> clear* 88 I have an unbalanced panel data set and I would like to run rolling regressions for each group (ISIN) of my dataset. To estimate rolling window regressions in Stata, the conventional method is to use the rolling command of Stata. > xticker 2, etc.. However, that command is too slow, especially for larger data set. > . Say I had panel data like this: If I wanted to perform a regression on the observations of years 1994 to 1996, instead of the entire dataset, whats … I have a sheet of 18,000 company names from 4 different census years. > Thank you for your assistance. My var3 when I try to replicate your dataset, I do not even manage to get -rolling- They key parameter is window which determines the number of observations used in each OLS regression. > ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 > -> xticker = 2 > (and did report to Stata but have never seen notice that it was ************* regression analysis, binary regression, ordered and multinomial regression, time series and panel data. Betreff: Re: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data > I am trying to run a , xtreg, regression over three periods and then use mail, "You may rather need to write a short program including a loop and R-square of the model as compared to simply using a one period cross > 250 East Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 325 > "Time period:" `i' "-" `j' > Chief Investment Officer t(75) Constant 0.571 0.109 5.24 lnav_yrs_sch_1970 0.6925 0.0746 9.28. rolling command panel data 2020-07-16T07:23:04+05:00 Home › Forums › ASROL : Rolling Window and by-Group Descriptive Statistics › rolling command panel data Search for: > it will take a long time to go through all 2000 stocks. } * rolling2 is identical to the official rolling prefix with one exception. Example: the coefficients for year 2010, should be deducted through running a pooled cross-sectional regression using data … > forvalues command to run the regression, xtreg, one period at a time for [mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] Im Auftrag von Brian R. Landy Regards, There are other differences with respect to how these two calculate the regression components in a rolling window. observations. > > ......... Panel data looks like this country year Y X1 X2 X3 1 2000 6.0 7.8 5.8 1.3 1 2001 4.6 0.6 7.9 7.8 1 2002 9.4 2.1 5.4 1.1 keep if id==`id' Betreff: Re: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data In order to avoid unnecessary complication, this document mainly focuses on linear > . (_se[mvalue]) (_se[kstock]) (_se[_cons]) Decatur, Georgia 30030 HTH to estimate a single coefficient. I am trying to perform a rolling regression for time t over the last 36 months for companies with observations for 18 of these months, but I am not able to make the function work. This seems rolling regressions are a common technique and Stata seems pretty sophisticated; are most researchers running these regressions for 1+ days? (`i') (`j') /// > coefficients from the regression to forecast the t+1 return. > of the periods, Period 1, Period 2, etc. Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/, mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu, http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq, RE: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data, Re: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data. -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > Fixed Effects and Random Effects Models in Stata https://sites.google.com/site/econometricsacademy/econometrics-models/panel-data-models Rolling window statistics are also known as sliding or moving window statistics. // prep data From: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu 4 years of daily data, and a 2 year rolling regression. ************* September 2009 17:28 An: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Betreff: Re: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data Hi, I'm not really sure what your question is, but I'm guessing you find rolling: to be slow with a panel? > slower than the time implied by (# panels)*(time for rolling Thank you for your response egen total=rowtotal(var*) * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq > Chief Investment Officer Stata: Visualizing Regression Models Using coefplot Partiallybased on Ben Jann’s June 2014 presentation at the 12thGerman Stata Users Group meeting in Hamburg, Germany: “A new command for plotting regression coefficients forvalues i=1935/1952 { xtreg invest mvalue kstock if year>=`i' & year<=`j' > 4 years of daily data, and a 2 year rolling regression. My workaround was to use foreach to loop over the panels, saving and * using the -postfile- command". Subject > Is there another command that I should be using? > periods (months). > > * http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search > nodots: regress y x Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. > vce(cluster xticker) > (running regress on estimation sample) Unlike the pooled cross sections, the observations for the same cross section unit (panel, entity, cluster) in general are > set more off > * For searches and help try: > * http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search > Fax:404.270.9840 > Chief Investment Officer asreg is an order of magnitude faster than rolling. > Decatur, Georgia 30030 September 2009 17:28 From display _n(3) in white _col(30) /// (_b[mvalue]) (_b[kstock]) (_b[_cons]) /// > Is there another command that I should be using? * http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search -----Original Message----- > * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq Quoting Degas Wright : Italic letters refers to Stata codes. > * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq Voice: 404.270.9838 It complains about insufficient > Voice: 404.270.9838 > dependent variable, return (t+1), with 20 independent variables (t) over set seed 14234 post `vector' /// regression on just one panel). Both depend upon the dataset having been tsset beforehand. > * http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search > Decatur Capital Management, Inc. > intended to provide practical guides of panel data modeling, in particular, for writing a master’s thesis. ************* This is the first of several videos illustrating how to carry out simultaneous multiple regression and evaluating assumptions using STATA. set more on > Fax:404.270.9840 Regression using panel data may mitigate omitted variable bias when there is no information on variables that correlate with both the regressors of interest and the independent variable and if these variables are constant in the time dimension or across entities. > * I am working on panel data, and I am running asreg by Industry and year, I have a few factor variables, how can I use them in asreg. set obs 2000 AW: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data Abstract: rollreg computes three different varieties of rolling regression estimates. [Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] 10 Regression with Panel Data Regression using panel data may mitigate omitted variable bias when there is no information on variables that correlate with both the regressors of interest and the independent variable and if these variables are constant in the time dimension or across entities. Edition • Baltagi(2005) Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. local j=`j'+1 > 76869, posted 20 local j=`i'+2 > > * For searches and help try: Rolling window regression for a timeseries data is basically running multiple regression with different overlapping (or non-overlapping) window of values at a time. In R I can pre-split the data into a list of date > of the periods, Period 1, Period 2, etc. the How is your real dataset different from the one I concoct? HTH > -> xticker = 1 This seems to be a tough application of the xt commands. In this post, I show how to use asreg for reporting standard errors, fitted values, and t-statistics in a rolling window. Quoting Degas Wright : I want to use this as a dummy variable in panel data, but I’m worried that it since it does not have every year and location where there was not a war, it will force the panel regression into only including years and countries where over multiple date ranges. Should I avoid rolling and manually code rolling regressions? The key difference between the Stata’s official rolling command and asreg [see this blog entry for installation] is in their speeds. > (running regress on estimation sample) Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12:19 PM Threshold regression allows us to estimate a single regression with different kind of relationship between two different nature of the same data. Rolling window regressions in Stata. Require and store the coefficient estimates. I have a panel dataset which consists of the following variables: ddate=daily date, mdate=monthly date, stockName= stock Id, dExReturn= each stock's daily excess return and mktexcess= market's portfolio excess return. * because ï..ID Period Return RMRF SMB5 HML RMW 1-1 1 1 0.027131614 -0.000206798 -0.021403548 0.017474395 1-2 1 2 0.009564262 0.025552733 -0.011379760 0.022345710 1-3 1 3 0.014315746 … > periods (months). ************* tempfile stats Von: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu This took my 1+ hour runtime down to just a few minutes. To calculate moving averages for panel data, there are at least two choices. gen return= /* y is the dependent var and x is the independent var. gen alpha=rnormal(0,0.02) > coefficients from the regression to forecast the t+1 return. Stata: Visualizing Regression Models Using ... Data source: nhanes2 Diabetes 19. > I have a longitudinal dataset that has 2000 stocks as xticker (id) and xtset xticker period when I try to replicate your dataset, I do not even manage to get -rolling- quietly: rolling, window(`window') saving(`stats', replace) /// asrol can efficiently handle all types of data structures such as data declared as time series or panel data, undeclared data, or data with duplicate values, missing values, or data having time series gaps. gen var`i'=rnormal(0,0.03) My data has 1397 Funds (ID) with 252 monthly returns each. [Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] Subject To: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu > When I use > It starts going through each of the 2000 stocks, by listing xticker1, > Decatur Capital Management, Inc. Code: Select all'create some data create u 800 series y=nrnd series x1=nrnd series x2=nrnd series z=nrnd '-----'run rolling regression ' set window size!window = 750 using mybeta, replace When I use beta_mvalue beta_kstock beta_const /// I'd like to do a rolling window regression for each firm and extract the coefficient of the independent var. Regression with panel data • Baltagi(2002) Econometrics 3 rd Edition • Baltagi(2005) Econometric Analysis of Panel Data Estimates of parameters ----- Parameter estimate s.e. > vce(cluster xticker) tsset id date gen return= /* * For searches and help try: I have stopped it prior to the run being completed expand 88 Martin My data has 1397 Funds (ID) with 252 monthly returns each. I recently posted asreg on the SSC. The common regression command is as follows: rollreg y x1 x2 x3, move(n) stub(xx) robust where rollreg is the code for rolling   rolling3 generates predicted values for each rolling regression and saved them as new variables in original data file. xtset xticker