Drugs which are metabolized slowly can have a Chapter 1 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics longer duration of action and may only need to be given on a once-daily basis. caffeine) and some are highly bound (e.g. This is an important point as certain drugs are given to affect the balance between thromboxane and prostacyclin (e.g. This is unique to prokaryotic cells. Abstract Pharmacology basics is an important topic for nurses, as medications have a great power to both help and to harm patients. The coat plus its contents are referred to as the nucleocapsid. They are especially useful if the patient has a diagnosis of psychosis, as their anxiety may be related to this. Topical anaesthesia Local anaesthetics are produced that are effective for the skin, eyes, ears, nose and mouth (e.g. Smooth muscle, except that in the cardiovascular system, contracts; the blood vessels have the opposite action of dilating. Rather than lots of neutrophils and macrophages being present, there are now large amounts of lymphocytes. London: Arnold. They do not bring about bronchodilatation and are not given as an immediate response to the trigger factor. These are called enzyme inhibitors. Oxford: Oxford University Press. It cannot be given orally. Therefore, in opioid overdose, an antidote is necessary. It is due to this effect that morphine should be avoided in people suffering from biliary colic due to gallstones: if morphine is given it might actually increase the pain rather than lessen it. (2005) Treatments and devices for future diabetes management, Nursing Times, 101(18): 30–2. Clinical tip Because of the risk of liver damage patients who are prescribed rifampicin should have their liver enzymes tested prior to commencing the therapy. Due to the resistance built up by protozoa to quinine, it is now used only against the plasmodium falciparum species. They have addictive properties. How much do you need to give 125mg? Often a person will complain of having cold hands and feet. They are of particular importance when considering certain medicines, such as NSAIDs. Clinical tip When giving a depot injection you should use a Z track injection method. Side-effects include dryness of mouth, blurred vision, constipation and retention of urine. Tablets are 500mg. Confusion or agitation states including memory impairment If patients who suffer from agitation states and/or memory impairment are on several different medications, their condition in itself can cause problems in terms of adherence and compliance. Nerve blockade (conduction anaesthesia) As the name implies, in conduction anaesthesia, the nerves relating to the area being operated upon are blocked with a local anaesthetic. Ancillary symptoms Changes in weight and appetite. The size of retail packs is also intended to reduce the risk of overdose. Histamine is a Chapter 7 potent constrictor of the muscles in the air passages, causing them to become narrowed. a) Pergolide b) Benzatropine c) Selegiline d) Carbidopa 8 Parkinson’s disease is caused by a lack of which substance? Sometimes the antifungal cream is combined with a mild steroid preparation e.g. The clot dissolves more slowly than it was built. The dose prescribed is 200 iu per hour. It is effective in treating deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism and as the Chapter 6 drug does not cross the placental barrier can be used safely in pregnancy. London: Hodder Arnold. Basic formula There is more than one way to do a drug calculation, but the simplest and most widely used method is the basic formula show here: D6Q=X H Where: D = desired dose H = strength available Q = quantity or unit of measure (for tablets Q =1, for liquids Q can vary) X = dose to be determined/amount to be given The steps for using the basic formula method are as follows: first, memorize the formula; remember to convert all the units to same system and size; place all of the unit information into the correct position within the basic formula; calculate your answer; label all answers (e.g. This group of drugs inhibits sympathetic responses and the patient may therefore get little warning of impending lowering of blood glucose levels. It is suspected that Joseph has not been using his inhalers properly. Local anaesthetics and analgesics 3 Chapter contents Learning objectives Introduction Neurones The nerve impulse Pain reception The body’s analgesic system Local anaesthetics Mode of action Preparations of local anaesthetics Topical anaesthesia Infiltration anaesthesia Nerve blockade (conduction anaesthesia) Extradural, epidural and caudal anaesthesia Spinal anaesthesia Intravenous local anaesthesia Unwanted effects of local anaesthetics Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Aspirin Ibuprofen Paracetamol Opioid analgesics Morphine Codeine Opioid antagonists Case studies Key learning points Calculations Multiple choice questions Recommended further reading Learning objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: Understand how a nerve impulse is initiated and transmitted. a) Rifampacin b) Gentamycin c) Clindamycin d) Chloramphenicol 3 Why should antacid medicines not be taken with certain antibiotics? She is on medication for her arthritis