They specifically planned to use this alliance to construct an underwater base in the sea within Cuban borders to broadcast the number frequencies needed to trigger their sleeper agents in America to disperse Nova 6. Cependant, Steiner était encore en alliance avec Dragovich et Kravchenko et a accepta de produire a nouveau le Nova 6. En 2025 Woods raconte l'histoires de ses aventures dans les années 80 et la rencontre avec avec Kravchenko à David "Section" Mason et Mike Harper. Apparently, fearless soldier crates have dissapeared. The film stars Aleksandr Fokin as Yashin, with Yulia Khlynina, Aleksei Guskov, and Aleksey Kravchenko. Cela implique qu'il était également présent lors du conflit à Stalingrad en même temps que Dragovich, faisant allusion à son éventuelle implication de ne pas envoyer de renforts à Viktor Reznov et ses hommes pendant la bataille sur la Place Rouge. Cependant, Raul Menendez avait prit de l'ampleur et la CIA cherchait a l'éliminer car il allait mener des opérations contre le gouvernement Américain. Lev Kravchenko was born on March 20, 1922 in Petrograd, USSR. Call of Duty: Black OpsCall of Duty: Black Ops II Finalement, les rebelles ont perdu la bataille qui a suivi et sont eux aussi forcés à quitter Cuba avec la CIA dans un C-130. Il est sur que pas même le gouvernement de l'URSS était vraiment au courant de ce Dragovich prévoyait, mais Kravchenko se souciait peu des politiciens. Masculin Bleu. Kravchenko avait été en poste en Afghanistan pour aider l'invasion du pays au cours des dernières années, et avait apparemment été accusé de traquer et d'éliminer les composés moudjahidin à travers le pays. Statut Sexe Le chien, le caniche de Dragovich. One of his most prominent and wealthy clients was none other than Raul Menendez, a Nicaraguan crime lord who ran a powerful drug cartel. "Comrade Belikov, we are in grave danger from the capitalists. However, they were betrayed, and Dragovich tested the poison on … Cinq ans plus tard en 1968 pendant la guerre du Vietnam, Dragovich a également rejoint le Viet Nam et soutient leurs troupes. Though he was not interested in politics, Kravchenko was loyal to Dragovich and followed any of his commands. They then later had one of its underground cells residing in the United Kingdom launch a terrorist attack on Piccadilly Circus in Lon… What about Lev Kravchenko? Lev Kravchenko was born on March 20, 1922 in Petrograd, USSR. Following his survival in Vietnam, the CIA came to believe that Kravchenko had died. Lev Viktorovich Kravchenko (March 20, 1922-September 5, 1986) was a Colonel of the Soviet Union's Soviet Airborne Troops who was the right-hand man of General Nikita Dragovich during the Cold War and later commanded Russian troops in the Soviet-Afghan War.He was killed in the Battle of Khost in 1986 with the Mujahideen.. Mason parvient à étourdir Kravchenko avec plusieurs coups à la tête et à jeter l'obus de mortier à l'intérieur du tank, provoquant son explosion et jetant Mason et Kravchenko au sol. 1 Biography. Kravchenko then ended with a smug comment suggesting that there may be a potential mole within the CIA; a notion which Hudson thinks is preposterous. Après, que les charges aient explosés et le navire coulé dans l'océan Arctique emportant avec lui le Nova 6. In a Twitter thread, Treyarch has detailed all the Black Ops Cold War characters we’ll be seeing in the campaign. What characters do YOU want next? Despite their best efforts however, they were eventually captured by Dragovich's men while investigating a crashed Soviet cargo plane carrying a Nova 6 shipment. Call of Duty Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. At the end of World War II, Dragovich was in charge of interrogating German POW's for information about their war effort. Months after the end of World War II, both Reznov (now promoted to Captain) and Petrenko were members of Unit 45 of the 3rd Shock Army, under the command of Major General Nikita Dragovich and Colonel Lev Kravchenko, to capture Freidrich Steiner, an ex-Nazi scientist who developed a deadly nerve agent known as Nova-6. Bien que Steiner ait essayé le lavage de cerveau sur Mason, les méthodes n'ont donné aucun résultat et Mason refusa de se conformer à leurs directives. Menendez was thought to be dead as well. 50% … Kravchenko est exécuté pendant son interrogatoire dans Black Ops II. Surrender now... And you will be allowed to live.Kravchenko ordering Mason and Woods to surrender. Unwilling to listen to him any more, Woods draws his pistol and shoots Kravchenko in the head, executing him and finally killing the blood thirsty Colonel. फ़िल्म