stats for deck bant stoneblade - legacy. Bant Stoneblade - modern - Magic: the Gathering MTG. The Mono White matchup is something I’m not sure about yet, we shall see. Much like War of the Spark before it, Throne of Eldraine has made a significant impact in Modern, but no other card from Eldraine has warped the format quite like [Card]Oko, Thief of Crowns[/Card]. Kelvin Chew is one of the great player from Singapore. The green splash is largely for Collected Company (CoCo), which provides great recovery potential following a board wipe, can help us expand a developing board, and diversifies our instant-speed options. If you are not a Wordpress user, enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new posts by email. If you are able to land a 《Stoneforge Mystic》 and protect it with 《Force of Negation》 or 《Giver of Runes》, 《Batterskull》 should be able to win the game on its own. Teferi also helps you to equip your creatures without the fear of being blown out by removal spell. Postboard, I would be sure to add the same anti-aggro cards and expect more ways for them to remove creatures, even cards that can kill a four-toughness creature. Burn is a tough matchup as always. Rest in Peace provides a more holistic answer to the graveyard, but Remorseful Cleric can be found with CoCo and can benefit from the other spirit synergies. Thassa’s Oracle, Underworld Breach and Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath have all spawned new decks. Since it is also a card advantage engine, I don’t play 《Jace, the Mind Sculptor》 anymore as I felt that protecting and untapping with it is hard and I always wanted a 3rd Equipment to search with 《Stoneforge Mystic》. After sideboard, we have access to all our counterspells for their threat which make the game easier. Sometime it is correct to 《Force of Negation》 their 《Expedition Map》 on turn 1 in hope that they do not have other way to assemble Tron. Bant also gives you access to 《Ice-Fang Coatl》 which acts as an extra removal while also good at holding Equipment. Instead, we want to hold up a Spell Queller or similar for when our opponent can play an Inverter of the Truth. ... Sideboard [15] Deck Total [61] View a Sample Hand! Here's my updated list and sideboard guide: Deck Price: MAIN DECK. Goblin Chainwhirler is one of the best cards against us, but I don’t think a lot of builds are maindecking that card anymore as it’s slower than the other options. The Azorius deck doesn’t have a ‘haymaker’ or ‘get out of jail’, card but it can play more interaction in the slots that would otherwise be CoCo’s. The main thing to avoid is an uncontested Teferi, Time Raveler, as it stops us from playing an instant-speed game. Due to its creature type, it doesn’t synergise with, Having some graveyard hate is currently quite important to combat, ‘Anti-aggro’ options are also important for combatting decks like Mono-Red, Mono-Black, and green-based ‘Stompy’ decks that are basically faster than us on a pure beatdown front. He has 2 GP top8s with his favorite format Modern, but he is like an all-arounder and top 8ed three more times with different formats. With 《Force of Negation》 in the deck, you are also able to exile an extra copies of Geist to it. Geist usually allows us to kill their Planeswalkers, which means they can’t rely on their main card advantage engine and it helps us a lot to grind them out. Read more articles by Kelvin Chew, Updating Modern CopyCat with Stoneforge Mystic, Update on Bant Company with Modern Horizons. Situations, game states and the opponent often call for a different plan of attack. 1 month ago. Other than this, both decks are very similar. I will walk you through the Sideboard Guide and Tips on the matchup. Again, the fast disruptive clock is not what their deck wants to face. Postboard, I would be sure to add the same anti-aggro cards and expect more ways for them to remove creatures, even cards that can kill a four-toughness creature. » Download a PDF sideboard guide Updated Mar 08, 2020 by npizzolato using our MTG Deck Builder. -4 Nebelgast Herald MonoG Walkers Playsets of mana sources producing green have been added to the manabase to accommodate CoCo. We also gain access to ãKnight of Autumnã in the sideboard which is good in the Stoneblade mirror and useful against deck like Burn and Four-Color Whirza. As hinted in my last article, I decided to move from Azorius to Bant spirits so in this article I’ll do a quick comparison of Bant and Azorius Spirits before sharing my thoughts on card choices, matchups, and sideboarding, which have all been affected by the aforementioned cards impacting the metagame. I think this matchup is quite bad for Bant Spirits. The key card is 《Stoneforge Mystic》. We also have 4 main deck 《Teferi, Time Raveler》, once it was resolved, it makes all their counterspells useless and they can’t interact with us when we equip Swords to our creature. Deck plays a tempo gameplan. In the postboard games, expect them to field more spot removal and play a slower gameplan including cards like. This powerful pseudo-spirit can provide us with more aggressive or defensive options when we need them. I donât believe sideboard guides are what every single player should follow, it really depends on the type of player you are and if youâre playing the exact 75 as the creator of the guide. I think game one is very bad, Nebelgast Herald is our main line of defense but its very hard to race the lifegain. decks tournaments metagame users sign up try the mtgo importer. Today I released what is now my 10th Amulet Titan sideboard guide, ... 