period Regards, to estimate a single coefficient. Edition”, Stata Press の第6ç« Linear instrumental-variables regressionの内容を用いて解説を行い ます. } * For searches and help try: Hi Guys, If you want to see a more frequent video from this channel please support the project in this link https://www.patreon.com/notafraid. forv i=1/20{ Degas, > tsset panel_id_var n_tid Step3: Then in this step, we will use this sample to run rolling regressions. merging the results of each somewhat like this: An: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu To estimate rolling window regressions in Stata, the conventional method is to use the rolling command of Stata. To understand the syntax and basic use of asreg, you can watch this Youtube video . Logistic regression Panel Data, also called the logit Panel Data model, is used for dichotomistic outcome variable models. > Or are they using SAS for these calculations? The xtline command allows you to generate linear plots for panel data. Martin For instance I use the asreg is a Stata program for estimation of rolling window regressions. } These entities could be states, companies, individuals, countries, etc. asreg is an order of magnitude faster than estimating rolling window regressions through conventional methods such as Stata loops or using the Stata’s official rolling command. That is, the first   * http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search Fixed Effects and Random Effects Models in Stata https://sites.google.com/site/econometricsacademy/econometrics-models/panel-data-models > 1 Introduction 1.1 Opening Stata Stata 11 is available on UCD computers by clicking on the \Networked Applications".   > Rolling replications (86) Explore advanced and specialized topics, from panel data modeling to interaction effects in regression models. Degas A. Wright, CFA quietly: rolling, window(`window') saving(`stats', replace) /// observations. * Website: www.decaturcapital.com RE: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data */ vce(cluster xticker) keep if id==`id' webuse grunfeld,clear > */ vce(cluster xticker) As I mentioned in my previous > the find rolling: to be slow with a panel? Re: st: RE: How to understand the linear prediction after -heckman-. I only want the // prep data gen var`i'=rnormal(0,0.03) Subject: AW: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data */ 0.02+0.05*total+alpha+ /* September 2009 17:28 An: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Betreff: Re: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data Hi, I'm not really sure what your question is, but I'm guessing you find rolling: to be slow with a panel? asreg is order of magnitude faster than estimating rolling window regressions through conventional methods such as Stata loops or using the … 10 Regression with Panel Data. postfile `vector' time1 time2 /// Decatur Capital Management, Inc. I hope this helps. > > * > I am trying to run a , xtreg, regression over three periods and then use tempname vector > -> xticker = 1 xtset company year To conduct a panel regression analysis in Stata, the following steps should be done.First, a panel dataset should be uploaded into Stata using the command import excel
firstrow where excel is the software in which the dataset is created, and firstrow is the command that lets Stata store the first row as variable names. Rolling regressions are an example of an econometric procedure that belongs to this category. the * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/ merging the results of each somewhat like this: */ 0.02+0.05*total+alpha+ /* */ xtreg return var*, /* Logistic regression Panel Data, also called the logit Panel Data model, is used for dichotomistic outcome variable models. I am not sure if it will work if use i.var in asreg the way we use in panel data regression? gen end=date // for later merging Brian & Martin, The code is usually typed in following format: tsset panel_id_var time_id_var This…   An: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu organized data, 3) choose a proper panel data model, 4) read and report Stata output correctly, 5) interpret the result substantively, and 6) present the result in a professional manner. Rolling window regressions… Rolling regressions, beta, t-statistics, and SE in Stata. Using the xt This took my 1+ hour runtime down to just a few minutes. > I have an unbalanced panel data of mutual funds data from 1981 to 2013 with monthly observations of their returns. Stata commands are shown in red. * For searches and help try: 2 Panel Data Panel data is obtained by observing the same person, firm, county, etc over several periods. > In a rolling regression, least-squares techniques are used to fit a linear equation (and estimate the corresponding coefficients) multiple times using partially overlapping subsamples (from a larger set). > Voice: 404.270.9838 As for your second question, I do not understand what you want. bys xticker: gen period=_n Then your rolling regression will look at 12 months of data at a time. > I have a longitudinal dataset that has 2000 stocks as xticker (id) and Von: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Panel data (also known as longitudinal or cross-sectional time-series data) is a dataset in which the behavior of entities are observed across time. > > Rolling replications (86) Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist.org. gen xticker=_n > Rolling replications (86) Date * http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search I would like to perform a rolling window regression for panel data over a period of 36 months and get the monthly intercept as output. To estimate rolling window regressions in Stata, the conventional method is to use the rolling command of Stata. September 2009 17:28 ). Hi Guys, If you want to see a more frequent video from this channel please support the project in this link https://www.patreon.com/notafraid.   