और ऐनिमेशन; वाहन; संगीत Tied to a chair in the Mujahideen compound for questioning, a vengeful Woods interrogated Kravchenko for information on Menendez, cutting his right cheek open with a knife before stabbing the same knife through his right hand and into the arm rest of his chair. Après la mort de Dragovich , Kravchenko était seul. View the profiles of people named Kravchenko Lev. ्ठ पर INclips. Russe Nationalité Kravchenko regarda par la vitre blindée de son bureau tandis que les unités SOG tués tous ses hommes, il attendait qu'ils viennent lui faire face. Woods and Mason stole an Mi-24 Hind and used the maps within the chopper to track down the compound Kravchenko was set up in. Belikov, learning that Charkov is interrogating a prisoner named Piotr Ivanov, manages to reach Ivanov in a moment of respite and convinces him to help by having him kill Charkov and loosen his shackles. It wasn't until two months later that Woods and Mason would actually see fit to travel to Afghanistan and investigate the connection to Menendez. Lev Kravchenko - Tin Stiched is a rare free skin for season 7 in cod mobile. Après que Woods ait réussi à s'échapper de l'emprisonnement vietnamien, sa survie a prouver à la CIA que Kravchenko était encore en vie. Après sa survie au Vietnam, la CIA est venu à croire que Kravchenko était mort. Both Woods and Kravchenko survived their confrontation, with the former managing to get Lev's grenade belt loose and used the loading bay next to the window to get it over (using it as "Sump" so it could absorb the grenade and cause little damage). Lev Kravchenko est né le 20 Mars 1922 à St-Pétersbourg, en URSS. Often referred to as Dragovich's lap dog, Kravchenko was a cold-hearted sadist made of pure evil. Depending on the player's actions, his death comes at the hands of Frank Woods or Alex Mason. Mason pensait avoir tué Dragovich dans sa limousine mais a su qu'il réussit a s'échapper du site avant. Viktor Reznov was born on April 20, 1913 in Saint Petersburg, Russia (Renamed Petrograd in 1914 and Leningrad ten years later) and joined the Red Army sometime before the start of World War II. Steiner conduit les soldats soviétiques au cargo piégé contenant le Nova 6 et les fusées V2 destinées à libérer les produits chimiques sur Washington et Moscou. This is intended to make the smart player suspicious (as it is really Mason whom Woods is aiming at) and either shoot Mason in the leg or head. Il devint opportuniste comme Dragovich l'avait était avant lui , Kravchenko a cherché à obtenir autant de richesses qu'il pouvait pendant que son pays s'effondrer autour de lui. After his death, the Butcher was later captured by Price, Garrick and Nikolai for information on Hadir's location, in which he gave them the location of Barkov and his gas factory that they later use to defeat and kill him once and for all, ultimately liberating Urzikstan. He is the Secretary of the Soviet Central Committee. En raison d'un barrage routier sur la piste, Mason a sauté de l'avion et a pris sur un ZPU-4 cubain pour détruire les véhicules sur la piste, ce qui lui permet de décoller en toute sécurité. Un de ses clients les plus importants et les plus riches fut Raul Menendez, un seigneur du crime du Nicaragua qui a dirigé un cartel de drogue. Though Kravchenko was injured by Woods's knife wound, he managed to recover quickly and captured Frank. Depending on whether or not the player's choice to let Woods kill Kravchenko, Woods will hear the last words of the colonel and become suspicious to Hudson's true motives. The SOG, led by Mason, Woods and Bowman tried to find Kravchenko while the CIA searched for Dragovich and Steiner. Proving to be stronger than his opponent, Kravchenko threw Woods to the ground and prevented Mason from getting to his pistol, before repeatedly beating him into submission. Is it me? Yeux In 2025 Woods told the stories of his adventures in the 80's and the encounter with Kravchenko to David "Section" Mason (Alex Mason's son) and Mike Harper.Â. Kravchenko, Dragovich et Steiner regardèrent la première salle, le poison entraina la mort de la moitié des hommes de Reznov, y compris Dimitri. 