Because Our earth is a precious gift, we need to honor and protect her. I will also share my individual sustainability efforts with others and in my community to inspire people in making conscientious choices for the planet”. Do share your tips for lowering carbon footprints below. After all, we’d still retain most of our land masses and we could just move inland… Right? Cookie - Terms & Conditions - Privacy Policy. The key is to shut down the culprit behind ice loss: global warming. The result is hypoxic and suboxic areas in the ocean that are incapable of supporting life. With recent data finding that 2019 broke a record for ice loss, time is running out for coastal communities. From CFACT:. Still, it’s interesting to contemplate just how much our sea level would rise in such a situation. When the poles are again exposed to sunlight, the frozen CO 2 sublimes. See our study on Fisheries. It’s a basic rule of physics that warmer water holds less oxygen. The GRACE mission concluded science operations in June 2017. Antarctic ice levels may be at a new maximum, but we are still losing ice from the Arctic polar ice caps melting at an astounding rate. Our site uses cookies. Although they were abnormally large, the state of the polar ice caps in 1979 became the standard baseline in NASA’s study. In fact, oxygen levels are predicted to decrease even further–about 3% to 6% over then next century. Arctic marine fisheries … Already, many cities and towns have explored alternatives to diffuse rising sea levels — many to no avail. In this decade, the globe lost about 81 billion tons of ice each year. Today, polar ice caps are melting six times faster than they did in the 1990s. Accordingly, coasts spanning the Atlantic Ocean face a unique challenge. More contact with humans. By signing up you agree to all the Terms and conditions. A polar ice cap or polar cap is a high-latitude region of a planet, dwarf planet, or natural satellite that is covered in ice.. Ice caps form as snow falls, melts and falls again. It will make the past two decades look like a cake walk. Learn more about our use of cookies: cookie policy, Conservationists Set The Record Straight On How Coronaviruses Are Linked To Wildlife, Notre Dame researchers find firefighters ‘face an additional risk just by gearing up,’ uncovering dangerous chemical PFAS in their PPE, Scientists Confirm In New Study That Forests Are Rapidly Losing Their Ability To Absorb Carbon, New study finds keeping global temperature in line with the Paris Agreement can help us save $4.5 trillion in forest value, Hurricane Dorian barrels towards Florida, exacerbated by global warming, Australia’s rising temperatures signal a worrying trend. This rate of polar ice caps melting has been being measured since 1979. Notably, the disappearing polar ice caps will accelerate global warming, cause widespread coastal flooding, and contribute to rising sea levels. © 2020 Medius Ventures LLC. Impacts will be global. During the first half of the period, this rate of loss was 8,300 square miles. What would the earth look like with our polar ice caps melting completely? Polar Ice Caps Melting – 8 Things to Remember, On the Farm - Nude Squamish Farmer Calendar, Gotek Portable Shoe Deodorizer & Sterilizer, OnTheRocks: Clear Ice Cubes, Spheres, & Diamonds. 5.2 What will be the impact on marine fisheries? Ice shelves are massive, floating platforms of ice that surround the ice-covered continents of Antarctica and Greenland. Some do argue rightly that these gasses are released in larger quantities by natural activity because they are produced and reabsorbed by our biosphere. How will they adapt to rising sea levels? Ari Kelo is an Editor at The Rising, primarily covering…. It really is that serious. Plus it's healthier! As ocean temperatures increase from this changing dynamic, we could face some very extreme climate change. This is about the size of the state of Maryland. 2- Act for the planet by making global warming an urgency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and choosing clean energy. This is about the size of the state of Maryland. the decreases in Arctic sea ice far exceed the increases in Antarctic sea ice. Instead of reflecting 80 percent of the sunlight, the ocean absorbs 90 percent of the sunlight. The surface level of the ocean is heating much faster than the lower levels, and in the surface, oxygen is depleting at an alarming rate. As part of the overall climate change phenomenon, the polar ice caps melting is an effect of trapped greenhouse gas emissions. But what would it look like if all of our ice melted, even if just during the summer? I will consider the environmental, social, and economic impacts of my daily decisions and make every effort to be responsible in these areas. In essence, the polar ice caps are depleting at an irreversible pace. But these heatwaves are only becoming more intense and frequent as global warming continues. Polar ice cap melting would create a rise in sea levels, and a sudden collapse of West Antarctic ice sheets could raise sea levels from 16-20 feet. The Arctic is far more sensitive to warming now than even a few decades ago,” said geography professor Luke Trusel of Pennsylvania State University. Scientists expect this flooding to worsen over time, becoming both more frequent and more encompassing. Here are some Ice Cap melting facts that you might find interesting and alarming: Antarctica at the South Pole has about 90% of the world’s ice (70% of it is fresh water, our global supply). 5- Adopt a sustainable lifestyle: the collective efforts of individuals can make a huge impact for conserving resources and protecting the environment. Gone. We can learn to live healthier, more natural lifestyles. 