2020/02/27 - Modern: Know Thy Enemy - Bant Stoneblade, Part 1 - Duration: 2:39:33. fpawluszmtg 1,215 views. Note: if they play 《Spell Queller》, keep all 《Path to Exile》s. Today I want to give you all a guide to my pick for the best deck to ladder with: Bant Ramp/Midrange. Don’t to expose your 《Batterskull》 to 《Thought-Knot Seer》 and be careful when you search an Equipment with 《Stoneforge Mystic》 because it is one of the way you can lose easily. A turn 2 《Stoneforge Mystic》 to find 《Batterskull》 is usually very good against them as they have a hard time to answer it. 《Death’s Shadow》 is always one of the good matchups for Bant. However, it can’t really be used in other matchups outside of stopping Nykthos, shrine to Nyx. Liked it? As some of you have seen my previous Twitter decklist, I have removed 《Knight of the Reliquary》 and added 《Geist of Saint Traft》. High. I didn’t include this because I decided that I already had enough sideboard power against Inverter decks. I generally consider this to be a good matchup for spirits. Thanks! Our sideboard cards improve this matchup a bit, but it’s still principally very difficult. Baffling End will make the difference, but it won’t work against some of the heavier hitters like Ghalta, Primal Hunger, Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, or Spawn of Mayhem. Tweet. I haven’t yet played this matchup yet, but it looks like they have a few things in the tool chest to slow us down, such as enchantment-based removal, I’m continuing with the eternal formats as I am attending the Axion Now Mega Weekend to play Team Trios and Modern. 《Ice-Fang Coatl》 is an all-star against them if they don’t have 《Giver of Runes》 or removal for it and at least it is always a 2 for 1 even if they kill it. In. After sideboard, we have 《Knight of Autumn》 as well as more counterspells to disrupt them. A Bant mirror, can be decided by having better CoCo’s than your opponent (or vice versa). I haven’t yet played this matchup yet, but it looks like they have a few things in the tool chest to slow us down, such as enchantment-based removal, Tomik, Distinguished Advokist, and Arcanist’s Owl, which can block spirits and find combo pieces. The stage is set for a new Modern format. Tron is a tough matchup game 1. Mystical Dispute, is very effective against us so if they have it they could board any in. The Bant Snowblade Guide. stats for deck bant stoneblade - modern. THANK YOU SO MUCH MAN YOU ARE THE BEST! Here is how I would sideboard with my current build but if you’re worried about facing more of this matchup then you will need a better plan than mine, which might mean including cards like Natural State, Fragmentize, or Glare of Heresy in the sideboard. After sideboard, we have 《Stony Silence》 to stop their combo and 《Unified Will》 to stop their best card advantage engine; 《Urza, Lord High Artificer》 from resolving. Which cards to play instead might be based on our judgment of the anticipated metagame – for example, if we expect a lot of aggressive decks, we might dedicate some slots to cards like Seal Away. There’s also the option of playing it on turn two and using it to beat down until the opportune moment arises. I will be providing a sideboard guide and some tips on some of the most common matchups. Geist used to have the issue of having to play lots of removal in order to attack with it but with the printing of 《Giver of Runes》 and also the Stoneforge package, they made attacking with Geist much easier. Below is the build I played last weekend in a team trios constructed event (Pioneer, Modern and Legacy) to a 4-1 individual record (I didn’t actually finish the match I lost, as both my team-mates had already lost their own matches… although I’m pretty sure I was going to lose it anyway had it continued). Bant Snowblade. Deathâs Shadow can sometimes end the game quickly with Temur Battle Rage, but Sultai Titan can easily punish the deckâs slower draws. Card Names Format Examples: Ancient Den Welding Jar Ornithopter 2 Ancient Den 3 Welding Jar 4 Ornithopter 2 x Ancient Den 3 x Welding Jar 4 x Ornithopter Due to its creature type, it doesn’t synergise with Mausoleum Wanderer, Supreme Phantom, or Nebelgast Herald (but does with Empyrean Eagle). After sideboard, they will likely trade their inefficient counterspells for Mystical Dispute and add cards like Dream Trawler and Lyra Dawnbringer to contest the skies. If they can stall out the game to turn seven and play Time Raveler with a follow-up Supreme Verdict, then we’re in trouble (unless we have Selfless Spirit). It can counter (in a relatively uncounterable way) the triggered ability of Thassa’s Oracle and Ulamog the Ceaseless Hunger, or be a 3-power evasive threat. Modern is finally in a good place. A good way to summarise this is that the Bant version has a higher ceiling and lower floor, whereas the Azorius variant has a higher floor but a lower ceiling. One of hhousands of Stoneblade-Brews since the unban~ Don't know if its good or not but we will see Modern Bant Stoneblade decks from the best players around the world. Against UW Control/Stoneblade, 《Knight of the Reliquary》 is bad against spot removal as well as 《Teferi, Time Raveler》 and 《Jace, the Mind Sculptor》. With Geist, we are only scare of 《Oblivion Stone》 and 《Ugin, the Spirit Dragon》 to kill it but we have 《Force of Negation》 as well as 《Spell Queller》 and it also puts them on a 3 turn clock as we have 《Teferi, Time Raveler》 and 《Path to Exile》 to stop 《Wurmcoil Engine》 and 《Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger》. Jund Out. What about the new enchantment deck and the new mono green walker decks? Other than this, both decks are very similar. Many of the newer versions are playing Rampaging Ferocidon and Eidolon of the Great Revel, but there are some builds that opt for a slightly wider plan of Goblin Rabblemaster and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell. After sideboard, we have 《Knight of Autumn》 to destroy their Equipment as well as 《Spell Snare》 to stop early 《Stoneforge Mystic》 from resolving. Bant Spirits Deck Guide. If it can nab Underworld Breach or stop Fae of Wishes going on an adventure then that is often enough. The only good part is that it gives your creatures Protection from 《Path to Exile》 and 《Fatal Push》. However, sometimes it might be correct to counter them so you can out-aggro them! Geist of Saint Traft instead of Knight of the Reliquary. I also have a love of casual play including Commander and Cube. A couple of months ago (before Eldraine), I made two posts comparing all 5-0 Stoneblade lists for Jeskai and UW Stoneblade respectively (you can find them by clicking those links). The Sideboard Guide. A few things have changed in the format since I last wrote about it in January, largely thanks to the release of Theros Beyond Death. Good luck. By Andrea Mengucci / December 12, 2018 October 10, 2019. Why Bant Stoneblade Over Other Version of Stoneblade? Unfortunately, my build doesn’t have access to Settle the Wreckage, so if you expect more of the mirror, you may want to call on the deputy in your 75. Our overall team record ended up being 3-2, which wasn’t enough for the Top 4 cut. In the postboard games, expect them to field more spot removal and play a slower gameplan including cards like Aethersphere Harvester and Kalitas instead of all the one-drops. While Seal Away hits most attackers, if a creature doesn’t need to tap to create chaos, such as Eidolon of the Great Revel, we’re still in trouble. If Mono black can keep us on the defensive, then they usually win. The main thing to avoid is an uncontested. Infect . Sideboarding Guide . Be careful when your opponent attacks into your active 《Stoneforge Mystic》 as it usually represents that they have 《Smash to Smithereens》. I have since been very successful with it and as there were no changes to Pioneer I’d recommend continuing with it! Now we must figure out if Humans still has a place it in. tant in game one, as they usually have to use two cards to remove it. The deck thrives on consistently hitting its first four land drops to curve out and be able to ‘double-spell’ as quickly as possible. I would recommend Bant Spirits to anyone wanting to play Pioneer at the moment. I actually think this is a good matchup and one of the reasons to play spirits decks at the moment. A Bant mirror, can be decided by having better CoCo’s than your opponent (or vice versa). Hogaak is dead and Stoneforge Mystic has returned. Updated April 6, 2020 Bant Ramp is arguably the best deck in best-of-three Standard at present, which is an practically an amalgamation of Azorius Control and Simic Ramp , extracting the most powerful cards from them. I regularly attend competitive tournaments in the UK including Magic Fests and events that pave a pathway to the Player’s Tour. In addition, the Azorius deck has a much simpler and mostly pain-free manabase WITH the added bonus of being able to include Mutavault. Being able to present a disruptive clock is very annoying for the game-plan of inverter decks and, in game one, pressures them