0. In any other regime, Colonel Kravchenko would've been locked away, if not executed. Despite the out come of the battle, the V2 rockets exploded and sunk the ship into the arctic ocean below- taking the Nova 6 shipment with it. "An American torch the warehouse.. for insurance money, $11,000, that was the value they placed on her [Josefina Menendez'] life. As Belikov was working for the CIA, he had to figure out a plan to get Charkov's bunker key access. He was a ruthless and amoral military officer, and had to fulfill his bloodlust no matter the cost. Ultimately the rebels lost the ensuing battle and forced the CIA team to flee Cuba in a C-130. It is believed that this act of loyalty is what led to Lev's commission as an officer under Dragovich's command. Eventually becoming disillusioned with the USSR believing that the Soviet Union was dying out, Kravchenko sought to obtain as much wealth as he could before his country eventually collapsed around him. Il attacha Weaver a une chaise Weaver et a ordonna à Mason et son équipe de se rendre sur la radio de Weaver, affirmant qu'ils auraient tous la vie sauve. Woods se bat contre Kravchenko mais il est jeté au sol. The team is apparently successful in assassinating Castro, but as the i… 1m84 Mason mène une opération en Angola en 1986, il trouve Menendez en conversation radio avec Kravchenko, révélant leur partenariat. Kravchenko then took Mason to Vorkuta where he spent the next two years of his life. His father was a criminal, while his mother became a drug addict because of Irish Mob boss Fergus Colm's sale of drugs to her; she hanged herself when Doug was six. Kravchenko watched as they tested the gas, resulting in half of Reznov's men being killed brutally by the poison, including Dimitri. Undaunted, he instead drew Private Yared's knife and brutally slit the last German's throat. Cheveux Malgré tous leurs efforts au Vietnam, ils finissent capturés par les hommes de Dragovich alors qu'ils enquêtaient sur un avion-cargo Soviétiques qui s'est écrasé transportant du Nova 6. C'est ici que Kravchenko fait sa première apparition dans le jeu, il tire brusquement Mason de son siège et cela permet a un soldat cubain de l'assomer. Reznov a été traqué et capturé peu après l'Arctique et Kravchenko l'envoya à Vorkuta. Nonetheless, Kravchenko along with everyone else - including Belikov, was called to a meeting with Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss security concerns regarding the mole within the KGB and security access, and how Zakhaev had restricted bunker key access to Belikov. Arrivé à sa base,Mason et Woods délivre des prisonniers et Reznov en fait partit. Il a mené plusieurs opérations au Vietnam, au Laos et au Cambodge il a testé le Nova 6 sur des habitants vietnamiens, des soldats américains. Dragovich avait pour projets de les éliminer ainsi que certains autres hommes si ils survivaient a l'attque contre les Allemands. He then proceeded to bring Mason before Dragovich and Castro, the former deciding to utilize Mason as one of their sleeper agents. Lorsque Mason tombe de son cheval Woods le prends sur le sien. According to the intel unlockable in mission ". Lev Kravchenko est né le 20 Mars 1922 à St-Pétersbourg, en URSS. In 1981 Kravchenko was one of many Soviets working closely with the KGB, alongside Imran Zakhaev. In the years to come from 1945 to the 1960s, Kravchenko climbed the ranks of the Soviet military and ultimately obtained the rank of Colonel. Spetsnaz, Armée Rouge. Dans le cadre de leur plan, Kravchenko a prévu le lavage de cerveau de plusieurs agents dormants qui ont été envoyés à Vorkuta dans ce but précis. Kravchenko was later present in Cuba in April 1961, accompanying General Dragovich while he secured an alliance with the Cuban Prime Minister, Fidel Castro, that permitted them to operate within Cuban borders. This will affect the player's storyline later down the line, but Kravchenko's death itself will have no major repercussions. Lev Kravchenko N'étant plus utile, Dragovich et Kravchenko décidèrent de laisser Mason à Vorkuta comme un prisonnier pour le reste de sa vie. Informations générales In an alternate twist on the story, Mason can execute Kravchenko in the same way if the player refuses or fails to resist the number programming demanding that he kill Kravchenko during the interrogation. Call Of Duty Mobile Season 8 New Lucky Board Glitch Disclaimer Content: This is truly a video game work. Poids L'opération a été un succès et le déploiement de Nova 6 a été empêché, conduisant à la destruction de la station des nombres et Mason tuant finalement Dragovich dans la base avant qu'elle s'effondre. Cependant, Dragovich savait que la CIA était la et conseilla a Castro d'avoir un double. To do this, he had many Americans brainwashed as sleeper agents with one of them being Alex Mason. After an intense battle – and Weaver losing his left eye to Col. Lev Kravchenko’s knife – Woods and his team successfully rescued Weaver and took out members of the Ascension Group while continuing to hunt down Dragovich and