How can one plan structures and fortifications in advance to help regaining control over their city walls? Also, don't worry about asking someone 'super clever' for help - you'll actually be doing them a favour by getting them to explain it to you in a way that you can understand. It's not just the content of the course (most of mathematics is irrelevant to CS), it's the mindset of "being a mathematician" and "doing mathematics formally" that's similar to the formality required in your course, but is mostly absent from everyday apps programming. The challenge for the College every year is to select a class from a highly qualified pool. You’ll also need a resume that clearly showcases the skills you can bring to a job. I'm not sure if it is: Any thoughts from others in computer science, engineering, and mathematical sciences would be much appreciated. Whether you take classes part-time or have never coded before, it’s not impossible to get a computer science degree—it just takes hard work and the right resources. You need to set your mind to something and just get it done, no matter the effort. I'll put in 3-5 hours a day towards the course but preferably i would like to study an hour in the morning and an hour at night. “They start off with a two-semester sequence that gives them the foundational skills they would have received through an undergraduate degree.”Â, This accelerated program begins with introductory courses in programming using Python and discrete math theory. I am mildly confused about where you started with your Masters? To be honest, this sounds like a personal choice and not really heavy on pros and cons that aren't personal. If you want to work in your current profession, you might not even be able to put it to much use. How do I get into a Computer Science Masters without an undergrad in CS? Of course mathematics isn't the same as CS, but I think the same consideration would apply. Worrying about succeeding or not will always hold you back. Once I was able to understand and (more importantly) correctly apply recursion to everything from Towers of Hanoi to dynamic programming the algorithms course got much easier. Thank you, your answer has been the most supportive (and realistic) one here! That can be hard to do initially if you are overwhelmed by the material and everything just appears really difficult, but talk to your professor and ask him or her to help identify your areas of weakness, never give up, and you will be able to master the material soon. I can't understand recursive equations like how you construct I had taken several math and physics courses in college and did well, so I figured a computer science degree could be manageable. If you’re drawn to the idea of working in tech, now is a great time to start asking questions about what it would look like to actually earn a degree in technology. You probably should take lower level courses (probably undergrad level) to refresh the knowledge you acquired 10 years ago. There are several degrees in computer science including Bachelor of Science (BS / BSc) in Computer Science, Master of Computer Science (MCS), and Master of Applied Computer Science (MACS) degrees. degree in Computer Science is intended as a terminal professional degree and does not lead to the Ph.D. degree. You're going because you think it might help you on paper. The relation is then solved by either the master theorem or the substitution method or gleaned from drawing a graph of the recursions (recursion tree) and then proved rigorously with the substitution method. There was one undergraduate course that I repeated (informally: my problems weren't being graded the second time) even after completing it the first time to what would have been a passing standard if my university worked that way (not in the US). A lot of people here are perfectionists and think you ought to know everything, I've even seen someone here suggesting you should know Lagrangian mechanics, I really don't see the relevance of that at all. (You might notice then, that the recurrence relations are only applied to recursive algorithms). I would not quit right now if I were you. Students have the opportunity to advance their careers, specialize in emerging technologies and gain analytic and strategic thinking skills. I recommend They don't call it that, because they are completely oblivious of late they are to the party. Further, doing ok in maths and physics is a good indicator that you'll do well in maths and physics, it by no means qualifies you directly for a CS master. Also, while the coursework for algorithms is fairly well defined, not all books are equal. This can be hard to understand because the book doesn't give you an exact recipe for this. I would not assume that you are just "not good enough", and the age shouldn't really be an issue either. So as you can see, the recurrence relation is gleaned from looking at the algorithm. Determine how a master’s in computer science aligns with your career aspirations. I even see people with very limited math skills pass hard courses. Where a bachelor’s degree is typically around 120 semester credit hours to finish, master’s degrees usually require around 36 semester credit hours to complete the degree. If the answer is 'yes', then I move on, if 'maybe', I check my knowledge against Google, if 'no', then I create a separate sheet and work on it until I do (decomposing further as necessary). I don't know what type of exam you're up against, but I suggest you narrow down the syllabus as much as possible, and concentrate only on what you're supposed to know that will get you to pass. I enrolled at my current MSc in computer science program last year having never completed a single computer science course in college. You would talk to your classmates and teacher to get a better understanding. Do PhD students sometimes abandon their original research idea? Each campus features top-tier faculty who are experts in their fields with years of industry experience that informs their teaching. Why is a third body needed in the recombination of two hydrogen atoms? I decided to apply because 10 years after college I had a fairly successful career as a front-end web developer and figured it would be great to have a degree so as to look like a more legitimate programmer than what my anthropology B.A. Students then progress to an object-oriented programming course, which includes a large-scale project using Java, and one in data structures, algorithms, and computer systems applications. Tips for Taking Online Classes: 8 Strategies for Success. “There are opportunities to be a leader and connect with your peers.”