and hypertension, but also takes aspirin daily and a drug to protect her stomach. Therefore, this should be considered by the patient if taking the full dose so that accidental overdose can be avoided. Because of its risk of causing an immune response by individuals its use is usually limited to one dose only. Pharmacokinetics is the effect the body has on the drugs. The dose of the 122 drug in adults is usually 0.5–2g daily. Phenytoin can have unpleasant side-effects such as ataxia and vertigo. Without effective information and education 149 Chapter 9 Patient concordance surrounding their medications, many patients are unable to understand the need for them to take their medications as prescribed to ensure optimum drug performance. When side-effects cannot be tolerated, this may be classed as a Type A ADR. Protozoa Protozoa are simple eukaryotic organisms which are made up of a single cell (‘protozoa’ literally means ‘first animal’). Generally, most reach a peak in the plasma after one or two hours. Also, this makes it possible for the doctor to provide a good level of analgesia without too much loss of motor function. Due to the fall in circulating blood volume, peripheral perfusion of tissues is a consideration. This in turn leads to osteoporosis and potential occurrence of fractures. Cyclo-oxgenase pathway 2 inhibitors It would appear from our description of COX1 as good prostaglandin formation and COX2 as bad prostaglandin formation that an obvious solution to the problem would be to come up with a group of drugs that first inhibited the COX2 pathway. Discuss with reference to: Corticosteroid action on the airways. (2007) Pharmacology and Medicines Management for Nurses, 4th edn. 2 5mg of prednisolone is equivalent to 20mg of hydrocortisone. captopril). prostacyclin: prostaglandin implicated in making platelets less sticky. a) NA b) DA c) BDZ d) GABA-A 4 Neuroleptic medications are used for a) Psychosis b) Neurosis c) Epilepsy d) Parkinson’s disease 5 Lithium can be described as a) A mood enhancer b) A mood reflector c) A mood inducer d) A mood stabilizer 6 5-hydroxytryptamine is also known as a) Buscopan b) Serotonin c) Adrenaline d) 5-BC g 147 Chapter 8 Drugs used in mental health f 7 Amylobarbitone is an example of a) A barbiturate b) A benzodiazepine c) A tricyclic d) An SSRI 8 Which of the following is a benzodiazepine? This product is not normally present in the plasma but is derived from an inactive protein called plasminogen. a) Because morphine makes some people vomit b) The patient will be having a poor diet c) The patient is not likely to be moving d) It reduces the rate at which the gastrointestinal system moves 10 What drug is given to reverse the effects of morphine? These reactions are not dose dependent and are more rare than augmented ADRs. intercostals) or deep (e.g. This is achievable in the current pharmacological climate, but can often come at a price. There is some evidence to suggest that, particularly in adolescence, SSRIs can increase the risk of suicide and self-harm. Side-effects The main problem of giving insulin is that the blood sugar may be lowered too much, a state we call hypoglycaemia, which can cause brain damage. Propranalol) to an asthmatic patient may render their beta agonist drug (e.g. They are a lot smaller and essentially have a core of either DNA or RNA surrounded by a coat of protein (capsid). This is caused by the respiratory centre in the brain stem becoming less sensitive to the respiratory drive of carbon dioxide. As insulin is either missing or low in quantity in diabetes these metabolic pathways soon become saturated, resulting in the production by the body of acidic compounds such as ketone bodies and acetate. Gold is usually given as either sodium aurothiomalate or auranofin. This enzyme is specifically affected by paracetamol and it is this effect that explains its effectiveness in relieving pain and reducing fever without gastrointestinal side-effects. Zidovudine and abacavir have short half lives and lamividine has a long half life which affects dosing. In addition to the depressant effect noted above, the drug also has other troublesome sideeffects such as diarrhoea and vomiting. When paracetamol is broken down by the liver it produces an active byproduct. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø This is a global problem. Chapter 4 Antimicrobials They do not cross the blood-brain barrier into the central nervous system and they do not penetrate synovial fluid. One of the problems encountered when giving a local anaesthetic is that many of them cause the surrounding vessels to dilate. Clinical tip The obvious main problem with administering heparin is haemorrhage. People who suffer from confusion or other cognitive impairments have special requirements. Schedule Drug example Conditions 1 Cannabis Possession and supply prohibited unless under Home Office rule 2 Morphine Full controlled drug restriction, register required 3 Barbiturates Special prescription requirements 4 Benzodiazepines Minimal control, no safe custody, records required 5 Codeine Minimal control, no safe custody, record-keeping less stringent than schedule 4 Table 10.1 Misuse of Drugs Regulations (2001) five schedules You will find that controlled drugs are stored in a particular way, being kept in a separate cupboard. (2000) Patient compliance, Nursing Times, 96(35): 36–7. Certain prostaglandins are important for the balance in our bodies that allows our blood to clot (see Chapter 6). It is one of the more troublesome side-effects that you need to be aware of, particularly as it can occur with therapeutic doses. It is important that the patient takes each dose with the first bite of their meal. Drugs such as Cimetidine can reduce the breakdown of Warfarin by liver enzymes. If Warfarin was given in these cases an increase in anticoagulation would occur. 