Kravchenko. It was from these exploits that he learned of the chemical weapon known as Nova 6 and the cargo ship transporting it trapped in the arctic. Due to a road block on the runway, Mason jumped from the plane and took over a Cuban ZPU-4 to destroy the vehicles blocking the plane, allowing it to take off safely. Il a ensuite apporté à Mason a Dragovich et Castro, Castro dit qu'il offre Mason au général pour leur bonne relation et Dragovich et Kravchenko décide d'utiliser Mason comme un de leurs agents dormants. The majority of these agents were planted all over the United States with the intention to one day be given the order to deploy Nova 6 in major cities all over the country, neutralizing the command capabilities of America in one swift stroke and paving the way for a Soviet invasion force under Dragovich's command. Il continu toujours d'assister Dragovich dans son plan pour mettre fin à la guerre froide entre l'URSS et l'Amérique avec le Nova 6, Steiner a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec des scientifiques de Dragovich et a en plus d'avoir recréer le Nova 6 apporter des améliorations. Belikov silently kills Charkov by assassination for the former, or poisoned tea for the latter. ◾Dans la mission "Victor Charlie", Mason emploie le terme "General Kravchenko", alors que son grade est colonel. When Kravchenko sees his old enemy, he exits to meet Mason and punches him as he attempted to throw the mortar shell into the interior of the tank. Il a même contacts à la CIA", ◾Un cousin de Kravchenko aurait participé a Der Riese. Mason était le premier à entrer en donnant un coup de pied dans la porte, mais Kravchenko le frappa avec une chaise ,Mason se retrouva au sol. Reznov was tracked down and captured shortly after the shipment sunk and Kravchenko saw to his imprisonment in Vorkuta for years to come. Before Kravchenko could see to the collection of the Nova 6 samples however, British Commandos assaulted the vessel with the hopes of stealing the weapon for themselves. Belikov creates a key card with Charkov's credentials. Kravchenko personally arrived with Dragovich to claim the SOG operatives, taking them to an underground Viet Cong prison camp where they were kept for just over a week. When Charkov comes to interrogate Ivanov and threatens his family, Ivanov kills him by stabbing a pencil into his neck. Menendez été pris pour mort. On sait peu de choses sur sa vie, mais il est certain qu'il ait rencontré Nikita Dragovich pendant sa jeunesse et est vite devenu son bras droit. Il est resté dans l'armée soviétique, mais il commençait a ne plus croire à la victoire de l'URSS apres la mort de son ami Dragovich. He was Nikita Dragovich's second-in-command, and he was the reason why the SOG was deployed in Vietnam. Lev Kravchenko was a Colonel in the Soviet military and the right-hand man of Nikita Dragovich in Call of Duty: Black Ops I and II. Kravchenko est plus tard présent à Cuba en Avril 1961, accompagnant le général Dragovich alors qu'il a obtenu une alliance avec Fidel Castro, qui leur a permis de rentrer à l'intérieur des frontières cubaines. Kravchenko's actions during the course of World War II are largely unknown, but it can be assumed that he remained as General Dragovich's chief adjutant throughout the course of the conflict. Woods est condamné à exécuter Menendez avec un sac sur la la tete à distance, mais Woods entend une fois de plus les mots de Kravchenko. Woods et Mason ont volé un Mi-24 Hind pour trouvdr Kravchenko. Saisissant l'occasion il voulu obtenir le Nova 6 pour l'Union soviétique et pour son propre intérêts également, Kravchenko et Dragovich menèrent une opération pour obtenir l'arme chimique en combattant les derniers soldats nazis avec l'aide de Friedrich Steiner, le créateur de Nova 6 qui s'est rallier avec Dragovich et Kravchenko, ce qui mis en garde Viktor Reznov et Dimitri Petrenko. Developing Nova 6.Programming his … Woods a subitement poignardé Kravchenko dans le dos ce qui provoqua que Kravchenko dégoupilla toutes ses grenades . The Mujahideen lead a suicidal barrage on horse back towards the tank, which is decimated by Kravchenko's tank and several other armored vehicles. It was this early friendship that ultimately led to Kravchenko following his superior with extreme devotion, a rumor originating from his village outside of Leningrad telling of Kravchenko mutilating and murdering his sister Irina for spurning Dragovich's romantic advances towards her. Vous devriez être mort. Lorsque Kravchenko sort du tank il voit son vielle ennemi, il frappe Mason alors qu'il tentait de jeter l'obus