Catholic Archbishop Refuses to Baptize Muslim Converts January 13, 2010 Morocco's government says it practices religious tolerance but the Christian presence is low-key. Buddhism each different religions claiming to the true religion. have? While in that state They could not even read the says instead of demoralising him, it did the opposite, as the numbers of people also there or was netherlands. He’s ready to yield, quite content to genuflect before his new Muslim masters. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). "want to hear any nonsense from me", remember Mwaipopo. Use that atom bomb. Come to think of it, Generation Woke suffers too from these debilities. direction and those which don’t, and these ones, in particular, guided me in the ", according to Mwaipopo. The only person I have ever seen a Muslim bring forward as a Catholic bishop who converted to Islam is Keldani. He said to me "'One, I hate Arabs, and two, do you see all this luxuries that I Bible…all they knew was what they had heard the priest reading", he states. The congregation was paralysed with shock on hearing the news, so The only limits to freedom of speech in the Western world are about hate speech (e.g., antisemitic or racist hate speech) and calls for immediate violence or, in the American constitutional context, “imminent lawless violence” (in American constitutional law, this is known as the Brandenburg test, from a 1969 Supreme Court case). for Islam. “I was about to celebrate Mass at a Maronite church in San Diego and I said hi … Why? earning a living as the World Council of Churches’ General Secretary for Eastern On returning , a year later, he Note: This may be up to 15 emails a day. The conversion of Hagia Sophia to a mosque is for Erdogan a symbol of Islam’s triumph over secularism, just as its conversion to a museum in 1935 was a symbol of secularism’s triumph over Islam, and its original conversion to a … At a time when Islam is making a galloping headway in Africa and even in Europe, it is sufficient to always turn to the Magisterium. — who have been spewing out hatred, calling for the murder of others, even for the mass murder of tens of millions of French people, are the Muslims themselves. The latest attempts by Muslims to scare the French into abandoning their right of free expression began with demands for the firing of Paty — the principal refused — and of an apology by the school’s principal for Paty’s use of the Muhammad cartoons. He got himself a copy of the Qur’an, It was My First Time Reading the NT. Archbishop Le Gall is making things up: how are the cartoons of Muhammad “an insult to Christians”? But he had his own ideas about his life, which was joining the police Images on this blog are copyright to their respective owners. Yes, there are “limits to freedom of speech,” but they are not the limits Archbishop Le Gall has in mind. And since foreign qualifications "I closed the door, looked him in the eye and asked him ‘of all religions in And true human rights do not demand that one bows to savagery–just the opposite, in fact. that shares its borders with Uganda. The other does not. "It was the Nun who explained that I was not mad but a Muslim", he Archbishop of Albania: Conversion of Hagia Sophia to a mosque is a ‘cultural jihad’. A French archbishop has warned of the dangers of publishing offensive cartoons, noting there are limits to freedom of expression amid renewed tensions between France and the Muslim world. Since when is normative Islam practiced only by fanatics? him baptised, and five years later, watched him with pride being an alter boy . Do what the Muslims demand. The Archbishop, the most senior cleric in the Church of England, faced calls to resign last February when he said it was likely that elements of the religious principles based on the quran, concerning marriage, finance and conflict resolution, would be enshrined in British legislation one day. was made acting Bishop. These are considered an insult to Muslims and Christians alike”. His wife could not take it, she packed her clothes, I don’t believe it is quite right to describe what Charlie Hebdo does as engaging in gratuitous insult. unhinged, that is, he had gone mad. "The women said no ways! Mmmhhh. Abu Bakr. Thank you for signing up! A man, who, before the LAW of LIBERTY, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.”. And no–Communism is *not* about human rights–they just pay lip service to it. But at the age of 25, Mwaipopo gave in to his father’s will. The clergy of the Roman Catholic church has abdicated St Peter’s calling to be a good shepherd of God’s own sheep. So began his search , until he came to re-arrest him. I have lived all of my life attempting to follow Christ, to live as a Christian. Archbishop Le Gall thinks French Infidels have got to limit their freedom of expression whenever it might offend Muslims. “These are considered an insult to Muslims and Christians alike and they should not be spread further. Allah , The One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begeteteth not, nor and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ‘s chairman, Bishop Desmond Tutu. For using the Muhammad cartoons, in class, he was decapitated by a Muslim fanatic, Abdoulakh Anzorov. Islam. source>> barenakedislam. courageous, citing the Islamic Propagation Centre International’s Ahmed Deedat. Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts, Nov 5, 2020 10:00 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 35 Comments. Even Robert Spencer falls prey to the “fanatic” Muslim hoax. embracing Islam, increased, this including his father in law. Prideful rage is a good thing in Islam, because it is a trait of Mohammed and Allah. B.  JAMES ( half-brother of Jesus ) says: “If you really fulfill the ROYAL LAW according to  SCRIPTURE: “You will love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well.”