4 The doctor prescribes a patient nefopam 60mg by intramuscular injection. MAOIs bind irreversibly but there is a reversible MAOI, moclobemide, which is also used. On admission, she is pyrexial and dehydrated, although she is able to eat and drink small quantities. If not, they may not be able to reach their site of action. Scullion, J. London: BMJ Books. You can check your answers on page 177. The jet of insulin is propelled with such force that it penetrates the skin without the need for a needle. Some patients may suffer skin problems, a raised temperature and gastrointestinal upsets such as nausea and diarrhoea. Aspirin In the discussion on formation of a platelet plug you may remember that we discussed two important substances that worked in opposing ways on the stickiness of blood. Cornock, M. (2005) Pain relief and the law, Nursing Standard, 19(51): 28. She has suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for many years and takes co-codamol with moderate effect. Gastrointestinal problems are probably the most common unwanted effect from this group of antibiotics. It would certainly explain in physiological terms why Chapter 3 Local anaesthetics and analgesics Figure 3.6 Descending pain pathways psychological approaches to pain management are successful. Standard 2: registrants (1st and 2nd level) must check any direction to administer a medicinal product. New York: Churchill Livingstone. If the stock ampoules contain 200mg in 2ml, how much will you draw up? Antifungal drugs Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Amphoteracin is a type of macrolide antibiotic. basic pharmacology for nurses pdf test bank. Paul commenced a teaching career in October 1988 and has held a variety of positions in education from senior lecturer to head of an educational centre. and Stevens, C.W. Before performing many drug calculations you will need to convert the numbers you use in the Chapter 1 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Box 1.2 Equivalencies of weight UNIT SYMBOL EQUIVALENT SYMBOL 1 kilogram kg 1000 grams g 1 gram g 1000 milligrams mg 1 milligram mg 1000 micrograms mcg or mg 1 microgram mcg 1000 nanograms ng Ø Ø To convert from a smaller unit to the next higher unit divide by 1000 To convert from a larger unit to a smaller unit multiply by 1000 calculation so that they all appear in the same units. These are brought about by chemicals liberated by plasma proteins and cells. Eventually repair takes place. Mosby Elsevier. These cells have the ability to reproduce through sexual and asexual means. Bacteria and fungi are capable of existing independently of their host – i.e. The herpes virus works as a DNA virus and aciclovir acts by blocking an enzyme called DNA polymerase. Can cross placental barrier. Ø The most common types of ADR are augmented and bizarre. However, in asthma the size of the bronchial glands and goblet cells is increased and they subsequently produce large amounts of mucous which is thickened by cell debris from the epithelial shedding. It will tend to be more general in nature, and a good example is abdominal pain. Main classes of drugs are thiazide, diuretics, beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors, calcium antagonists or blockers and alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists. Cyclo-oxygenase pathways in most pharmacological texts are denoted by the prefix COX followed by the number of the pathway (e.g. Ø A variety of neurotransmitters (monoamines) have been implicated in the causation of depression. 9 You have a syringe of enoxaparin containing 150 mg per ml. In anxiety management they are used in doses much lower than would be needed for their antipsychotic effects. Explain how antifungal medicines act. In order for the bacteria to survive through replication this information needs to be copied. Drugs used in the treatment of schizophrenia block the actions of dopamine in the brain. Problems such as cleft palate were increased more than in the general population, therefore if a woman falls pregnant while taking the medication she should seek professional advice immediately. Free PDF Basic Pharmacology For Nurses 14th Edition Uploaded By Rex Stout, study guide for basic pharmacology for nurses 14th edition by yvonne n stock ms rn author bruce d clayton bs pharmd rph author valerie baker rn msn cs author 0 more 39 out of 5 stars 5 ratings basic pharmacology for nurses 14th edition is a contemporary The signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia are mediated through the sympathetic nervous system. This provided the legal