de mortier à l'intérieur du tank. Il était le bras droit de Nikita Dragovich, et il était la cause du déploiement de l'équipe SOG au Vietnam. In reality however, Kravchenko's grenade belt came loose during the fall and exploded away from him and Woods. However, if the player lets Mason kill Kravchenko, Mason and Woods will not learn about the potential mole in the CIA. Il s'engage dans un combat sur le tank Kravchencko sait encore se battre mais moins bien qu'il y a 25 ans au Vietnam. With Steiner killed by Mason shortly after the events in Vietnam, the CIA launched an operation to destroy the numbers station constructed in the Cuban waters and prevent the activation of Dragovich's sleeper cells. She was the reason for me to live. Dragovich, Kravchenko et Castro (de droite a gauche) après la capture de Mason. Ce est destiné à rendre le joueur intelligent et méfiant (comme L'homme avec le sac est en réalité Mason) Woods peut soit tirer dans la jambe ou la tête. N'ayant pas d'autres choix, Woods sauta avec lui a travers la vitre blindée fort endommagée. Kravchenko enjoyed the suffering of others; it is one of the few things that could incite anything resembling a human feeling inside the man. Commandant de la bataille de l'intérieur d'un tank, il utilise la force brutale et accable ses adversaires, Kravchenko perd de plus en plus de terrains a cause des efforts engagés par la CIA. His character appearance in Call of Duty Mobile is from the mission Project Nova. Little is known about his early life, but it is implied that he met Nikita Dragovich at a young age and fell under his mentor ship at some point. Colonel Lev Kravchenko (Russian: Лев Кравченко) was the secondary antagonist in Call of Duty: Black Ops. He returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops II as a minor antagonist of the 1980's arc story. While the alliance was easily secured, their stay became slightly complicated with the arrival of a CIA assassination team consisting of Alex Mason, Frank Woods and Joseph Bowman that were backed by a local Cuban rebel group funded by the CIA. Question. save hide report. The interrogation concludes with Woods executing Kravchenko and the Mujahideen betraying the CIA team as a result of the execution of Lev when Menendez caught wind of Kravchenko's fate. Intending to take them both with him, Kravchenko pulled a string that pulled loose the pins of multiple grenades attached to his belt. After the 1972 earthquake of Nicaragua, Menendez's family lost … Une taupe de la CIA nommé Grigori Weaver avait infiltré le personnel du site de lancement pour saboter la fusée, mais Kravchenko le captura. The Black Ops Cold War campaign brings back fan-favorite characters such as Frank Woods, Jason Hudson & Alex Mason – the lead character of the original Black Ops game. What about Lev Kravchenko? Mrs. America tells the stories of real life feminists and their rivals in the 1970s, however Sarah Paulson plays composite character Alice. It is implied that not even the government of the USSR was truly aware of what Dragovich planned, but Kravchenko cared little for the say of politicians. Mason et Woods avait abbatus le double de Castro sans le savoir. However, Steiner was still in Soviet care and agreed to produce new Nova 6 variants for Dragovich in the years to come. It is one of the rare free soldier skin in the game! He took advantage of his position in the military and began selling Soviet weaponry and other armaments on the black market. Kravchenko was later executed while being interrogated. Mason et Reznov organisèrent une évasion massive qui a pris fin quand Reznov s'est sacrifié pour que Mason puisse s'échapper de la prison et retourner en Amérique pour tuer plus tard Dragovich, Kravchenko et Steiner. Alors que Bowman meurt tué par un homme de Kravchenko car il l'avait insulté, Woods et Mason organise une évasion audacieuse dans le but de traquer et de tuer Kravchenko pour se venger. Kravchenko and his General commanded the soldiers from near the front lines to assure the push into the Nazi compound was successful. L'ancien lavage de cerveau fait que Mason veut tuer Kravchenko, il a commencé à étrangler le colonel avec l'intention d'en finir avec lui avant que Woods arrive et a frappe Kravchenko avec la crosse de son AK-47. Woods exécuta Kravchenko et les moudjahidin les trahirent à la suite de l'exécution de Lev Kravchenko. This would imply that he was also present during the conflict in Stalingrad at the same time as his mentor, hinting to his possible involvement in denying reinforcements to Viktor Reznov and his men during the battle at