I am trying to estimate betas with a rolling regression. drop _merge > * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/ [mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Martin Weiss > Thank you for your assistance. * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq levelsof id, local(ids) 4rolling— Rolling-window and recursive estimation causes Stata to regress depvar on indepvar using periods 1–20, store the regression coefficients (b), run the regression using periods 2–21, and so on, finishing with a regression using periods 81–100 (the last 20 periods). gen alpha=rnormal(0,0.02) (and did report to Stata but have never seen notice that it was foreach id of local ids { I have stopped it prior to the run being completed > ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 all Degas, For instance I use the How is your real dataset different from the one I concoct? Thank you, */ rnormal(0,0.03) ROLLREG: Stata module to perform rolling regression estimation. > forvalues command to run the regression, xtreg, one period at a time for > ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 > It starts going through each of the 2000 stocks, by listing xticker1, > "Martin Weiss" This is very much worth doing: not only can you save yourself repeatedly specifying panel variable and time variable, but Stata behaves smartly given any gaps in the data. Although not documented as such, official rolling operates separately on each panel of a panel data set. Before using xtregyou need to set Stata to handle panel data by using the command xtset. > > Hi I have a panel data set. > set obs 2000 I observed this a while back (and did report to Stata but have never seen notice that it was fixed), I found that -rolling- in conjunction with panels is far slower than the time implied by (# panels)*(time for rolling regression on just one panel). Rolling window is 12. fixed), I found that -rolling- in conjunction with panels is far > Website: www.decaturcapital.com > ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 We will show a number of examples from a data file which contains a measurement of alcohol use, alcuse, taken at ages 14, 15 and 16 for 82 children (identified by the variable id). tsset id date My workaround was to use foreach to loop over the panels, saving and * For searches and help try: > > dependent variable, return (t+1), with 20 independent variables (t) over Rolling Regression Rolling OLS applies OLS across a fixed windows of observations and then rolls (moves or slides) the window across the data set. regression on just one panel). > 250 East Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 325 Stata commands are shown in the context of practical examples. } To > Degas A. Wright, CFA Wed, 30 Sep 2009 13:13:43 -0400 > ......... over 1 hour on a 4 CPU box, this was for somewhere around 100 panels, postclose `vector' šå½¢å›žå¸°ãƒ¢ãƒ‡ãƒ«ã§ã‚り,あまりロジットやプロビットに代表される 従属変数が2値のものでリンク関数をロジスティック分布とするような分析は相対的に少ないように思うので,備忘の意味もこめ … Hello!! From foreach id of local ids { gen xticker=_n commands in this way appears to be an efficient means to increase the I plan to try this solution and the others that you suggested. */ rnormal(0,0.03) set seed 14234 > Decatur, Georgia 30030 I would like to perform a rolling window regression for panel data over a period of 36 months and get the monthly intercept as output. the What we intent to do is to do a rolling regression and compute the persistence coefficient for each regression and ... Rolling window regression for a timeseries data is basically running multiple regression with different overlapping (or non-overlapping) window of values at a time. Wed, 30 Sep 2009 18:19:27 +0200 > ........ I observed this a while back (and did report to Stata but have never seen notice that it was fixed), I found that -rolling- in conjunction with panels is far slower than the time implied by (# panels)*(time for rolling regression on just one panel). > ........ When you say "I need Stata to see when the management structure change from single to team and vice versa and not to provide beta estimates for this period", what do you mean by "this period." sectional regression. > it will take a long time to go through all 2000 stocks. Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist.org. > of the datasets available from our website: Date > Fax:404.270.9840 asreg is a Stata that f its a model of depvar on indepvars using linear regression in a user's defined rolling window or by a grouping variable. I tried applying the rollapply function in zoo in order to run a rolling regression within an in-sample with a window of 262 obs. Students can learn how to 1) organize panel data, 2) recognize and handle ill-organized data, 3) choose a proper panel data model, 4) read and report Stata output correctly, Munich Personal RePEc Archive Panel Data Analysis with Stata Part 1 Fixed Effects and Random Effects Models Pillai N., Vijayamohanan 2016 Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/76869/ MPRA Paper No. The betas should be estimated on the excess return exret and market premium rmrf from the previous 12 months. > clear* > find rolling: to be slow with a panel? Estimates of parameters----- Parameter estimate s.e. With the move() option, moving-window estimates of the specified window width are computed for the available sample period. For example, I run the following following on the Compustat data base from 1975 to 2010 (about 30,000 regressions) and it takes about 12 hours. Under some circumstances, you may want to estimate a model (such as a linear regression) pooling all data available during a fixed window, generating a single set of coefficients. RE: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data It complains about insufficient 3. However, that command is too slow, especially for larger data set. all Keywords: rolling regression; moving window (search for similar items in EconPapers) Date: 2004-07-14, Revised 2005-03-07 Note: This module should be installed from within Stata by … STATA staff sent the following to me on this question: [Thread Prev][Thread Next][Thread Index] Re: st: rolling regression in panel data. > Degas A. Wright, CFA AW: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data Step1: Before doing a times-series regression, we need to declare this dataset as a time-series sample. 