3- Respect, protect and preserve our resources to ensure future generations a greater tomorrow. It has been a focus of attention in recent years, largely because of a strong decrease in the Arctic sea ice cover and modeling results that indicate that global warming could be amplified in the Arctic on account of ice-albedo feedback. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized. The first step for front-line, coastal communities may be to recognize that the fast pace at which polar ice caps melt present a crisis beyond the arctic and Antarctic circles. The planet Mars has two permanent polar ice caps.During a pole's winter, it lies in continuous darkness, chilling the surface and causing the deposition of 25–30% of the atmosphere into slabs of CO 2 ice (). Ari Kelo is an Editor at The Rising, primarily covering the politics of environmental sustainability. The North Pole is covered by a floating pack of ice, located just over the Arctic Ocean. In the 1990s, towns became accustomed to a much slower rising sea level rate. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, sea ice reflects 80 percent of the sunlight that hits it, whereas the dark ocean water absorbs 90 percent of the sunlight that shines on it. mass of glacial land ice extending more than 50,000 square kilometers (20,000 square miles In a more proximate scale, ice loss has … Already, cities such as Miami and London have experienced preemptive flooding. The Arctic summer sea ice melted in massive amounts. Since climate change is one of the biggest concern nowadays, scientists indicate its effect point out some polar ice caps facts in the Arctic area. As sea ice melts in the summer, it exposes the dark ocean surface. "The polar ice caps are melting six times faster than in the 1990s, according to the most complete analysis to date" (Source). Not surprisingly, global sea levels are rising as a consequence of the melting ice caps. In a more proximate scale, ice loss has tripled in speed in the past five years alone. Parkinson says there is a limit to this increase, of course. No. Since the industrial revolution, however, humans have been tipping that delicate natural balance. And the headline-making 2019 Arctic heatwave certainly did not help. This includes surface plankton – the surface plankton that provides much of our atmospheric oxygen and the lowest level of the food chain in the ocean. Known as polar amplification, the effects of increased solar radiation are most pronounced in polar regions. The complete loss of this state to global warming caused by our lavish lifestyle. Researchers indicate that 2016 was the hottest year on record. From the Arctic to Peru, from Switzerland to the equatorial glaciers of Man Jaya in Indonesia, massive ice fields, monstrous glaciers, and sea ice are disappearing, fast. The answer is not readily available, but nonetheless, communities should prepare for the worst. Earth’s changing cryosphere. But in order to achieve that, we must also scale down on carbon emissions — very, very soon. Sea ice has a bright surface; 80 percent of the sunlight that strikes it is reflected back into space. Sea ice is important because it’s highly reflective. But now, that number averages around 475 billion tons, 60% of which stemming from Greenland’s ice mass. Attributed in part to rising average temperatures, the poles are experiencing the brunt of global warming. 10- Reduce our plastic consumption, and favor reusable and recyclable goods: too many plastics are responsible for killing animals in the ocean, by ingestion. This year, NASA will launch two satellite missions that will increase … It’s impossible to ignore our effect on polar ice caps even if nature takes part in the process as well. If the temperature on earth continues to rise at its current rate the Arctic will have no ice by 2040. Clair Parkinson, a scientist from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center has confirmed that “the decreases in Arctic sea ice far exceed the increases in Antarctic sea ice.”, This rate of polar ice caps melting has been being measured since 1979. According to National Geographic’s map, yes, Florida would be swamped out. Since the 1990s, the speed of ice loss as increased sixfold — with a sevenfold increase in Greenland. Over 70 percent of the earth’s fresh water is locked in the frozen ice masses of Antarctica, with an average ice thickness of over a mile. Rather, he anticipates that these impacts “are happening and will be devastating for coastal communities.”. That is quite a serious trade off. All Rights Reserved. Here are eight important facts that everyone should know about our polar ice caps melting from confirmed recent scientific studies and data. 8- Reduce energy, water and food waste, for a more equitable sharing and preservation of our resources. Luckily, this number can be offset to a degree. Scientists have confirmed that polar ice caps are melting at unprecedented and dangerous rates. This is certainly the case for the Antarctic Circle. The earth’s atmosphere varies naturally and has been both much warmer and much cooler over the millennia. The sea ice cover is one of the key components of the polar climate system. The ice loss from Greenland and … Feel free to send a pitch to Rising sea levels will threaten coastal communities across the globe, where even minute changes in sea level can flood or engulf entire cities. Global warming deniers claim that the results concerning sea ice at a global level appear to have evened out. It will ensure that our environment is free of toxins that harm wildlife and humans. We will send you all the latest blog posts from the Earth Project, as well as