framework for PGDs. For example, a patient on an antihypertensive drug may develop dizziness and fainting due to too great a lowering of their blood pressure. This is in order that we do not give the organism the opportunity to develop resistance. Additive effects of drugs with similar actions. Lapham, R. and Agar, H. (2003) Drug Calculations for Nurses: A Step-by-step Approach, 2nd edn. Mosby Elsevier. It is important that the patient avoids dehydration as this will increase the risk of lithium toxicity. This chapter will focus on the drug management of each of these conditions. This is usually counteracted by giving the patient folinic acid. The usual maintenance dose of these drugs is in the range of 200–800 micrograms per day, usually given in two to four doses. Some of these B-lymphocytes mature into a type of cell called a plasma cell. It is vital that nurses know the normal dosing schedules for the drugs they are administering (this can easily be found in the British National Formulary – BNF) so that the correct regimen is implemented. Both types will now be described. Patients suffering hypoglycaemia become dizzy, feel faint, begin to sweat and often appear to be drunk. We both remember, as students, sitting and trying to come to terms with scientific language and almost falling asleep in an attempt to unravel the intricacies of mathematical formulae and biochemical presentations of molecular function. A health care assistant approaches you and asks you to explain the mode of action of the different types of analgesia and why the patient is now stepping down from one set of analgesia to another. Some of the drug therapies covered in Chapter 7 of this book like asthma, diabetes and hypertension incur especially high levels of non-adherence and it is common for patients to alter or abandon taking their drugs. Medical staff may discontinue the intravenous therapy until they have recannulated the patient. No other items should be placed in the controlled drugs cupboard. Depression can be defined as mild, moderate or severe based on the number and incidence of these symptoms. Antiretroviral therapy Antiviral therapy is aimed at using a combination of agents that act at different points in the replication of the virus within the human cell. How many ml will you administer? fluoxetine). This results in an increased level of serotonin in the neuronal synapse. Gold compounds Gold has been used for medicinal purposes throughout history. The NMC has specific standards for administration of medication which must be adhered to. In chronic inflammation, the cells that are found at the site of injury differ from those for acute inflammation. It is these inhibitors that are thought to stop widespread clotting from taking place, therefore localizing events. morphine and codeine) and some synthetic (e.g. A further feature of the book that we thought might be helpful is the inclusion of case studies. As this is the most active treatment the last thing we want to do is render it useless. No need to wait for office hours or assignments to be graded to find out where you took a wrong turn. Unwanted effects are not frequent, usually mild in nature and disappear rapidly once the drugs have been stopped. Clinical tip Beta 2 adrenoreceptor agonists are often referred to as ‘rescue remedies’ because they ease the difficult breathing (dyspnoea), shortness of breath and wheezing associated with an asthma attack. Instead what happens is more and more of the phagocytic cells become infected by the bacteria and are carried into the lymphatic system where they 52 eventually reach what is known as the hilar lymph nodes within the lungs. Used in patients who are immunocompromised. It can be prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist, but generally it is bought as an over the counter medicine. The hormones cause a decrease in the uptake of glucose by the body’s cells and an increase in glucose production via the breakdown of proteins (gluconeogenesis). DMARDs improve patients’ lives by reducing the swelling and tenderness in the joints, and while some years ago this class of drugs was usually used as a last resort it is now usual to start a DMARD as soon as possible after the diagnosis has been made, in order to limit the disease as much as possible. effect for a number of patients. The enzyme that brings this about in the bacterial cell is called topoisomerase II. When giving a controlled drug a particular procedure must be followed. Protozoa are often classified by their structure and ability to move. Conducting impulses away from the cell body we have structures known as axons, which terminate in axon terminals. a) Decreases the amount of circulating platelets b) Increases the amount of antithrombin c) Antagonizes vitamin K d) Increases the amount of prostacyclin 6 Which of the following drugs is a low molecular weight heparin? Ø Being able to read clearly the name of the medicine on the prescription chart and on the packaging is important. The neurotransmitters which are important in the pain pathway are substance P, neurokinin A and B, and glutamate. It takes about three to six months to show any reported effects and minor side-effects are similar to those reported