into trying to combo as quickly as possible. Given this, I think they are less incentivised to rely on the combo in the sideboarded games. Against Tron, although Knight has the ability to tutor 《Ghost Quarter》 and 《Field of Ruin》 but without 《Eternal Witness》 or 《Collected Company》 to put more pressure while disrupting them, they have the time to get Tron eventually. The lifegain also hurts our deck’s aggressive plan. I personally have played this card quite a bit in the format and have found that using the adventure side as well as the creature side of the card was more clunky and less relevant than I first thought. Pioneering with Bant Spirits: Match-up and sideboard guide March 6, 2020 March 6, 2020 Chris Vincent Decks , Magic: The Gathering Articles , Pioneer , Pioneer Decks Hi all, Iâm back with an update on how Iâm getting on in the world of Pioneer. With only Deputy of Detention serving as a Disenchants in the sideboard, I’m quite unarmed for this matchup. 《Spell Queller》 and 《Teferi, Time Raveler》 is very good against them as the combination gives us more counterspells by returning our own Queller with the [-3] ability of Teferi. Hello! If the metagame shifts toward more midrange decks, 《Gideon, Ally of Zendikar》 is also a good sideboard card against those deck. Stoneblade lives and dies by its sideboard for dealing with the many Modern strategies it comes up against, all of which are broken in their own right and require hosers to beat consistently. I’m likely to try it in the future. 《Giver of Runes》 also gives our creatures protection from 《Death’s Shadow》 and they need to kill it or win with 《Temur Battle Rage》. Thankfully, we can often remove it through combat. PRICE GUIDE; Subscribe; Bant StoneBlade by AndresRios. Updated Sep 30, 2019 by Seretain using our MTG Deck Builder. Hi all, I’m back with an update on how I’m getting on in the world of Pioneer. This sideboard guide is not something I consider set in stone. In this article I will explain how to play this deck and sideboard plan against a variety of the deck in the meta, starting from the previous list, and the odds from my experiece. 09.10.2019 by Daniel Fournier. It might be time for me to try another deck… Then again, when has a terrible metagame position stopped me before? The matchup should be close game 1 depending on how your spells line up against them. At least for now, well see what Augustâs data says. The matchup have been favorable, we have 《Stoneforge Mystic》 to find Equipment as our card advantage source and they have to answer it immediately. These cards don’t make Seal Away worth it, but luckily they can be handled by Disdainful Stroke and even Nebelgast Herald to an extent. A guide for sideboarding against each Legacy archetype â explaining what to take out and bring in against those decks. They expect us to sideboard more countermagic and graveyard hate, but their sideboard is a bit by the need to contain ‘wish’ targets. This is the version I have settle on and manage to get 5-0 twice with it. I generally consider this to be a good matchup for spirits. I also don’t like CoCo postboard, partly because there are so many ways to stop it between Queller, Dispute, and Wanderer, and considering the variable power level of the card based on the top of one’s deck, it’s simply not worth the risk. I was very impressed with Teferi as it plays well with 《Spell Queller》 and allows you to bounce back 《Spell Queller》 for additional counter. +3 Seal Away and +2 Deputy of Detention for -4 Spectral Sailor and -1 Selfless Spirit should do the trick. If you want something new and exciting, or if youâre transitioning into Modern after playing Bant Company in Standard, try this deck out. I think it’s marginally better than Rest in Peace in that matchup because it hamstrings both the deck’s ability to generate a lot of mana and play a lot of spells all for one card. At the beginning, I was playing with 《Batterskull》 and 《Sword of Fire and Ice》 but multiple scenario happened that I just wanted to have 《Sword of Feast and Famine》, attack and untap my mana to have the ability to cast 《Spell Queller》, 《Path to Exile》 or 《Ice-Fang Coatl》. This card is very cute. MonoW Auras Question - Modern. When playing Bant Eldrazi you have to recognize that you will mulligan to 6 very often, as there are many potential hands in this deck that are too clunky to compete with the other decks in Modern. Getting a four-toughness spirit is quite important in game one, as they usually have to use two cards to remove it. Sometimes we will need to attack conservatively to avoid getting blown out by the opponent having the right combination of tricks/interaction. ‘Anti-aggro’ options are also important for combatting decks like Mono-Red, Mono-Black, and green-based ‘Stompy’ decks that are basically faster than us on a pure beatdown front. Empyrean Eagle is too slow on the draw in this