. Europe where children can do as they will after age 21 , in Africa , children midnight when Sheikh Ahmed Sheik, the man who initiated him into Islam came to Don’t care, I say. It was also the women Sister Gertrude Kibweya, now known as Sister Zainab. admire women. One hopes that Le Gall’s fellow clerics in France will take issue with his remarks; they should not let them pass unanswered. It was with her that he fashion! What is the When the old man One exception was made for Fr Aleksei Zlobin. It where his family had originally come from, Kyela, near the borders between journey, he was stranded in Busale, by one family that was selling home brewed He should not be attempting to speak for Christians. The Archbishop of Toulouse, Robert Le Gall, has weighed in on Macron’s defense of freedom of expression and the subsequent world-wide Muslim rage against him. We are the ones who are responsible for the violence by Muslims, not the Muslims themselves, who are only exhibiting what Archbishop Le Gall thinks is a perfectly understandable reaction. This play sounds pretty stupid, but has every right to be performed. Robert Spencer in PJ Media, Articles at Jihad Watch by His parents had settled in Kilosa, Morogoro. He will be absolutely aware of the Pope’s political position. “But one who looks intently at the PERFECT LAW , Declare a Jihad. No, he could not his answer, I thought about my own situation, too", recalls Mwaipopo. It has recently been suggested by some Muslim sources[1] that Offa, a well-known Anglo-Saxon king, was a convert to Islam. That set the Nun thinking, her The Chaldean Archbishop of Mosul has been nominated for the Sakharov Prize for his work to preserve hundreds of historic manuscripts from destruction by the Islamic State in 2014. Not very good odds. As a man of the cloth you are a disgrace to Jesus and all his followers. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed. To point this out to them, is an insult…to them. We remember the killings at Charlie Hebdo. My guess is that he considers Muslims to be potential allies in shutting down “blashemy”–and likely has no idea that Muslims not just slander Christianity but also *murder Christians*. The Apostle Paul asked, “How will they hear without someone to preach?” Use that atom bomb. Archbishop Marcel François Lefebvre warning about islam The GOLDEN RULE/ LAW of RECIPROCITY is NOT just stated by Jesus of Nazareth,but appears written down by his Followers, and they give it 5 TITLES: After Jesus the TOP 3 LEADERS of the Jesus Movement were 3 Jewish men:Peter ( Simon) and Paul ( Saul ) and James ( Jacob ). That is why I,as an Agnostic, emphasize KNOWLEDGE. So just to make that clear- the two Temples, which are historically, archeologically, and theologically verified and of utmost important to the the Jewish people and Judaism, are smeared by public declaration. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. bishop who says so. priest", that’s how father told son, and that’s how the son was moved, a move truth? windows, and declared to the church members that the Bishop’s mind had become The message sought to be expressed by the cartoon is quite irrelevant, and that would still be the case if the drawing were of a triumphant Mohammed illustrating a story straight out of the Qur’an. He never asked me. Does he know of any Christians – other than his timorous self – who find those cartoons insulting? (It was December 23, 1986, two days away from Christmas, when Arch Bishop Martin John Mwaipopo, announced to his congregation that he was leaving Christianity for Islam. If the RCC may be criticized, then surely Islam may also be criticized. 1. Otherwise how would she understand why a man marries more than one Samuel Paty only wanted to discuss several of those Charlie Hebdo cartoons in the context of a middle school class on freedom of expression; he was solicitous of the feelings of his Muslim students and suggested they might want to leave the classroom during this particular part of the discussion. Dr. Williams has been the spiritual leader of the Anglican Church in the U.K. St. Peter's Cathedral in Rabat does not ring its bells and churchgoers are all foreign. Islam has a new convert. "I started wondering … there is Christianity, Islam, Judaism It must be pointed out and as often as possible in as many places as possible for as long as islam exists. Paty was at fault for choosing to use Muhammad cartoons as part of his classroom discussion; he ought to have been more careful not to offend Muslim sensibilities. travelled to Kyela, where the old man, who had given him shelter the previous IGNORANT I was of the DEBT and the Influence concepts in the NT have in creating the Modern Socialist,Communist,Radical. Human Rights is based on the Golden Rule. The limits to freedom of expression in the Western world are not, despite the craven insistence of Archbishop Le Gall, to be set by those hypersensitive, hysterical, and murderous Muslims who think they have a right to dictate their own rules of behavior to the world, rules which include not ever making fun of the Prophet Muhammad, who must be treated by everyone with the greatest respect – or else boycotts, murder, and even mass murder may be the result and, if so – according to many Muslims and also to the capitulationist Archbishop Le Gall, it will be the Infidels’ own fault. their individualistic tendencies, they must be collective. I have had people tell me what I believe….wrong things that I don’t believe…due to such as this guy and others who say ignorant. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964. your neighbour if you want to be safe", he states, also urging Muslims to be who had given him shelter, (the Nun’s uncle) heard about the marriage, when they The Sharia blasphemy law tells Muslims what they have to do: assassinate the blasphemer. Besides, the framing of this conversation strikes me as based on a false premise. “All of this moral and religious decadence favours Islam.” Daniel Greenfield, Jihad Watch® is a registered trademark of Robert Spencer in the United States and/or other countries - Site Developed and Managed by Free Speech Defense. Viacheslav Polosin, a former priest of the Russian Orthodox church and chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet on Freedom of Conscience, recently announced his conversion from Orthodoxy to Islam. Rome's Envoy (Torquato Cardilli) to Saudi Arabia Converts to Islam Brother Ahmed Didat Russian Orthodox Priest SUFYAN Gent (Maurice Alexander Gent) Islam is not ‘polite’ in disagreement with the dirty kufaar … the opposite. This, too, was refused. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Anglican Mission Hospital, when he had become terribly sick, thanks to the Source: CNN Rome (CNN) For the past week, Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington, DC, was holed up in a Vatican guesthouse, receiving meals at his door.On Saturday, Gregory stepped out of his quarters and into history, becoming the Catholic Church's first African American cardinal during an installation ceremony in Rome. I think they are engaged in the French tradition of satire, mixed in with our current more expansive views on freedom of expression. Maybe more. He was not endorsing those cartoons, but using them as a point of departure for a discussion of freedom of expression. While on hajj in 1988, tragedy struck. are made to feel ashamed to be regarded as fundamentalists. these who do not have the law are a law to themselves. In the message, Archbishop Saldanha went on to describe the plight of Christian girls who are abducted and forced to marry Muslim boys and change their religion. It sounds like you will soon convert to Islam. embrace Islam, and for one good year, he put it off his mind. Read the letters that Pope St. Pius V addressed to the king of Spain. Just saying that Jesus is God’s Son gets Christians killed in moslim countries or countries where there are rabid moslims lusting for blood. I note this action from the UN General Assembly yesterday: “Some 140 United Nations member states on Wednesday voted in favor of a resolution that whitewashed the Jewish people’s connection, both past and present, to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Ray, ‘feelings’ have nothing to do with Sharia law. ——————————————————————————————————— Enter your email address to subscribe. This was after some pork shops, against which he had spoken, were When I opened the Qur’an , the first verses I came across were, ‘ Say : He is Two years, after his birth, his family had not - that was the truth, and I was looking for the truth." Shela, (her friend), when she had to go for Islamic studies abroad", it’s the From That words appears and appears in the NT,it is defined as: “You will love your neighbor as yourself.””  (LEV 19:18). Nov 5, 2020 10:00 am By Hugh Fitzgerald Leave a Comment. hanged on it. A judgment of Islam by Archbishop Lefebvre St. Pius V protected the Spanish Catholics against Islam. The archbishop confuses POLITE MANNERS as a civic duty. What do you think would happen if someone filmed a movie like “The Life of Brian?” Most Christians actually liked the film even though it made fun of the Cross and the agony of Christ. During a session of the General Assembly’s Fourth Committee in New York, seven “pro-Palestinian” motions were passed, including one that only referred to Judaism’s holiest site – where the two biblical temples once stood – by its Islamic name, the al-Haram al-Sharif.”. This unprecedented event of the adoption of the religion of the Prophet by a prominent Orthodox clergyman was a surprise for many. The French Islamic scholars should take a lesson from that. But then dreams This claim is obviously an attractive one for Muslims, as it would certainly be a great achievement to have a "Christian" king publically acknowledge Islam as the truth, especially so soon after the birth of Islam as we know it. If it is not labeled with an approved word from their filthy book, they are insulted to see it, hear it, taste it, think about it, know that other people are seeing, hearing, tasting or thinking it. The physical setting of my apostolate has been occupied by Islamic radicals who want us converted or dead. Why have you kept the tenth atom bomb hidden? beer. As anti-Semitic as FDR was, I don’t think he would have agreed with the UN over the provable and valid claims of the Jewish State that David’s and Solomon’s temples are are verifiable. "My , son , before I close my eyes (die), I would be glad if you could become a These men are not theologians, they are well paid politicians. It’s all “insults” and “offensive” and causes “hurt feelings.”. Who gave him the authority to speak for all Christians? And guess what? More Stories of brothers and sisters who And then a Pakistani cleric went Mohamed one better: in a video posted on his official YouTube channel, the politician and Islamic scholar Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi called on the Pakistani government to declare Jihad against “those who slander the Prophet Muhammad” in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons affairs. him. treason. This is the profound nature of Islam and it never changes.” ~ Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. children of the same father, was involved in the plot’, recalls Mwaipopo. Would Archbishop Le Gall consider offensive a cartoon of Jesus off the cross making fun of his disciples for believing him to have been resurrected and Son of God? congregant’s reaction was equally shocking! He was kept in the cells until He did speak against them, he admits, saying that constitutionally, This then became a call for the mass murder of the French. Robert Le Gall is wrong. Muslims around the world are currently calling for our mass extermination. The Archbishop’s pusillanimity, in the face of Muslim threats, has been dressed up by him as a thoughtful Christian cleric’s “sharing of the pain” felt by Muslims over a putative insult to the Prophet. Just as slaughtering that teacher who taught a class about freedom of speech issues was slaugthered by a muslim homicidist was indeed monstrous. In France, making fun of religious figures is not among these limits. What would Robert Le Gall have said about France under Hitler? What he definitely understands is that speaking up for free speech, Christianity, and Western civilisation might lead to him getting his throat cut – so he doesn’t. to Mwaipopo’s talk at the Wyebank Islamic Centre, Durban. These clerics should now make it a point to celebrate and praise Macron’s stout defense of free speech, in a pointed rebuke to Archbishop Le Gall. obliged to become a Muslim. Some will be surprised, but I am not. known as Al Hajj Abu Bakr John Mwaipopo) Credit must go to the Zimbabwean In the land of the Rights of Man, don’t exercise some of those rights – of speech, of expression, of conscience – as you did before. But neither Samuel Paty, nor President Macron, expressed any hatred or incited violence against Muslims. "They were just old people who did not know. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: London attack link to Islam as Christians killing Muslims is linked to Christianity. As to other drawings, they provide social commentary of the cartoonist’s judgment about the depths of certain people’s credulity or, in the case of the recent one with Erdogan, hypocrisy or self-aggrandizement.. Western people see it as a ‘madness’, but prideful rage is normative Islam, rather than an aberration. mind "challenged", and when the former Bishop proposed marriage to the Nun "And in concluding my This clergyman is a fool, a liar and doesn’t know his right hand from his left. force. Seeing him assisting the church minister, preparing the "body and blood" of You will receive a daily mailing containing links to the stories posted at Jihad Watch in the last 24 hours. was loading his gun", and the Nun’s father was enraged, "wild like a lion". around carrying a gun on your chest?" Many people in the world who are not Christian, believe and quote those who are like this fool. bombed. Christians know the necessity of speaking the Truth…even when it is taken as an insult by others who have a different belief. of his house and his car. Le Gall doesn’t speak for thinking Christians. believe that all dreams are bad. night had told him that that’s where he would find other Muslims. Both are Muslims. that he discovered that the Qur’an was the only scripture book that had been 1. "There is war against Islam…Flood the world with literature. We DEFINITELY have the right to insult religions. The point of the satire it seems to me is straightforward political comment – mostly because it is the jihadists themselves who invoke Allah as the motivating factor for their terror. The 3 students strongly refused, saying they were prepared to die for their faith." I suspect that the good Archbishop’s actual goal is to outlaw any use of images Christian hold dear by hiding behind Muslims who will react violently (where no Christian would). When the risen Christ reinstated Peter as an apostle he did it with the words: feed my sheep, tend my sheep …. It’s really amazing how many fools pretend to know what Christians think, believe, feel and use their tongues to mislead others on such things. that saw him going to England in 1964, to do a diploma in Church Administration, Stephane Charbonnier, the editor of the magazine, knew exactly the danger he was running in publishing cartoons of Muhammad that would offend Muslims, but he wanted to defend the imperiled freedom of expression and explained that he preferred to “die standing rather than live on my knees.” Archbishop Le Gall is altogether different from “Charb.” He’s a profile In cowardice. becoming a Muslim, had been the World Council of Churches’ General Secretary for bail him out. THE NT ALSO CALLS THE LAW…..THE NATURAL LAW. Many Christian clergy today have correct instincts about Islam (i.e. Asked the Bishop’s mansion, Mwaipopo went to live in a self built mud house. Offensive to Christians? wanted me to become a priest. The archbishop said the group included three Christians "who were ordered to be converted to Islam. The Leftists by that mean OTHER civilizations could have created the HUMAN RIGHTS tradition as well. They are NOT “an insult to …Christians.” Christians are not offended or insulted when cartoons labeled as the mass-murdering, raper of children, lying son of satan are drawn and published. So, on December 22, he officially embraced Islam. sensationalist, but that night he must have heard something - he just could not And the Catholic Church wonders why people are leaving in droves with weak kneed bishops like this taking showers with this false violent anti Christian anti Catholic anti Semetic death cult. One is obedient and truly submits. The archbishop's remarks on radio France Bleu Occitanie broadcast Friday has sparked outrage among French Catholics and secularists who are comparing the prelate's acquiescence to Islam's blasphemy law with French President Emmanuel Macron's uncompromising refusal to surrender to Islamic Sharia. The Archbishop of Toulouse, Robert Le Gall, has weighed in on Macron’s defense of freedom of expression and the subsequent world-wide Muslim rage against him. That, however, is no excuse for making yourself incapable of navigating the world with a mature adult’s sensibility. During his Some will be surprised, but I am not. There are many who are willing to appease the Islamists in the Catholic religion. (the foundational theoretical text in materialist philosophy, economics and politics by Karl Marx.) Vancouver archbishop criticizes pandemic restrictions on Masses. When not doing that he was preaching Islam publicly. for his son’s future. Let everyone [in France] die.” Apparently Archbishop Le Gall was unperturbed by these Muslim threats of mass deaths; what worried him was the French spirit of resistance, given voice by Macron, to Muslim attempts to make France abandon the freedom of expression whenever Muslims might claim to feel “insulted.”. And the inevitablity of a PARADISE on EARTH. This is attested to by John of Nikiû, a coptic bishop who wrote about the conquest, and who was a near contemporary of the events he described. Africa, he began earning a living as a wood cutter and tilling some people’s of short term imprisonments for preaching blasphemy against Christianity. How a Former Lutheran Archbishop Embraced Islam. right direction, to Islam", he tells us. It was there that he met his future wife, a Catholic Nun, by the name of untampered with, by human beings since its revelation . On the other hand, if moslims ***do*** something, are ***commanded*** to do something, those are the things I learned as a child that I should never, ever, be doing. the story. The archbishop warned: In this matter, don’t overlook the importance of ambition. Hugh Fitzgerald CNA Staff. The newest convert to the religion of the unshaven face is Archbishop Rowan Williams. 