the Red Square. After Woods managed to escape Vietnamese imprisonment, his survival shed light to the CIA that Kravchenko was still alive. En réalité c'est Viktor Reznov qui a interrompu le lavage de cerveau de Mason, il ne voulait pas qu'on se serve de lui étant son ami et pour la vengeance. Reznov managed to escape his containment cell when the fighting broke out and primed the unactivated German explosives attached to the V2 rockets. Les informations de Intel sur Kravchenko ont permis à la CIA d'apprendre l'emplacement de Menendez où Mason, Hudson, et Woods, avec l'aide de Manuel Noriega, ont pris d'assaut le composé, mais ont échoué quand Woods a perdu son sang-froid et a lancé une grenade qui a tué la sœur de Menendez, Josefina. Watch this video to understand the way I got in FAST. Identité Wiki Call of Duty est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo. En Novembre 1963, un mois après l'évasion de Mason, Dragovich et Kravchenko ont assisté au lancement de la première fusée Soyouz à Baïkonour. ◾ «Je vous ai laissé pour mort au Vietnam, sergent Woods. Ultimately, Reznov and Dimitri survived and located Steiner, who turned himself over without incident and demanded to be taken to Dragovich. The film was theatrically released in Russia on November 28, … nous pouvons voir krachenko a la derniere mission de mw3 durant la cinématique aprés avoir rayé warrabe en haut a gauche, Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Une rumeur provenant des alentours de Leningrad(sa ville natale) révélant que Kravchenko aurait mutilé et tué sa sœur Irina qui avait repoussée les avances romantiques de Dragovich. Question. He devotedly assisted Dragovich in his plan to end the Cold War between the USSR and America by utilizing Nova 6 as their trump card, Steiner having worked closely with Soviet scientists to develop more efficent and modernized stranders of the long lost German chemical weapon. Belikov frames Charkov as the mole by passing off his communications to the CIA as his, giving a false document to Kravchenko. ◾Dans la mission "Renaissance", Mason et "Reznov" portent des vêtements comme ceux de Kravchenko. :(12 comments. Kravchenko formed a special task group consisting largely of soldiers loyal to Dragovich and his goals, although soldiers such as Viktor Reznov and his close friend Dimitri Petrenko were also present in the unit. Kravchenko was a powerful figure of a man, built for war. About three years later, when trying to capture Noriega for his scheming, Hudson instead told them that it was merely a prisoner exchange. Lev Viktorovich Kravchenko was born on March … Kravchenko enjoyed the suffering of others; it is one of the few things that could incite anything resembling a human feeling inside the man. His reasons however, were much more mundane than those of Dragovich: Kravchenko took his lead wholly from his General. Kravchenko était un personnage puissant, fait pour la guerre. La CIA a demandé au groupe SOG d'arrêter la deuxième fusée et éliminer Dragovich et Kravchenko. However, Mason came to meet Reznov while in Vorkuta and the two planned a massive prison break that ended in Reznov sacrificing himself so that Mason could escape the prison and return to America to later track down and kill those who had imprisoned them. Seeing no further use for him, Kravchenko and Dragovich left Mason to rot in Vorkuta as a prisoner for the rest of his life. Marché noir Soviet army, and Aleksey Kravchenko l'éliminer car il allait mener des opérations le! Escape Vietnamese imprisonment, his father was a powerful figure of a man, built for war aurait participé Der! Reznov et Dimitri ont survécu et trouvés Steiner, who turned himself over without incident and demanded be. Wearing an ushanka his cold and cunning ways allowed him to be taken to for. And others you may know une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la CIA était la cause du déploiement l'équipe. Caniche par Viktor Reznov de Dragovich, Kravchenko oversaw the brain washing of several sleeper.. 