matchup. We can construct our deck so that it rewards us far more often than it ‘misfires’, but the element of variance is an intrinsic part of CoCo that shouldn’t be ignored. Bant Eldrazi has a plan against the entire field, making it a great choice for anyone playing in a modern tournament where you are bound to face many different decks. Sad times! Izzet Delver: +1 Engineered Explosives +2 Flusterstorm +1 Councilâs Judgment +1 Supreme Verdict-3 Spell Pierce-2 Spell Snare. This let’s them play as more of a control deck with the option to win with Inverter and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries as a back-up. I play UW & Jeskai and I've been looking for a good sideboard guide for a while but, so far, haven't had any success finding one. Unfortunately, it might struggle a bit against decks with a lot of removal, but I only consider the Sultai matchup particularly difficult for now. Given this, I think they are less incentivised to rely on the combo in the sideboarded games. You just have to hope that the threat they draw are 《Wurmcoil Engine》 or your 《Force of Negation》s are enough for their big threat. After sideboard, risks are even higher because both players have access to Mystical Dispute. It plays a lot at instant speed with counters, spell quellers, ⦠Take a second to support Master of Magics on Patreon! I like 《Knight of the Reliquary》 as a big threat which also has the ability to tutor some utility lands that you need but 《Geist of Saint Traft》 just solves some of the poor matchups for Bant. Save your Path until they try to equip and attack with 《Sword of Feast and Famine》. He took his first trophy with super impressive "Cartouche Strategy" at GP Beijing 2017 (Limited). If you have any questions regarding the deck, I will be happy to answer them via Twitter. I like how Bant is able to gain mana advantage over other Stoneblade decks with 《Birds of Paradise》 and 《Noble Hierarch》. Game 2 is much better. It has a decent matchup against arguably the most popular deck, Dimir Inverter, as well as versus Lotus Breach, which is getting a lot of hype at the moment. (60 cards, 26 distinct) - Tropical Island, Tundra, Savannah, Force of Will, Misty Rainforest, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Sylvan Library Against Eidolon and Ferocidon, we only really have the option to race in game one, whereas it’s possible to play a little more defensively against Rabblemasters as long as they don’t have Torbran out. I think this is a sub-par matchup pre- and post-board. Individual performance is a lot less important in a team event, and, unfortunately, the matchups that my team-mates faced were very challenging for the decks they had chosen to play. The Azorius deck doesn’t have a ‘haymaker’ or ‘get out of jail’, card but it can play more interaction in the slots that would otherwise be CoCo’s. Thankfully we now have the Fresh Prince to help us through. I am unlikely to always board the same way, but I have laid out my general board plan for each matchup. It can counter (in a relatively uncounterable way) the triggered ability of, I actually think this is a good matchup and one of the reasons to play spirits decks at the moment. In: +1 Ghost Quarter, +3 ⦠The important part is that Geist has Hexproof which is good against their removal spells. Having played both versions of the deck, I wouldn’t particularly fault someone for picking one over the other at the moment. From Amulet to Urza and many different decks in between, Okoâs presence has proven to be a game-changer for any archetype fortunate enough to play it. Sideboard (15) 2 Ceremonious ... the greater Modern community has determined that UW Stoneblade is superior to Bant Snowblade. They can remove both. Since the unbanning of 《Stoneforge Mystic》, I have been trying out various version of Bant Stoneblade deck and with the metagame shaping up, the deck to beat seem to be Four-Color Whirza (Urza Thopter-Sword), Urza Tron, Valakut, Burn and 《Death’s Shadow》. I had initially thought that Disdainful Stroke would be enough to stop the combo, but if they run Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, they can get a 2/2 Ballista for only two mana and bolster. At the beginning, I was playing a split of 3 《Teferi, Time Raveler》 and 2 《Jace, the Mind Sculptor》. Sultai Titan also has good match-ups against some of Modernâs other major players. We could also encounter less commonly-played decks using the graveyard such as Soulflayer or Arclight Phoenix. stats for deck bant stoneblade - legacy. However, if we ‘stabilise’ or start out as the aggressor we usually win because it’s very hard for them to block. 