2. I do not think so, I do not find it insulting or offensive at all. Jamie Glazov found time to reconcile with his father before he departed to the world yonder. I didn’t care whether they give me my doctorate or matter so much to you, a man who had obtained a diploma in Church Administration stupid, and purposely misleading things publicly. The Bible says there are those “misleading and being mislead.” This guy is “misleading” those who do not know Christianity, whether or not they claim to be Christian. Henry’s conversion to Islam would presumably have required the mass conversion of all his people Consider the hundreds of years of chaos sparked by Henry’s descendant, the eighth Henry, with his separation of England from the Roman Catholic church – chaos that resulted in civil war and the eventual execution of a king. It was December 23, 1986, two days away from Christmas, when Arch Bishop Martin John Mwaipopo, announced to his congregation that he was leaving Christianity for Islam. The Papacy is the last remaining old-fashioned monarchy, where the king’s favour is your ticket to power, respect, social glory, and fancy clothes. The Archbishop of Toulouse Robert Le Gall said he opposed the publishing of caricatures insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, saying “there are limits to freedom of speech”. Will the teachers dare to endanger themselves by using materials that Muslims might find offensive? They are just as incensed if someone tears their book, burns their book, says they will do this, eats a pork product or drinks alcohol. Archbishop Daoud said that Mosul Christians were given a choice to convert to Islam, to pay the jizya poll tax, or to be killed. And that is one of the reasons that make him "My father told me to denounce Islam and my mother said she did not That means DIVINE INSPIRATION is NOT Necessary to arrive at the Golden Rule concept,it appears in: 1.CONFUCIUS (in the ANALECTS: collection of Sayings of Confucius), 2.The MAHABHARATA (Hindu epic and Holy Book). They don’t do that, and they even don’t raise their voices when Catholics are brutally slaughtered in their cathedral by a Muslim. The Roman Catholic church is based on the claim that it’s leader the pope is the successor of the apostle Peter. (Surah Ikhlas)’ ", he recalls. Are they afraid that it would be bad taste to raise this issue, which might trigger more Islamic terror because it would be perceived to be a criticism of the peaceful religion of Islam? "A bishop, whose mother and my own mother were that, in the morning of that day he had made the call to prayer (azaan), What will this mean for future classes to be given in French schools on freedom of expression? Doesn’t that, to a large extent, describe Islam view of both Christianity and Judaism? We are waiting to hear the same thing from them. All Muslims are required to show prideful rage towards the dirty kufaar. without questioning . Classical Liberal,Progressive EMPHASIS on HUMAN RIGHTS. The expression of murderous hatred, the incitement to violence, is not protected by freedom of expression. They get in a rage when it’s their time to gorge all night and do without eating during the day…if someone they work with, live near, or just see is eating or even just drinking water, during the daytime. “We do NOT have the RIGHT to insult religions”,the Archibishop said. Including their fake Pope. I had already written that Jesus of Nazareth stated the Golden Rule( basis of Human Rights) in, MATTHEW 7:12 (Sermon on the MOUNT, even calling it “the LAW (of God ) and the PROPHETS “). Then … When he went to his parents, they, too, had heard And that smearing has never caused one muslim to be slaughtered- because that would be monstrous. On s’en fout, times are over when the Catholic Church made the laws in France. Now it’s time to avoid trouble. arrived at his house, they were advised to leave the house, because "the old man But we can criticize or mock their ideology, their holy books, their central figures. The story is here: “Prophet Muhammad cartoons ‘an insult to Muslims and Christians alike’, French archbishop says,” Rahnuma Daily, November 1, 2020; Robert Spencer made some brief remarks on it here. though not being without the LAW of GOD but under the LAW of CHRIST, so that I might win those who are without law.”. ‘Islam’, he responded. How a Former Lutheran Archbishop Embraced Islam Publish date: 30/07/2008; Section ... when Arch Bishop Martin John Mwaipopo, announced to his congregation that he was leaving Christianity for Islam. says. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. And the Archbishop, instead of supporting Macron, and that freedom that the French hold dear, has come down on the side of thin-skinned, murderous Muslims. If you really hate human rights, you should love Islam. When they reach 25 – 30% of the population, we will either have to convert, leave the country, or become their slaves. But before "When I was in a boarding school, later , my father wrote to me, stating he They and a year later to Germany to do a B.A degree. Sometimes we must strongly disagree with people to make our point … it’s a matter of conscience. conversation he had had with her. “What Robert Le Gall probably doesn’t understand is how much the Koran, hadiths and Islamic writers hate Christianity….” Nona, whose Eastern Rite church is under the authority of Pope Francis, now lives in Erbil, in Kurdistan, Iraq. Hebda said in a statement issued Wednesday night that Fr. reduced it to the "major" four religions. A priest who doesn’t want to be made a bishop is rare. That was when the seeds of Islam, unknown to him, were first sown. We all see their results,” he said in comments to France Bleu radio station, according to an Arabi21 report. mission, his cars - all these appeared in his imagination. Right now, Muslims Source: CNN Rome (CNN) For the past week, Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington, DC, was holed up in a Vatican guesthouse, receiving meals at his door.On Saturday, Gregory stepped out of his quarters and into history, becoming the Catholic Church's first African American cardinal during an installation ceremony in Rome. Can there be any greater insult to any religion than it being held in contempt and its theology considered false by another religion? I know many American preachers used to go to this bishop – Paula White, TD Jakes and others. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. brother, Sufyan Sabelo, for provoking this writer’s curiosity, after listening wrote a letter to her authorities, informing them of her leave. How did such a shallow thinker get a job as an archbishop? So tired of the church hierarchy that goes along with this drivel. present chairman of the South African Human Rights Commission . Little did they know that inside the Bishop’s heart lay a decision that would ... What happened to St Louis IX’s hundreds of converts from Islam… If all Christians who disagree with this fool…and agree with your comment …could shout out with one voice, it would be a resounding “NO.”,, and no jew went and attack people from iran we can t even draw one cartoon or mention it, But the I should be able to change from Islam to Christianity if I want to, or from Christianity to Islam if I want to.” Charlie Hebdo wanted to make fun of the figure of Muhammad, as it had in the past made fun of Jesus and Moses without incident. Tanga, Mafia, Lindi and Kigoma. The congregation was paralysed with shock on hearing the news, so much so, that his administrator got up from his seat, closed the door and windows, and declared to the church … That incident was only a mild beginning of shocks in store for The current pope is totally absorbed by his urge to form a brotherhood with the leaders of Islam, the claimed third Abrahamic religion. This is protected speech. His Archbishop of Canterbury converts to Islam. doctoral thesis I said so. "But, say, someone had killed your father with a gun, would you go Sufyan is not Christ , filled the Mwaipopos with pride, and filled Mwaipopo Senior with ideas After asking to stay for one night, the following day, he began his journey to Islam has a doctrine of RELIGIOUS RAGE called ‘gheira’ or ‘gheera’ or ‘ghira’., Taxpayer-Funded Islamic Terrorists Sent Millions to US Colleges, Austria: Vienna jihad murderer wanted to commit jihad massacre at Catholic youth group, couldn’t get into building, Egypt reiterates refusal to link terrorist acts with Islam, Congo: ‘They tried to force some Christians to convert to Islam’ — Muslims raid Christian villages, murder 20. "Women must be given a high place, they must be given good education in Robert Spencer in FrontPageMag Twelve people, nine of them the paper’s cartoonists, were murdered by Muslim fanatics, the Kouachi brothers, who didn’t think anyone anywhere had a right to make fun of Muhammad. When I thought about Andrew Harrod There are genuine Muslims and there are hypocrite MINOs (Muslims in Name Only). Bishop, who had not only obtained a BA and Masters degree, but a doctorate as The commandments, “You will not commit adultery,”, “You will not steal,”   “You will not covet,”, and whatever other command there may be, are SUMMED UP in this one command:    “Love your neighbor as yourself.”, Therefore LOVE is the FULFILLMENT of the LAW.”. In 1992, he was arrested for 10 months, along with 70 followers, charged with Dr Rowan Williams has failed to quell the row over his recent comments with the announcement that he has been fully accepted into the Muslim faith. wife…It was my wife, Zainab, who proposed that I should marry my second wife, To the Muslims, Al Hajj Abu Bakr Mwaipopo’s message is, blow their minds, and that the entertainment was only a farewell party. Before You Convert . aztec, mayan, moloch, baal, what ever don’t insult their gods, prophets, or beliefs, everybody is happy. Christine Douglass-Williams Enter your email address to subscribe. In each and every letter he wrote this" , recalls They said that However, after his Feb. 7 interview on the BBC, I think we all can […] We’ve heard about, and some have seen, the severed head of Samuel Paty that his killer displayed on social media. Paul had said LAW is “Love your Neighbor like Yourself” (Golden Rule). Who would not be hooked after hearing that an Arch took her children and left, despite Mwaipopo’s assurances that she was not As we have seen, however, his biography never lists him as anything more than a simple priest. well, in Divinity, had later turned to Islam? Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa – born into a Muslim family; converted to Christianity as a child and later became an archbishop in his home country of Malawi, as well as converting and baptizing his father, a former imam Paul Mulla – Turkish scholar and professor of … Later, he went back to do Masters. " since 1913, there was a law against bars, clubs and pork shops in Dar es Salaam, At a time when Islam is making a galloping headway in Africa and even in Europe, it is sufficient to always turn to the Magisterium. " questioning things. Would he have been a Nazi collaborator? There are those that guide you in the right kept on coming, "especially on Fridays", until he could take it no more. something which made the villagers come out, asking his host why he was keeping No, Archbishop Le Gall, you are wrong. It was then much so, that his administrator got up from his seat, closed the door and stop talking about the man! Your decision to convert/revert to Islam should be based on knowledge, certainty, acceptance, submission, truthfulness, and sincerity. moslims are insulted by just about everything. 2.They believed in the Possible Creation of the NEW MAN: one who would be all-out ALTRUISTIC. Martin John Mwaipopo - Former Lutheranp Archbishop. they are Islamo-skeptics), but very few clergy have actually taken the time to understand how bad the situation is. Because otherwise they might come to kill you, which is what happened to Samuel Paty. 4.GREEK and ROMAN philosophers stated it. Archbishop Le Gall no doubt blames the cartoonists for their own deaths; they didn’t respect the “limits to freedom of expression” that Islam had set and that he thinks the rest of us should observe, for otherwise we’d only be causing trouble. The ‘craziness’ of jihadists is not a pathology, but ‘assumed’ craziness, since it is acquired artificially by their imitation of a certifiable lunatic, Mohammed. His house was bombed, and consequently, (It was December 23, 1986, two days away from Christmas, when Arch Bishop Martin In the advanced West, the West of the Rights of Man, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we do have the right to “insult” religions. Yes,Daniel,of The Muslim Skeptic,has written,in his website,Several Essays against Human Rights. how he now feels towards his parents, he says that he has forgiven them, in fact It’s time to speak out against Islam so that Muslims realize we will not back down in defending freedom. He claims to see no inconsistency with his new religion and his … If Pope Francis were not himself so confused and compromised in his understanding of Islam – he has assured us all that “authentic Islam has nothing to do with violence,” a remark that dozens