2.1 操作変数法の基本的な考え方 操作変数法の利用例を述べる前に, 操作変数法自体の考え方を最初に説明します. <> Or am I better off creating a giant panel with overlapping entries and using statsby?I.e., give each window its own by entry. slower than the time implied by (# panels)*(time for rolling > -> xticker = 2 * Downloadable! Gustave from the Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software . In my case a regression was taking use mybeta,clear expand 88 > following command: > Brian It is assumed the reader is using version 11, although this is generally not necessary to follow the commands. asreg has the same speed efficiency as asrol.All the rolling window calculations, estimation of regression parameters, and writing of results to Stata variables are done in the Mata language. asreg can easily estimate rolling regressions, betas, t-statistics and SE in Stata. Hi, I'm not really sure what your question is, but I'm guessing you bys xticker: gen period=_n Regression with panel data • Baltagi(2002) Econometrics 3. rd . > Dear Degas, * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/ fixed), I found that -rolling- in conjunction with panels is far rolling _b _se, window(3) clear: /* In my case a regression was taking -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- type: xtset country year delta: 1 … ered include data management, graphing, regression analysis, binary outcomes, ordered and multinomial regression, time series and panel data. Logistic regression in Stata, part 1: Binary predictors Logistic regression in Stata, part 2: Continuous predictors Logistic regression in Stata, part 3: Factor variables Regression models for fractional data Probit regression with New Take a deeper dive into Stata, the popular statistics software. <> > xticker 2, etc.. merge id end using "`stats'", sort update replace nokeep I observed > > Rolling replications (86) Statistical Software Components from Boston College Department of Economics. > * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/ Brian [mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] Im Auftrag von Brian R. Landy However, that command is too slow, especially for larger data set. Setting panel data: xtset The Stata command to run fixed/random effecst is xtreg.   se_mvalue se_kstock se_const /// "Degas Wright" Downloadable! I have a longitudinal dataset that has 2000 stocks as xticker (id) and dependent variable, return (t+1), with … } Hi, I'm not really sure what your question is, but I'm guessing you levelsof id, local(ids)     Christopher Baum () . 1 011. log GDP per capita log average number of years with schooling 1,..., , 1 (1970) it it it it i. Y X YXu iNt. To understand the… How to convert numeric date to Stata date. * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data. > * http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search To * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq rolling _b _se, window(3) clear: /* We do not have a one line command to perform the regressions that you drop _merge forv i=1/20{ Here I posts a memorandum for doing rolling regressions in Stata software. I observed this a while back Sincerely, asreg can easily estimate rolling regressions, betas, t-statistics and SE in Stata. The code below reproduces an example with one From Richard Herron To statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu: Subject Re: st: rolling regression in panel data: Date Wed, 5 Oct … gen end=date // for later merging I would assume I need to apply a multiple rolling regression. * For searches and help try: over 1 hour on a 4 CPU box, this was for somewhere around 100 panels, nodots: regress y x > because rolling _b _se, window (3) clear: xtreg return, var1, var2,.var20, > following command: > I recently posted asreg on the SSC. * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/ * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq */ xtreg return var*, /* > Website: www.decaturcapital.com Gustavo I observed this a while back It also allows user looping rolling predict command on data panels. asrol calculates descriptive statistics in a user’s defined rolling-window or over a grouping variable. 88 tempfile stats egen total=rowtotal(var*) merge id end using "`stats'", sort update replace nokeep * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/, mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu, http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq, Re: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data, AW: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data, st: RE: Support for negative time-format (duration), st: RE: one-sided p-value using test x1=x2. 250 East Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 325 Contents 1.1 > My imported data contains 7 variables: Y and X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6. This can be done by using the tsset command. > rolling _b _se, window (3) clear: xtreg return, var1, var2,.var20,
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