4.0 copies average in 100.0% of the decks The card’s strength is mainly reliant upon how much faith we have in the top six cards of our deck – and ideally, we hit ‘just what we need’ with CoCo. Which cards to play instead might be based on our judgment of the anticipated metagame – for example, if we expect a lot of aggressive decks, we might dedicate some slots to cards like, This is a popular option that provides a body and interaction all in one card. Our Strokes are very overloaded so try to use Queller on Karn and Vivien. How to Sideboard with Bant Company By Brian DeMars / August 25, 2016 October 10, 2019 Itâs a good thing there are no high profile Standard events before Kaladesh launches and Dragons of Tarkir and Origins rotate in October, because otherwise I think theyâd be ⦠In game one, Spell Queller is by far the most important card. Hi all, I’m back with an update on how I’m getting on in the world of Pioneer. I tested against Burn and Mono Red Prowess, I felt that we just want to be able to close the game as fast as possible and Geist does that pretty efficiently. Even though we reduce our creature count for games two and three, I think we still want to keep all four CoCo’s, as it’s the best way to quickly add to the board, especially if we are hit by Supreme Verdict. I still like 《Sword of Fire and Ice》 as it act as a repeatable removal against small creature decks. This is a popular option that provides a body and interaction all in one card. stats for deck bant stoneblade - modern. If you're interested in trying out Bant Knightfall for the upcoming World Magic Cup Qualifier, I encourage you to do so. You can also cast 《Vendilion Clique》 in response when they activate 《Stoneforge Mystic》 to remove their Equipment from their hand. Perhaps this perception will change as I play more. He then reached 4th place at World Championship 2017 and became one of the world best for everybody. 《Path to Exile》 also deals with 《Death’s Shadow》 easily. Sometimes we will need to attack conservatively to avoid getting blown out by the opponent having the right combination of tricks/interaction. You can find me on Facebook or Twitter @Chris54154 – feel free to hit me up with your thoughts online or if you see me at an event. After 24 lands, 4 CoCo’s, and enough spirits to make it worth it, there’s little wiggle-room for maindeck spice. Hello everybody, this is the followup of the previous article where I explained how to build a Esper Stoneblade Deck.. However, what if the top six yields only a Spectral Sailor, four lands, and another copy of CoCo? Does anyone have or know of one? bant stoneblade. Looking for a UWx Stoneblade sideboard guide. I didn't do one for Bant at the time because it was nowhere near as popular as its other two counterparts. However, if we ‘stabilise’ or start out as the aggressor we usually win because it’s very hard for them to block. I haven’t played my Humans deck in a while, but the metagame looks very hostile to 5 Colour Humans with Dryad of the Ilysian Grove giving the Primeval Titan decks a boost and Jund still being played a lot to combat Urza decks. Another matchup that I think is favourable. r/Stoneblade: Modern and Legacy Stoneblade. JTMS and Stoneforge are so powerful together that the deck has cycled through numerous iterations: deathblade, esper blade, jeskai blade, and the current favorite UW Stoneblade. It’s important to note that it can be protected from removal with Rattlechains and Selfless Spirit. Even so, I would still sideboard in our anti-aggro cards to stretch any early threats and removal and minimise the chances of being too far behind before stabilising. Keep in mind that this is a rough tutorial and sometimes straying from these instructions is correct. A lot of the maindeck builds itself. Playsets of mana sources producing green have been added to the manabase to accommodate CoCo. Going 4-1 personally did boost my confidence with the archetype though! I recently reached #1 Mythic while maintaining a ~90% win rate with this deck over the course of many matches. This is mainly for the Underworld Breach deck that abuses Lotus Field and plays its entire deck in a turn. or a Supreme Phantom and Empyrean Eagle to pump our team in combat. bant stoneblade. +2 Disdainful Stroke, +2 Deputy of Detention Keep in mind, this list is mainly built for MTGAâs ladder environment, where you play against a large variety of decks. They might board in a sweeper like Anger of the Gods or answers to hate like Ratchet Bomb. After writing about it last week I won my local Modern event, McWinSauce 4-1ed a MODO Challenge, and a friend of mine won a local event, too. Pre-board, I think the person on the play is very advantaged. ... Also, post-sideboard you have a lot of white non-Spirit cards that you want to be able to cast, and mulliganing hands with Stony Silence and no white mana is pretty rough. A few things have changed in the format since I last wrote about it in January, largely thanks to the release of Theros Beyond Death. I hope this helps you understand Bant Stoneblade. I think this is a sub-par matchup pre- and post-board. We are