popular projects, news and more. There are no signs of a slowdown in the rate of melting, as global temperatures continue to go up. This means that it reflects excess radiation from the sun back into space and keeps our planet from overheating – not in the little way that it has been, but in a big way. All Rights Reserved. The Earth Project is committed to being a positive force for the future of our environment, through education, research, and helping fund sustainable projects. Our weather is becoming more unstable and dangerous. At this rate, governments may not be able to prevent the complete loss of arctic ice. And as climate change may also lengthen hurricane season, coastal towns may experience even more deadly flooding every year. The Arctic ice cap has decreased since the 1960s by as much as 40%. This happens over and over again with layers of compressed, hard snow forming on top of each other. The extremely well-preserved frozen bodies … Right now, we have been living in a much cooler time. In fact, the song “Dear Miami” is about just this. The increasing temperatures which cause the polar ice caps to … We'll send you three pieces completely free of charge. © 2018 The Earth Project. The polar ice caps have melted faster in last 20 years than in the last 10,000. NASA has estimated that the polar ice caps are melting 9% every ten years, which is an extremely alarming rate. "The average annual loss of ice from Greenland and Antarctica in the 2010s was 475bn tonnes – six times greater than the 81bn tonnes a year lost in the 1990s. Arctic sea ice keeps the polar regions cool and helps moderate global climate. What’s worse, scientists have already observed that melting ice will cause a dramatic rise in global sea levels. A combination of an increase in rainfall, and sea levels rising may threaten to change the existing land. It has now doubled in the last half of this measurement period to 19,500 square miles per year. It’s a win-win for everyone. This animation shows how the multi-year sea ice area, an estimation of the total volume of multi-year ice in the Arctic Ocean, has evolved from 1980 to 2012. Credit: NASA… When they melt, sea level isn't directly affected because this ice is already in the ocean. However, lessening our greenhouse gas output and reducing pollutants will do more than just prevent our polar ice caps melting. Don’t worry, we won’t spam you or sell your information. This wouldn’t happen unless there was a more severe global warming greenhouse event because when it’s summer on one pole, it’s winter on the other. The polar ice caps are melting six times faster than in the 1990s, according to the most complete analysis to date. A comprehensive satellite study confirms that the melting ice caps are raising sea levels at an accelerating rate. This cooler time is what we are adapted to, though, and a sudden change in that could cause great damage to humanity and other life that is evolved for this environment. To find food, polar bears are traveling to places they don't normally go. It has now doubled in the last half of this measurement period to 19,500 square miles per year. INCAN CHILD SACRIFICE VICTIMS // ARGENTINA. And according to the IPCC, rising sea levels may be the culprit of the most dangerous symptoms of climate change. “These are not unlikely events or small impacts,” professor Andrew Shepherd at the University of Leeds stated. According to NASA, “since…about 1750, carbon dioxide levels have increased nearly 38 percent as of 2009 and methane levels have increased 148 percent.”. The Polar ice caps melting may change our world maps, as a result of the flooding that is caused. During the first half of the period, this rate of loss was 8,300 square miles. Paired with the 2019 Arctic heatwave, this melting rate may produce disastrous outcomes. “I pledge to live a more sustainable lifestyle. The scientists behind the IPCC’s recent statement attest that the future may be grave for coastal communities. The current rate of polar ice cap loss is tracking as a worst-case scenario according to the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC). Snow that melts slightly becomes harder and compressed. Scientists have confirmed that polar ice caps are melting at unprecedented and dangerous rates. Think of it as ice in your glass of water melting. And … 6- Protect and respect animals, their natural habitats and biodiversity, endangered species and communities. The burning of fossil fuels – coal, gas and oil – causes the Earth’s temperature to go up significantly. For example Earth's polar ice caps are mainly water ice, while Mars's polar ice caps are a mixture of solid phase carbon dioxide and water ice. Currently, the organization predicts that, without immediate action on carbon emissions, 400 million people will be exposed to coastal flooding every year by 2100. National Geographic has actually made a graphic to show would the world would look like if this happened. While it’s true that we’re facing environmental challenges, we can all do our part to ensure that we do not add to the damage. President Trump falsely claimed that the polar ice caps - which have been melting at historic rates - were "setting records" for how much they aren't melting A very dangerous way. There are no requirements with respect to size or composition for a body of ice to be termed a polar ice cap, nor any geological requirement for it to be over land, but only that it must be a body of solid phase matter in the polar region. New snow falls on top and the snow underneath becomes even denser. From the hurricane that broke the levees in New Orleans to the disastrous drought in California, many of us wonder what we can do. Data from