Â, From an academic standpoint, students can generally expect the same experience no matter where they study. I'm sure you won't regret it! You aren't getting it because you're out of options, because you've always wanted to learn it or because your job demands it. One thing I definitely didn't do enough of as an undergrad, was write enough code. I dropped a core class in basic algorithms in my first semester because I couldn't understand algorithms and decided to enroll in the same course offered this summer. 'Introduction to algorithms' is a very comprehensive book and there's a lot of stuff in there you don't need. We offer a variety of resources, including scholarships and assistantships. Frankly, for most programming houses I am in contact with, 10 years of experience count for more than a master's degree anyway. Not to mention the video on youtube in which facebook people congratulate themselves on creating a transaction manager that uses queues to serialise concurrent updates. They assume a strong command of the basics, which, by the sound of it, you lack. Aligning and setting the spacing of unit with their parameter in table. How to avoid boats on a mainly oceanic world? Is an MS in computer science helpful in improving programming skills? No other field combines the advancement of science with the creation of practical applications for the market in quite the same way.. Computer Science graduates can have a myriad of careers. While computer science doesn’t have a reading list, it has some of the highest contact hours and toughest exams – there’s much more to a computer science degree than people realise. Computer science is one of the faster-growing industries in the country, as computers and technology continue to evolve. Should hardwood floors go all the way to wall under kitchen cabinets? The solution will tell you the nature of the runtime, i.e. The sorts of problems you encounter in that course will help you reason about coding, however it's very possible to work in front end web development without encountering them. If you're contemplating a master's degree program in computer science… I am good at front-end web development, I am surely good at computer science as well. Many choose to complete their degree by studying part-time. “You really want to commit to it,” Barry says. Proof techniques from discrete math helps you understand the correctness and runtime complexity of an algorithm. I picked up all these things during my algorithms course. From what I've seen of many web based programming is that there's a lot of backdoor programming going on. It's hard to beat Stanford University if you want to pursue computer science as a major. If you were me would you quit the program? No doubt there's material out there specifically intended for part-time students, that could help you attain and maintain "the zone". How is the Q and Q' determined the first time in JK flip flop? By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. “It’s a lot of weekly and daily practice because you’re learning a new skill.” Â, Unlike some degree programs, there is no difference between the full- and part-time programs at Northeastern, Barry says. For your case, I think studying part-time makes sense, but I don't think you should attribute other people's ability to study full time to them having parents that help with the costs. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I decided to apply because 10 years after college I had a fairly successful career as a front-end web developer and figured it would be great to have a degree so as to look like a more legitimate programmer than what my anthropology B.A. CS (the science) and programming (the craft) have little to do with each other (even though either can profit from the other). I find this statement very concerning, as it seems you are more interested in getting a degree than in learning CS. You won't keep up with any amount of effort unless you build some foundations (and you can do that either by taking the undergrad courses you need, or by buying the best CS theory books out there and pushing yourself independently). But man are they still sticking with it (for better or worse, who really knows). Had to leave a separate answer because I don't have enough rep to put it as a comment on @Lacoppidan's answer. This is a valid observation, but it doesn’t explain behaviors on the margin. Known the world over for a distinguished pedigree, Harvard continues a tradition of excellence in engineering and applied sciences. As a rapidly-growing field with more than, predicted by 2028, computer science offers an exciting career path for people who want to use their problem-solving skills in the tech industry. And if you scrape a pass that doesn't mean you can't visit the tougher material at the end a second time, and the early material a third. Whether you have a technical or non-technical background, here’s what you need to know. What courses should be included as “Course Highlight” in Resume for Master's application? In your shoes I would either stick it through and do my best or forget the masters and just get an undergrad in CS. Rereading parts of my thesis doesn't feel alien, yet I know that I wouldn't be able to rediscover the formulas on a deserted island. I'm already wavering about whether or not I should stay in the program. This means that when I had my algorithms course (following the same book as your course), I hadn't had any discrete math at all. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Getting a master’s degree in computer science can be the perfect way to gain the other skills you’ll need to advance.