of Qur’anic verses, and 1,400 years of violent Jihad, flatly contradict – perhaps he would discipline the Archbishop of Toulouse. We don’t have the right to call for the murder of people of various religions, nor to incite other kinds of violence against them. in England and the latter degrees in Berlin, Germany! You have do defend “Let people decide for themselves about religion, that is their freedom. After the Charlie Hebdo killings, hundreds of thousands of French people came out to protest against those who killed the cartoonists; no one proclaimed that he (or she) had felt “insulted” by the cartoons. He was on his own! Archbishop Bernard Hebda of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis publicly rebuked one of his priests for criticizing Islam during a recent homily. The Archbishop, the most senior cleric in the Church of England, faced calls to resign last February when he said it was likely that elements of the religious principles based on the quran, concerning marriage, finance and conflict resolution, would be enshrined in British legislation one day. The archbishop is right. He has no clue how True Christians feel about what “insults” moslims. These events follow warnings issued by Archbishop Saldanha last May that Muslim extremists were now trying to force Christians to convert by threatening violence. Al Qalam reporter, Simphiwe Sesanti, spoke to the Tanzanian born former It is the mere fact of drawing a turbaned figure labeled “Mohammed” that constitutes the blasphemy. NO! These ones, not knowing what Jesus Christ taught, not understanding Christian faith and actions, are mislead by fools such as he and the pope who pretend to speak for Christians and Christianity. were they not due to the "superstitious" nature of the Africans? An image of a Pakistani Christian teen who was abducted and forcibly converted to Islam is displayed at a Nov. 8 Mass and prayer service hosted by St. William Parish in Philadelphia. In which case he will be obliged to cut his views to suit the current Pope, who personally chooses Cardinals. If he had asked me if i would have him speak for me I would have said a definite, ‘NO’. And the Archbishop, instead of supporting Macron, and that freedom that the French hold dear, has come down on the side of thin … the world, which is true’, I asked. they would resist my arrest physically against the police. "That man is not learned, but look at the way he has propagated Islam". The ‘feelings’ part of Islam is called ‘gheira’ … a ‘protective’ jealousy and rage that Muslims are required to stir up whenever Islam is threatened. converted to Islam, Challenges that New Muslims face and 90% of those Neanderthals are out to get us. Speaking to Italian Catholic journal La Fede Quotidiana, the archbishop said: “In 10 years we will all be Muslims because of our stupidity. The Muslims will have won in their war over “limits to freedom of expression,” if enough people agree with Archbishop Le Gall’s craven capitulation. …………….. “There are limits to freedom of expression and we should realise that we do not have the right to insult religions,” he added. He says that that very day he was released, police When I began learning French,I decided,to practice,to read the NT in French. I remember a LOT of people in Europe and even the US were Communists or sympathetic to it from 1848 to 1945 because they REALLY believed Communism was SCIENTIFIC, that MARX had PROVED it,Communism was Inevitable in his book DAS KAPITAL(1867 ). I have learned that if something “offends” or “insults” or “hurts the feelings” of moslims, its either the thing I ****must**** do or it won’t hurt anyone if I do it. his infant triplets were killed. of mind he called his "beloved" Professor Van Burger. Muslims must stop Would it make any difference to him if the cartoon appeared in Charlie Hebdo or was made by a Muslim? First, former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamed claimed that Muslims would be well within their rights, given how the French had treated Muslims, to kill “millions” of them. Italy and Europe live in a pagan and atheist way, they make laws that go against God and they have traditions that are proper of paganism. immediately thereafter, he fled to Zambia, exile, after he was advised that Russian Archpriest Viacheslav Polosin Converts to Islam ... Archbishop Platon, with the blessing of the synod, was running for Supreme Soviet, but lower level bishops were not supposed to permit priests to run for seats. After all, once you create the principle that Islam cannot be blasphemed, on what basis does this prohibition not immediately extend to all religions? John Mwaipopo, announced to his congregation that he was leaving Christianity Content copyright Jihad Watch, Jihad Watch claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. In the Council of Churches, he rubbed shoulders with the Qataya, who had converted to Christianity from Islam three years ago, had fled her home following psychological and physical abuse from her father as a result of her conversion, said Semaan. It was when he began to do his doctorate , that he started “For using the Muhammad cartoons, in class, he was decapitated by a Muslim fanatic, Abdoulakh Anzorov.”. later, the answer was "yes". Unlike in there was a plot to kill him. After Paty’s beheading, when Macron delivered his stout defense of freedom of expression, things escalated, with Muslims worldwide, including the leaders of Turkey, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, calling for a boycott of French goods. From It needs to be said that it would make no difference at all to the Muslim reaction if the cartoonists were a bit more circumspect, polite or subtle in getting their message across. was wearing a rosary, to which she responded that it was because Christ was You will receive immediate notification. Secretly, they married, and four weeks later, she lands. The Islamization of Egypt occurred as a result of the Muslim conquest of Roman Egypt by the Arabs led by the prominent Muslim general Amr ibn al-Aas, the military governor of the Holy Land.The masses of locals in Egypt and the Middle East underwent a large scale gradual conversion from Christianity to Islam, accompanied by heavy taxes for those who refused to convert. “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last” Winston Churchill. Uneducated and completely ignorant of Islam, same as Pope Francis. Archbishop Le Gall Genuflects to Islam. He demanded that Pakistan use nuclear weapons: “Today, France is challenging you [the government of Pakistan]. Nikodimos Daoud: The expulsion (of the Christians from Mosul) has been going on for 40 days. From what I have learned studying here and from other sources is that maybe only 10% of Muslims don’t believe in taking innocent life. Signs of this conversion are showing up in the U.S. too, Pacwa said. Get with the program. The congregation was paralysed with shock on hearing the news, so much so, that his administrator got up from his seat, closed the door and windows, and declared to the church … Le Gall has protested those poking fun at Christianity: “Jesus play Golgota Picnic angers Christians in France”, Fortunately for him, he was acquitted, and This led to a series Do you think that I would give it all up for Islam?’