in other DMARDs, such as nausea, diarrhoea and rashes. National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2002) Clinical Guideline G: Type 2 Diabetes, Blood Glucose. Absent seizures are characterized by a brief alteration in consciousness which is sometimes very difficult to see. The arteries also respond to the increased pressure within them by enlargement of their muscular walls. A GP may also prescribe a regime of moderate exercise which has been shown to be beneficial in helping to lower systolic pressure. This is in order that the body does not recognize the transplanted tissue as foreign and therefore is prevented from attacking it. These seizures may last a few minutes, after which the person has no memory of the events. The pharmacy will have a copy of that person’s signature which helps them to decide to dispense the drug or not. How many tablets will you give? 1 Chapter 1 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Introduction Part of the nurse’s role, alongside the pharmacist, is the need to ensure that medicines are administered appropriately. Both models rely on what psychologists call the locus of control. However, this is unlikely unless the treatment is extended to six months or beyond. This level of anxiety is considered to be pathological and requires prompt diagnosis and active treatment to help the sufferer regain and maintain their previously normal lifestyle. Skin rashes and fever are common contraindications; much more serious is acute anaphylactic shock. Its maximum effect occurs between four and eight hours after administration and ends as long as 24 hours afterwards. These drugs are used infrequently due to their high risk of drug interactions, especially with other antidepressants. Pain is a difficult concept to define. However, its side-effects are serious. (2004) Quality-of-life and asthma control with low-dose inhaled corticosteroids, British Journal of Nursing, 13(19): 1124–9. Thrombosis can occur in both arteries and veins. Pyrazinamide This is the last drug to be considered in this section on anti-TB therapy. Often the effects of the local anaesthetic continue after the procedure is concluded, so providing extra pain relief. In your placement you may come across a variety of methods of giving enteral feeds, for example, nasogastric (NG) or percutaneous endoscopic gastrotomy (PEG). Apicomplexa All members of this family of protozoa are parasitic – in other words they invade and use our cells as hosts. Name two drugs used in bipolar depressive illness. and Phillips, N. (2006) Nursing Calculations, 7th edn. There are numerous opioid analgesic preparations, some natural (e.g. Therefore as a nurse it is important that you understand the mechanics of absorption so that you can explain to the patient the reason for the drug being taken at the correct time. One in every three people currently taking this medication report visual field problems. Isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinimide are the main antibiotics used in treating TB. Chapter 9 should have given you an insight into the patient’s role and responsibility with regard to their medicine management. There is a special procedure in giving a controlled drug. They should also inform their dentist of their treatment. The advantages of using a long-acting depot injection include increased medication compliance and a more consistent serum concentration. tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, macrolides, chloramphenicol and lincosamides RIBOSOMES involved in protein synthesis CELL WALL containing peptidoglycan CELL MEMBRANE phospholipids bilayer and proteins DNA single chromosome Figure 4.1 Simplified diagram of a bacterial cell and actions of antibiotic drugs i.e. Excretion Relatively few drugs have a dramatic effect on drug excretion. Ø Zidovudine and abacavir are examples. Unlike static PDF Basic Pharmacology For Nurses 16th Edition solution manuals or printed answer keys, our experts show you how to solve each problem step-by-step. This often appears as blood in the urine (haematuria) but bleeding from other sites should also be treated seriously. plasma protein: proteins carried in the plasma with a range of physiological functions. Your stock tablets are 2.5mg. If patients are prescribed the drug, they should be advised to get a baseline eye test and repeat this on a six-monthly to yearly basis. The two main examples are the placenta and the bloodbrain barrier (BBB). In other words, it produces its own DNA by using a viral enzyme and then embeds the viral DNA into the host’s DNA. All Type B and many Type A ADRs should be reported to the Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) via the yellow card found in the back of the BNF or online. Clinical tip Insulin is usually given by injection. Ø The NMC has set out guidance for the administration of medicines. 10 hours mitochondria and energy production is carried out in the BNF describes main! For malformations in babies born to women who are prescribed morphine when they first start to take the drug to. Narrow the range of plasma clotting factors is widely distributed in the controlled drug eventually these. 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