Â, For many professionals, however, pursuing a degree in computer science can feel like a daunting endeavor. If I, like you, had asked people whether I should quit because I had zero knowledge of graphs and trees prior to taking the course, I would probably have received discouraging comments as you do now. Admission to the program is highly selective; there are many more qualified applicants than there are places in the program. I found it amusing that you mentioned the Master theorem, given the nature of the question (M.Sc.). Thus, when you are accepted, they will usually offer you some form of financial package. A front-end web developer qualifies you for a computer science degree like typing 100 words per minute qualifies you for a typewriter mechanic. Then you WILL succeed :-). I would like to know how hard Computer Science will be. Stanford is a fairly large private not-for-profit school located in the large suburb of Stanford. That's not a bad thing but as others have pointed out, programming is different than CS. You have working experience and if you had just an undergrad could very easily find a job, at this point I don't even think a masters would be worth it even if you can stick it through. @MNRC I've never met an MS in CS student in a top 25 program in the US that was supported by his/her parents. He was right! i'm not saying that's a bad reason, but it certainlt isn't helpful in the motivation category. I'm not sure if it is a lack of a background in undergraduate computer science, the fact that I am an older student who is nearly 40, or a lack of aptitude for this subject. I'm fairly sure that revisiting that material would take rather more than just the spare time that I have left over after doing a master's in the spare time from my job. How is time measured when a player is late? Doing OK in maths and physics at undergraduate level might have prepared you somewhat for a CS master's (although like everyone says, it's by no means guaranteed to be enough). The best approach is to have a study plan with only the essential stuff and not to get overwhelmed by anything else. If I were you I would probably be asking the university (a) whether there's anything else I can work towards with the course credits I have, (b) whether there's an approved means to take the program more slowly, giving more time to fill in any missing background as I go. It's helpful to think of the recurrence relation T(n) as the behavior of the problem. I want the diploma as hard proof of my quantitative skills, and so do you, nothing wrong with that. Plus receive relevant career tips and grad school advice. In order to do this I had to start from the ground up and delayed my undergrad graduation to take the prereq classes for the Masters. Can you site down and do them now with anything like the ease you did then? While the skills in doing detailed calculations for sure have almost completely eroded, I feel that my overall level of conceptual thinking has not diminished. I rehearsed every single proof in the syllabus (mine was an oral exam). Another strategy is to write more code. You have had no experience whereas others have had ample (as so many are coming from either being self taught or seeing it in high school). Many students, particularly those who do not currently work in tech, choose to study part-time and transition to a full-time schedule before they take on their first co-op.Â, This versatility allows students to balance their jobs, families, and other responsibilities while earning their degrees and advancing their careers.Â, for more information about earning your master’s in computer science. Â. For a programming job, a CS degree is of somewhat marginal value. I would add that, I am surprised that at least some of this was not already discussed during your enrollment into the Masters program with your advisor. It is a completely different and new skill set. Panshin's "savage review" of World of Ptavvs. Popular Degrees in Computer Science. This is the answer you're looking for when you construct the recurrence. I don't think people realize how important it is to have self-confidence when trying to achieve something. 7 Business Careers You Can Pursue with a Global Studies Degree. Not having a background in computer science shouldn’t deter you from pursuing a master’s degree in the field, Hescott says. Your master's program is a marathon which the other students have been building up to. Is it weird to have a one-year, master's level “general studies” program? T(n)=log(n)+O(1) from an algorithm. To anyone starting graduate school in computer science--never underestimate the importance of recursion! Sometimes, being.,,, “Question closed” notifications experiment results and graduation, MAINTENANCE WARNING: Possible downtime early morning Dec 2, 4, and 9 UTC…. They don't know more than you and quite possibly don't get it even worse. Now here's the thing for anyone: getting into CS late in the game is hard. Here’s how Northeastern supports its computer science graduate students throughout their education.Â. Go back to 20 year old you in undergrad, what would you do then? For Mergesort the answer is Theta(n log n) which means that the increase in runtime will be a function of the type f(n) = n log n. You compare runtimes by looking at the steepness of the slopes of these functions. Because everyone knows it to be a prerequisite. Even if you think you understand it, test yourself with other students to make sure your understanding is solid! The belief that Computer Science is one of the hardest fields to learn. Success requires hours of practicing coding, learning theory, networking, and searching for jobs or co-ops. Most students planning to obtain the Ph.D. degree should apply directly for admission to the Ph.D. program. rev 2020.12.2.38097, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Academia Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. It also explains a great deal about the database structures I see in the wild and the foolish enthusiasm for "post" relational databases (shouldn't it be "pre"?). , Boston, Massachusetts 02115 | 617.373.2000 | TTY 617.373.3768 | Emergency Information© 2019 University. Courses according to sex, Canadian city, and come from diverse industries difficult field to study and learn a... 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