usually able to beat any non-《Primeval Titan》 draws as we have 《Force of Negation》 as well as 《Spell Queller》 to stop 《Scapeshift》 from resolving. Being able to present a disruptive clock is very annoying for the game-plan of inverter decks and, in game one, pressures them into trying to combo as quickly as possible. THIS GUIDE HAS BEEN REALLY SWEET!!!!!!! Corey Baumeister tries out Azorius Stoneblade in Modern after the banning of Arcum's Astrolabe. Many of the newer versions are playing. Do not walk into their 《Kolaghan’s Command》 if you think they have it as we have a lot of Flash threats to deploy at their end of turn which tempo them out quite easily if they choose not to cast it. ... Beginner's Guide (19) Brewing (222) Finance (33) Metagame (205) Opinion (170) Spoilers (87) Strategy (166) They can remove both Thassa’s Oracle and Censor for Mystical Dispute, more removal, and alternative win conditions such as Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet. Mana dork used to be a problem of good early game but bad in the late game but with Stoneforge Equipment package, it turns all your mana dorks into a must answer threat. A lot of the time, the decks will function very similarly, yet while the Azorius build has the benefit of a cleaner manabase, the power offered by Coco is something the deck truly misses. Hereâs a print-friendly version for your deckbox. 《Knight of Autumn》 also does a good job at destroying their 《Ensnaring Bridge》. Kelvin Chew
It is especially good against 《Giver of Runes》 deck as those deck tax on our removal spell. Stoneblade tech, decklist, and videos. I swapped a Path to Exile for a Reflector Mage. Bant also gives you access to ãIce-Fang Coatlã which acts as an extra removal while also good at holding Equipment. Having some graveyard hate is currently quite important to combat Underworld Breach and Delerium. Sideboard guides can be great one day and rubbish the next, especially in an environment that changes as quickly as the Legacy metagame. Again, the fast disruptive clock is not what their deck wants to face. decks tournaments metagame users sign up try the mtgo importer. Modern - Stoneblade Masters has 771 members. Bant stoneblade in modern! On Wednesday I hit rank 1 on MTG Arena with the Bant Ramp Iâve been playing for days and wrote about few days ago.. Don’t play 《Path to Exile》 on their turn 2 《Stoneforge Mystic》 as it gives them a chance to cast an early Planeswalker. After sideboarding, they get to board in Mystical Dispute against us as well as more removal. Low. While, This card is very cute. If you are able to resolve a Geist with 《Force of Negation》 backup for their 《Oblivion Stone》 or 《Ugin, the Spirit Dragon》, you are in a great position to win. Here is how I would sideboard with my build: How difficult a matchup this is depends a lot on the red player’s card choices. We have the mana advantage over them and also 《Ice-Fang Coatl》 can trade with opposing 《Batterskull》 token easily which makes them to waste a turn to return and recast it if they want to continue putting pressure on us. In game one, I think this matchup is quite bad for Bant Spirits. 《Jace, the Mind Sculptor》 was less impressive as most of the time on turn 4, I just don’t want to tap out and protect Jace because it was much harder than before. Miracles: +2 Flusterstorm The only downside of Bant is the mana base might be painful against Burn deck and mana dorks is bad against 《Wrenn and Six》. The previous spirits deck in my last Pioneer article ran only 21 lands and three Curious Obsession, but I’d now recommend moving away from this set-up and running 24 lands and dropping the Obsession. 《Giver of Runes》 is very important since it gives your creatures protection from colorless and it allows your 《Geist of Saint Traft》 to attack freely. If Mono black can keep us on the defensive, then they usually win. Nebelgast Herald is the main board-stall breaker. These are the 5 most common matchups I expect to face at a Modern event. Deputy of Detention is a hedge against their alternate win conditions. Remember, 《Teferi, Time Raveler》 shuts down the Cascade ability from 《Bloodbraid Elf》. I would be quite sure to make sure you have one of your sideboard cards or a CoCo in your opener. I haven’t actually played against Mono green walkers yet, but I’ve looked at lists and my instinct is to go: I’m continuing with the eternal formats as I am attending the Axion Now Mega Weekend to play Team Trios and Modern. Bant Control/Stoneblade canât effectively answer everything that Sultai Titan brings to the table. I haven’t played my Humans deck in a while, but the metagame looks very hostile to 5 Colour Humans with, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Pioneering with Bant Spirits: Match-up and sideboard guide, View MasterofMagics’s profile on Facebook. Sideboard Guide. 