NASA's GRACE and GRACE Follow-On satellites show that the land ice sheets in both Antarctica (upper chart) and Greenland (lower chart) have been losing mass since 2002. Yet regardless of how you spin it, polar ice caps are melting much too fast for communities to adjust. These large bodies of water absorb 90% of the Earth's total warmth, meaning that sea ice floating in the ocean are subject to higher temperatures and naturally melt as a result. The composition of the ice will vary. Where the average global temperature may increase slightly over time, the poles oftentimes experience steeper temperature spikes. Polar bears and melting ice: three facts that shouldn’t surprise you Posted on July 20, 2014 | Comments Off on Polar bears and melting ice: three facts that shouldn’t surprise you If I was invited by USA TODAY to discuss how climate change is affecting polar bears now – summed up in three talking points – this is what I’d say. … While there have been some alarming reports about the polar ice caps melting that proved to be very unscientific and dead wrong, this does not negate the subtle changes that have actually taken place. Since this is where polar bears, seals, and other animals in this climate live, they are losing their homes and their entire species is being threatened. The melting of the polar ice caps is caused by the overall increase in global temperature, and this melting can have serious consequences for all … Our adaptable earth has been here for five billion years and it will be here for five billion more without us. 9- Choose local and organic products: by reducing transportation and chemicals, we make a healthy choice for us and the planet. About 15 percent of the world's oceans are covered by sea ice during part of the year. Almost 90% is in Antarctica, while the remaining 10% is in the Greenland ice cap. Certain parts of the Antarctic ice shelf are currently melting, but this melting is outweighed by new ice accumulation elsewhere. Since the 1990s, the speed of ice loss as increased sixfold — with a sevenfold increase in Greenland. Ice is melting at the poles. Wet. For the most part, sea ice expands during winter months and melts during summer months, but in certain regions, some sea ice remains year-round. Multi-year sea ice, or ice that has survived at least two melt seasons in the Arctic, is shrinking rapidly. After all, “once all the Arctic ice is gone in the summer, the Arctic summertime ice loss can’t accelerate any further.”. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (), ice currently covers 6 million square miles, or one tenth the Land area on Earth, about the area of South America.Floating ice, or Sea Ice, alternately called Pack Ice at the North and South Poles covers 6% of the ocean’s surface (), an area similar to North America.The most important measure of ice is its … This is also a clear explanation for why the rate of the arctic polar ice caps melting doubled over the past few years. 7- Cut down on meat consumption and favor vegetable consumption: Feeding, housing, processing, transporting, and selling meat uses way more energy — and water — than simpler foods like fruits, grains, and vegetables. Penguins, who live in the Antarctica region, are also losing their environment as the polar ice caps melt. In fact, the most recent study from NASA found that “Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away.” Of course, that means that NASA is still trying to figure out where exactly the sea level rise of 0.27 millimeters per year is coming from. “What was highly unusual in the recent past is becoming the new normal. Another reason for ice melt is the warming of the oceans. 4- Reduce our impact on the environment by individual and institutional actions, by exploring options in alternative transportation, waste reduction and recycling, appliance efficiency and awareness of how the decisions we make affect our personal environment and the world as a whole. We’d lose a lot of coastal cities, but would it really be the end of the world? The sea ice level recorded in July of 8,800 cubic kilometres is 47% below the average for the period 1979–2018. The Earth Project believes in the Native American Spirit that “We do not inherit the land from our ancestors but borrow it from our children”. This particularly affects the marine ice sheets located near the two global poles and along the coasts of Alaska. While sea ice exists primarily in the polar regions, it influences the global climate. Rapid glacial melt in Antarctica and Greenland also influences ocean currents, as massive amounts of very cold glacial-melt water entering warmer ocean waters is slowing ocean currents. Recent temperatures have reached records in the region, amounting to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.33 °C) this winter. Florida? According to NASA, “The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years.”, Greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane result from our industrial activities as well as many other natural factors. As climate change may also lengthen hurricane season, coastal towns may experience even more deadly flooding every.! Years, which is an effect of trapped greenhouse gas output and reducing pollutants will do more than prevent..., gas and oil – causes the earth look like if this happened, communities should prepare the. Certain parts of the polar climate system five years alone rise in global sea levels are to. New ice accumulation elsewhere in fact, oxygen levels are rising as a consequence of the state of.! Antarctic ice shelf are currently melting, as well still, it ’ s a basic rule of physics warmer. 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