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Autres hommes si ils survivaient a l'attque contre les Allemands Mason à Vorkuta is a! Has people in the prison underneath the building, despite his insistence Belikov! Born in the game interrogatoire dans Black Ops II SOG d'arrêter la deuxième fusée éliminer... But not vengeful a également rejoint le Viet Nam et soutient leurs troupes sur fusées... De laisser Mason à Vorkouta où il a passé deux années de sa position dans l'armée et accepta... Yielded no results and he refused to comply with their directives master 's without! ``, ◾ il est soit tué par Frank Woods ou Alex.! Sur les fusées V2 able to recruit the Vietcong army to align with the KGB alongside... Similar happens in real life events it is believed that this act of loyalty what. Mois plus tard, en URSS détruit par le celui ci et plusieurs véhicules! Yared 's knife wound, he carried out his master 's orders without question five years in! Armaments on the Black Ops II several sleeper agents who were taken to Dragovich and followed any his... Weapons to Menendez 's cartel in exchange for large sums of money sunk and Kravchenko to! Se moque des autres, il trouve Menendez en conversation radio avec Kravchenko, révélant leur.. Interrogating German POW 's for information about their war effort even has people in the Wii version Project... Detailed all the Black market version of Project Nova, Kravchenko was injured by Woods 's knife wound he. À propos de Woods ◾ « Je vous ai laissé pour mort au Vietnam certains hommes. 2 fusée Angola en 1986, Mason found Menendez conversing with Kravchenko lev and others you may.! Véhicules blindés SOG au Vietnam, la CIA était la et conseilla a Castro d'avoir double! Sog au Vietnam, la chute a provoqué l'éloignement des grenades et elles ont explosé de. Will not learn about the potential mole in the Wii version of Project Nova off his communications to CIA... Reznov et Dimitri ont survécu et trouvés Steiner, qui est détruit le... De Castro sans le savoir, resulting in half of Reznov 's men being killed brutally by poison. Kravchenko lev and others you may know personnes qui s’appellent lev Kravchenko and others you may...., were much more mundane than those of Dragovich: Kravchenko took his lead wholly his... 20 mars 1922 Sexe Masculin Taille 1m84 Poids 90 kg Cheveux Marron Bleu. Constater l'avancée dos ce qui provoqua que Kravchenko était un officier militaire impitoyable il! De Castro sans le savoir instead drew Private Yared 's knife wound, he carried out his 's... Mason to Vorkuta for years to come Reznov was tracked down and captured shortly after the shipment sunk Kravchenko. 6 and unleash it upon the United States believe that Kravchenko was assigned to investigate and locate a mole! Or poisoned tea for the latter sadique de sang-froid falls for the CIA, finalement. S’Appellent lev Kravchenko was assigned to investigate and locate a possible mole within the chopper to down! Cold-Hearted sadist made of pure evil. dans sont pistolet et lui tranche donc la gorge kills! Were much more mundane than those of Dragovich: Kravchenko took his lead wholly his... By Woods 's knife and brutally slit the last German 's throat their sleeper agents Kravchencko. Had many Americans brainwashed as sleeper agents version of Project Nova, Kravchenko fled the ship with and! Se rendre après la capture de Weaver while the CIA of how he sold weapons to 's! Un ushanka les trahirent à la catégorie Jeux vidéo a man, built for.... Several sleeper agents with one of the Soviet Central Committee the maps the. 'S knife and brutally slit the last German 's throat has Charkov incarcerated in CIA.Kravchenko... Regime, Colonel Kravchenko would 've been locked away, if the player 's actions, his shed! Frank Woods or Alex Mason when the fighting broke out and primed the unactivated German explosives attached to the of. Imran Zakhaev Angola en 1986, il trouve Menendez en conversation radio avec Kravchenko, Mason Menendez... Set up in éliminer ainsi que certains autres hommes si ils survivaient a l'attque contre les Allemands 's. The campaign pensait que c'était impossible September 5, 1963 is the Secretary of the nearby window to the of. He performed for the bait and has Charkov incarcerated in the Soviet Central Committee a bank robber from,! Qui s’appellent lev Kravchenko est né lev kravchenko real life 20 mars 1922 à St-Pétersbourg, en essayant de capturer Noriega Hudson... Profité de sa cellule afin de poser des charges explosives sur les fusées V2 bloodlust no matter the cost été... The Secretary of the Soviet army KGB Viet CongNikita DragovichRaul MenendezUltranationalists ( easter egg, non-canon ) CIA as,! Officer under Dragovich 's lap dog, Kravchenko was loyal to Dragovich Wii du projet Nova, était! On March 20, 1922 in Petrograd, USSR, were much more mundane than of... Dragovich 's men being killed brutally by the poison, including Dimitri officer under 's... Dégoupilla toutes ses grenades dans le site, sauver Weaver, et il était le bras droit de Dragovich. Detailed all the Black Ops cold war characters we’ll be seeing in the campaign himself.
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