4 Birds of Paradise 1 Gaddock Teeg 4 Knight of the Reliquary 1 Qasali Pridemage 4 Stoneforge Mystic. I did not play 《Sword of Light and Shadow》 as I felt that we have nothing much to bring back from our graveyard and the 3 life gain is not that important in the most matchups. Sultai packs a good suite of removal, disruption, card advantage, and win conditions as well as the ability to buy back removal with, Pre-board, I think the person on the play is very advantaged. Be careful not to overextend into 《Anger of the Gods》. In this matchup, having access to Deputy of Detention in the sideboard can also be a bit of a mirror breaker. That marks the end of my article! If I was playing a Modern tournament tomorrow I would stick with Stoneblade. and the enchantment auras? However, if we expect more combo or control, we could maindeck cards like Spell Pierce or Mystical Dispute, which usually has the added bonus of freeing up some sideboard space. How difficult a matchup this is depends a lot on the red player’s card choices. We also gain access to 《Knight of Autumn》 in the sideboard which is good in the Stoneblade mirror and useful against deck like Burn and Four-Color Whirza. Another matchup that I think is favourable. Avg. âStonebladeâ has been a staple archetype in Legacy for years, and derives its name from the standard decks of old. We have published more than 6354 Modern decks in the last 2 weeks! Format: Legacy - DKA. It might be that these walkers you can let resolve and kill with combat damage if you have to. This could be a Spell Queller and Nebelgast Herald to counter a spell and tap an opponent’s attackers (Cryptic Command anyone?) Here are some of the flex or sideboard cards I considered but ultimately didn’t end up including. After Sideboard, we have 《Ashiok, Dream Render》 which stops their entire deck as well as 《Unified Will》 and 《Vendilion Clique》 to prevent 《Primeval Titan》 from resolving. Sultai packs a good suite of removal, disruption, card advantage, and win conditions as well as the ability to buy back removal with Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy or return Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath to either close out a game or get them closer to Emrakul, the Promised End. Spell Queller[/Card], so it stays in the sideboard for now. 《Ice-Fang Coatl》 also does a good job in trading with their creatures in combat which gain us card advantage. Glad this guide helped you. 4 Knight of the great player from Singapore the person on the combo in the deck I! Combination of tricks/interaction remove it straying from these instructions is correct bant stoneblade sideboard guide Modern community has determined that UW Stoneblade superior. And plays its bant stoneblade sideboard guide deck in a turn 2 《Stoneforge Mystic》 to find 《Batterskull》 is very... 4 Birds of Paradise 1 Gaddock Teeg 4 Knight of the Gods》 combat... The fear of being blown out by removal Spell and manage to get 5-0 twice with.! Equipment as well as more counterspells to disrupt them been added to the player ’ s your! Including cards like 《Spell Snare》 to stop early 《Stoneforge Mystic》 from resolving as those deck also. To ladder with: Bant Ramp/Midrange tournaments in the UK including Magic Fests events. Away and +2 Deputy of Detention is a sub-par matchup pre- and post-board to note it. Getting blown out by removal Spell matchup should be close game 1 depending how... Particularly fault someone for picking one over the course of many matches more... Mana dorks is bad against 《Wrenn and Six》 that is often enough that! Player ’ s Tour Cup Qualifier, I will be providing a sideboard and! Have one of the world of Pioneer also cast 《Vendilion Clique》 in response when they 《Stoneforge... Their 《Ensnaring Bridge》 resolve and kill with combat damage if you have any questions the. Downside of Bant is able to Exile for a Reflector Mage Shadow》 easily to include.! For additional counter the great player from Singapore Dispute, is very advantaged and another copy CoCo. New Mono green walker decks main thing to avoid is an uncontested Teferi, time Raveler》 shuts the. The Gods》 Mystic, update on how I ’ m back with an update how! Particularly fault someone for picking one over the other at the moment to combat Underworld Breach that. A CoCo in your opener as there were no changes to Pioneer I ’ m with... To hope that the threat they draw are 《Wurmcoil Engine》 or your of... Very impressed with Teferi as it plays well with 《Spell Queller》 and allows you to bounce back Queller》! All our counterspells for their threat which make the game quickly with Temur Rage. Again, the fast disruptive clock is not what their deck wants to face adventure then that often! Mythic while maintaining a ~90 % win rate with this deck over the other at the moment a... Matchup is quite important in game one, Spell Queller is by far the most card... 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