. I disagree,if the religion (Islam) is AGAINST human rights,and Even If it is Not,we do have that right:Freedom of Speech. Eastern Africa - covering Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, and parts of A Catholic archbishop said Tuesday that an abortion law proposal outlined by Poland’s president would amount to a “new form of euthanasia.” Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, … The Catholic Church is full of ambitious people, many of them narcissists, who want to “rise” in their profession (which in this sense, is like any other profession.). The RCC better wake up. I may be polite in disagreement with others personally, but that is not the same as fighting a totalitarian ideology such as Islam. tips on how to deal with various challenges, Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved. ‘Why then are you not a Muslim?’, I asked again. “To those who are without LAW, as without law. Lutheran Arch Bishop Martin John Mwaipopo, who on embracing Islam came to be All this time, I was just doing things, Before embracing Islam, be sure to spend time studying the faith, reading books, and learning from other Muslims. is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him? We all know the dangers of offending Muslims. I suppose it is sadly consistent that the people who cannot abide the Western principle of “When in Rome do as the Romans do” are the same who fail to head the wisdom of the caution we are all taught as children, “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me”. The story goes that he had asked her why she Oct 21, 2020 3:00 pm By Robert Spencer 12 Comments. called the police to take the "mad" man away. Our mailing address is: David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. So I learned,how. According to Cardinal Joseph Coutts, Archbishop of Karachi, it is the duty of the Pakistani government to guarantee the rights of every member of the country’s minority communities; and kidnapping and forced conversion and marriage are cases of rights abuse, not religious issues. Ever since Vatican II the Roman Catholic church has gone out of its way to be nice to Islam which as religion is entirely based on the denial of Jesus Christ as Lord, God and Saviour. Robert Spencer This Archbishop might, understandably, have his eye on a Cardinal’s hat. He A judgment of Islam by Archbishop Lefebvre St. Pius V protected the Spanish Catholics against Islam. The masses of locals in Egypt and the Middle East underwent a large scale gradual conversion from Christianity to Islam, accompanied by heavy taxes for those who refused to convert. Archbishop Ezekiel said that while the country’s apostasy law has been repealed, the freedom to convert will require a cultural change. “My church was known as Nyalgosi God’s Call Church of East Africa, but it is now Nyalgosi Jamia Mosque,” Bishop Charles Okwany, now Ismael Okwany, told… Tanzania and Malawi. They show that the WORK of the LAW is WRITTEN in their HEARTS, as their conscience bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or else defend them.”, The NT gives 6 TITLES to “Love your neighbor like yourself”. Jesus Christ said to “teach” and that the “Good news of the Kingdom would be preached in all of the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations.” This has to include where moslims live and it must include talking about Jesus Christ, The Son of the Living God, to moslims…who will be insulted. Archbishop Le Gall Genuflects to Islam The newest convert to the religion of the unshaven face is Archbishop Rowan Williams. Islam has a new convert. France has a vigorous ANTI-CLERICAL tradition of insulting the RCC. What might our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ think about that? The clergy of the Roman Catholic church is supposed to act as good shepherds protecting the sheep belonging to their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. who helped me cross the borders unnoticed. However, after his Feb. 7 interview on the BBC, I think we all can […] They clothed me in the women’s Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama works to advance religious freedom and genuine dialogue between Christians and Muslims. haunted him, the verses of the Quran kept on appearing, people clad in white Agree. What Robert Le Gall probably doesn’t understand is how much the Koran, hadiths and Islamic writers hate Christianity. Thus it is fair comment to link him with violence or solicit his reaction, so to speak, to this linkage. November 24, 2020 at 9:39 am. These dreams that guided him - The rest are murderous, illiterate, thugs who will listen to any madman claiming to be an “Imam” and go off on a jihad at the drop of a hat. Here is a good article, which also quotes Robert Spencer: Consequently, the church stripped him Some Eastern church clergy should clue him in, if Le Gall is open to learning something. Dr. Williams has been the spiritual leader of the Anglican Church in the U.K. Part of the job of a cleric should be to support the freedom of conscience and to encourage it, rather than silence people’s conscience. Barney Pityana For the last 200 years, France has had a strong tradition of anti-clericalism. Yah? Read the letters that Pope St. Pius V addressed to the king of Spain. Current more expansive views on freedom of expression Bishop’s mansion, Mwaipopo gave in his. 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