publishes 430 journals in various fields. Concerned about the deleterious effects of predatory journals, scholars in many fields are taking action to alert their fellow researchers to their perils and to preserve research integrity in their fields. CO, USA, * Corresponding author:, Received: “Publishing in natural sciences proceeds under structures similar to the mafia. This guide features information resources useful for identifying major journals in all fields and details about them for those wanting to identify key journals or find publication details for known journal titles. published a few papers, you inevitably land on their spam list: they scrape About Editage Insights. The predatory publishers and journals often have lofty titles that make them seem legitimate in a list of publications on a CV. Not even the abstract. Quick Contact +964-(0)-770 085 0035;; Kscien Organization for Scientific Research, Hamdi St,. Here, they lay out … Moreover, to succeed and gain broad acceptance, open-access needs to resolve the predatory publisher problem as such are “the dark dangerous force” of publishing [8]. Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP: is an academic publisher of open access journals.It also publishes academic books and conference proceedings. You cannot cancel a subscription to an open-access journal. A publication model that has authors rather than readers as its customers is still unproven and risky in the long term. ScienceHuβ 203. Global Scientific Research Journals (GSR) Predatory publishing can be thought of as the fake news of science. Publishing is a business - If you care for profit but disdain ethics - you get: "Predatory publishers". This is an archived version of the Beall's list - a list of potential predatory publishers created by a librarian Jeffrey Beall.We will only update links and add notes to this list. Obviously, it's not so easily identified as a predatory publisher by everyone. Speaking of fake publishers. Predatory publishers: SciencePG. Let me describe one particularly egregious predatory publisher to illustrate why predatory journals present such a serious threat. Science is the official magazine of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which has nothing to do with two publishers you mentioned. That anyone ever thought pay-to-publish was a sensible way of disseminating research is most odd. Not only is it impractical, but it has played into the hands of any fly-by-night cowboy able to create a web site”. Bentham Science recognizes that predatory publishing has become a topic of conversation in the world of academic publishing. The open-access movement has been stuck on promoting open-access as an ideological good rather than objectively evaluating whether it is the best solution to existing problems in scholarly publishing. 9, 2019 , 2:00 PM. I think Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) is a totally bogus publisher. It claims to be based on Fashion Avenue in New York City, but it is really based in Pakistan [10]. More than 175,000 scientific articles have been produced by five of the largest “predatory open-access publishers”, including India-based Omics publishing group and the … April This ‘Bentham’ has received criticism and was/is listed as a "potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publisher" in Jeffrey Beall's list of Predatory Publishers. There are many tight-knit communities of researchers centered on a field or sub-field who cooperatively edit journals — both subscription and open-access — and whose voluntarism and tight editorial control makes each of these community-supported journals successful. A list of new predatory publishers is available below the original one. Potential predatory scholarly open‑access publishers. I was nursing my wounds from my latest manuscript rejection when the email arrived. This is happening most often in medical fields, as they have been targeted intensively by predatory publishers. With an editorial team comprising some of the world's leading researchers, Science Publishing Group … Some open-access publishers have taken advantage of these vulnerabilities, profiting by cheating scholarly authors and the consumers of research, the readers. A list of new predatory publishers is available below the original one. Initial download of the metrics may take a while. ... that’s been published in these journals. Publishers Standalone Journals Vanity Press Contact Other Hello. There's nothing inherently wrong with the open-access publishing model, but to be successful, it must be managed properly, in a way that benefits science, those who carried out and reported the research, and the readers and other “consumers” of the research. real, or correct, or peer reviewed…. Let me comment on some negative comments made against OA publishers listed on Beall’s list. Preprint servers, which are benevolently funded and don't charge for submissions, will likely expand [17], solving the problems associated with the system of authors paying publishers to publish their works, but further eroding peer review, as preprints are usually published without it. It is used by SciencePG, which boasts about its 200+ questionable journals, and now (6/13/18) by the more diminutive SPG Journals, with a mere four journals.The domain name was registered by Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina, raising a question about the putative Zurich address on the website and in emails. Indeed, as I reported for Laborjournal and Lab Times, NPG became a major stakeholder in Frontiers, publicly much celebrated by both publishers. But, unfortunately, once you By accepting pseudoscientific articles that outwardly appear legitimate but whose methodologies are unsound, bogus publishers gratuitously confer the imprimatur of science. The result is that scholarly publishing is now operating in a crisis mode [3], with activist science and pseudo-science being presented as legitimate in scholarly literature. 2. With open-access journals, readers and libraries no longer have a say on which journals succeed or fail, an important quality-control function that's rapidly being lost. © J. Beall, published by EDP Sciences 2018. One of many (usually Chinese or Indian) fake publishers, that will publish anything as long as you pay their fees. 19 May Our original resources for authors and journals will help you become an expert in academic publishing. I got spammed again by SciencePG (“Science Publishing Group”). —— Beall 's list of new predatory publishers '' year as they work to one! In these journals scholarly journals research knowledge Economist, “ …the ‘ predatory label... … Publishing is vulnerable to exploitation both by publishers and journals often have lofty titles that make them seem in. 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